Trance Moogle
12-17-2007, 02:40 AM
I have been reading the manga of Ranma 1/2 for probably two or three months. I usually read about a volume or more a week and I just finished it. I was wondering how they would so quickly come to an end to the series from where they last were and I was a little bit dissapointed in how it ended.

This part is a little spoiler of what happens so don't read if you don't want to know the ending:

I expected Ranma to actually get married to Akane instead of have to sort his problems out. I thought it would go like this: Ranma marries Akane, Ryoga marries Akari, Shampoo and Mousse marry for some reason, Ukyo lives together with that guy working at her shop, and everybody else figures something else out to do.

Anybody else feel a slight bit dissapointed by the ending also?

12-17-2007, 03:26 PM
I really can't say that I was disappointed in its ending, but that's mostly just because I didn't expect a good ending in the first place.

Twilight Spectrum
12-21-2007, 01:54 AM
You have perseverance, my friend. XD;

I read up until volume 20, maybe. And as funny as it was, it was just dragging on too long. It was one of those manga I could just pick up any volume of and understand it, anyhow. So I ended up reading the last few chapters. After how long the series went on, I don't think there WAS any ending that could satisfy the readers. >.>;

Trance Moogle
12-22-2007, 10:50 PM
I will admit that by volume 34 or so I was getting a little anxious to see how it ends and move on to a new manga finally. Now I'm reading Negima now. It's good so far.

01-07-2008, 01:36 PM
I have yet to finish it, myself (though I did finish the anime... but I must say that in all shapes and forms the manga is superior). At any rate, I've heard that Takahashi usually has trouble with her endings. As far as stuff she did before Ranma �, I've heard Urusei Yatsura had an open-ended ending (which I think might be what she was going for with Ranma � as well), though I've also heard that Maison Ikkoku is the one manga out of all that she's done to have the most satisfying ending. As for what's after Ranma �, there's... Inu-Yasha... which is so far her longest running manga but has yet no end in sight.

At any rate, though I haven't gotten to the end of Ranma � yet, I've read about it. It doesn't sound like anything happened to bring closure, I guess, but... I also don't want to pass judgement until I get there myself. Currently I'm at the point where Herb has been introduced and it seems like it's only getting better.