Divine Strike
04-21-2002, 04:51 AM
I think it is a fun game, Give your opinion about the game here, and "~Good game or Bad Game~" is just the main subject, if you need help with the game (any of them), feel free to post here....which I most likely will considering I am sorta new to RE,...by the way does anyone know where I can find the first and second RE, because I can not seem to find them.

Kool Ranch
04-21-2002, 05:19 AM
I've played a little bit of RE 2, 3, and CV and I liked them a lot. I really like games with a good atmosphere, and the RE series has some of the most ambient atmospheres I've ever experience in a game. I guess of all the ones I've played, RE: CV for Dreamcast is my favorite.

the one
04-21-2002, 09:43 AM
yeah these games are pretty good,i have completed RE 2 and nearly dun CV for PS2 until i gave up after i had left the fire extingusher in claires senario when i needed it to re-fill it and get the magnum in chris's.I swapped it in GAME to get �15 off of super mario advance 2 :cool:

04-22-2002, 01:50 AM
They're good. I havn't played any RE game that's bad. I've played 1, 2, 3, CV, Survivor. All of 'em are good. I can't say they're scary, but challenging and and fun. At night, maybe there're a few scary parts. I think 2 is probably the best. 1 is the most scary. I havn't finished CV yet though...

04-22-2002, 01:57 AM
I think they're terrible, but I've gone into that so many times here I hardly see the point of it all over again... to summarize, terrible control, terrible story, and boring gameplay. Atmosphere is nice I guess, but personally I like it when it accents a game, not when it's the only thing the game has going for it.

04-22-2002, 10:19 PM
I don't know why you would not like it, but that is your opinion, your loss. I think it is good. It is my favorite series aside from FF. I gave up on CV though, seems to different from all the others for me to get into. Even though they aren't scary, I still like figuring out the puzzles. I would say good game, but I have yo admit, the controls are pretty sucky, but awell:D .

Neo Xzhan
04-22-2002, 10:28 PM
I've played Resident Evil 1and2 for the pc, maybe it's me but I really suck in this game even at the first sceens of the game I get killed at least 5 times. The atmospere is very good but the difficulty is imo to high.

04-23-2002, 01:20 AM
I really love the series. It's pretty good, even the worst one in the series which is part 3, is still good compared to most of the games out there

Bahamut ZERO
04-23-2002, 09:33 AM
Resident Evil was entertaining in that it was the first in the series, and the first real survival horror game I can remember (though someone will tell me that Game X was older than Resident Evil and the true originator of the genre...) There were bits that scared the hell out of me in that game.

Resident Evil 2 was less scary, but more playable. It's lifespan was extended by you being able to complete the game with one character, save the game and then play through the other character's second scenario. Add in that walking terminator like zombie in the middle of the game that leapt out of no-where at random occasions, plus the two special missions with the soldier guy and the lump of Tofu (no kidding) and it was the best in the series.

Resident Evil 3, I bought, played through, completed, and then part exchanged. It was a case of "I've seen this all before." I haven't played Code Veronica, or Survivor, but I expect that the gameplay is more or less the game for Code Veronica, and I'm not the biggest fan of First Person Shooters, so I won't play Survivor.

I'd recommend playing the first two games, especially RE2. If only to see how the game extends out its storylines as I've explained for RE2 above. I would agree that the series has got "same old" recently.

04-26-2002, 06:18 PM
I don't like any of them. First off, the only times they are scary is when something pops up...otherwise, groaning, gimpy, living corpses arent that scary. And the fighting is ridiculous. But maybe thats because I like super-fast action games, but heres a basic run-down of a fight:

1. Enter through a door.
2. Ack! A zombie is coming.
3. Shoot at it, as it comes forward, at a horribly slow rate.
4. Either it dies, or, Uh oh, its close better run away!
5. Turn.................still turning..................(checks watch for time - bored as hell from the slow combat).................still turning...
6. OH NO ITS GOT ME I cant do anything until it finishes chewing on my neck!
7. Shoot it in the face. yay! 40 seconds of work to kill a zombie that left me half dead!

Yeah...boring. Boring, boring, boring.... that pretty much sums up the game... boring, slow

andy mercer
12-15-2002, 05:58 AM
they are to me some of the best games on ps, i've played re directors cut(really hard), re 2and 3 i've beat, and haven't played either one after :(

Vorn: Devourer of Worlds
12-27-2002, 08:37 AM
It depends what the context is here. From what I have played of Resident Evil -- which is only the Director's Cut -- it's a decent game.

As for it being a good horror game, that's a whole different story. Most of the frightening things in the game are jump scary things, like when the dog leaps through the window in RE : Director's Cut (and probably the regular version too) on PS. Big deal, any game can do that. Compared to Silent Hill, Resident Evil sucks as a game in general and as a horror game in particular. Silent Hill has a better story and is much scarier. And it's not just jump scary, either. It's ominous feeling scary, which is much harder to do and much more satisfying (if that's the proper word).

All in all, if you buy a game to be frightened, use Resident Evil as a doorstop or coaster.

David F
12-27-2002, 09:40 AM
Yea it�s all about the shock value if anything else�*shrugs* the series still rocks to me it�s the only reason I got a Gamecube in the first place to be able to play the GC exclusive Resident Evil games.

12-27-2002, 10:24 AM
Things that I like in RE is its killing sphere. I like to blow their heads and slice their limps with knife. I think that's quite enjoyable ^__^

Silent Hill has a better story and is much scarier. And it's not just jump scary, either. It's ominous feeling scary, which is much harder to do and much more satisfying (if that's the proper word).
Indeed, what else that makes you stunned when facing an undead creatures from other world, right? Zombie in RE are just caused by some bad "drunk" and it is just the same when we encounter a disease than can endanger our life.

But, beside all of these game, Fatal Frame is far more scary eventhough in order to exorcise the ghost you must take a picture of him/her using an old camera >_<

Anyway, RE is good for its "survival" horror . That's all

12-27-2002, 11:01 AM
I loved RE2. Great storyline and stuff. Claire is hot. RE1 wasn't all i thought it was. Bah, hardness. Didn't really play 3 much, Survivor was too easy, didn't play Code Veronica and 0 ain't out yet so yeah, one or 2 of em are good.

David F
12-27-2002, 06:32 PM
Originally posted by Kie

I loved RE2. Great storyline and stuff. Claire is hot. RE1 wasn't all i thought it was. Bah, hardness. Didn't really play 3 much, Survivor was too easy, didn't play Code Veronica and 0 ain't out yet so yeah, one or 2 of em are good.

You should play RE3 Nemesis more its like the most action packed of the entire series; zombies ever where 8 monsters vs you, it rocks.

Bus Driver
12-30-2002, 09:55 PM
I thought that RE 1-3 and Code Veronica were some of the best games ever. They are the best as ar as survival horror games go. I even enjoyed the RE remake on the Gamecube although the original will always be better.

I don't like the fact that RE is now exclusive to Nintendo, I think that's a load of crap. I could easily understand wanting to release the RE games for other systems. But what they did was just wrong. I mean they release over half the series with Sony and they get to the end and switch to Nintendo. Then to rub it in our faces they go remake the whole series for Nintendo.

01-03-2003, 07:12 PM
Resident Evil 1 was the best of them all. In my opinion. I mean, come on. It was a scary isolated mansion with no way out, cuz it was guarded by 'zombified dogs'. Then you later discover people who are also zombies. Armed with only a knife and a petty handgun, you have very little chance of survival. Imagine yourself in that situation wouldn't you be scared out your wits? I probably would...
Although, I also think RE2 was a very good game, the graphics were much better, as was the gameplay, and the longevity...but just not as scary as the first one.

As for the rest...nope. I'm not impressed. The graphics yes, the gameplay no. The thrills have gone. Just...not so challenging anymore.

01-03-2003, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by Riana
Resident Evil 1 was the best of them all.

I'll agree with you right there. I had a blast with RE1, but I was 12 when I first played, and that was back in a time where as long as it had a big name, I'd buy the game and love it.

I'll admit, I love the RE remake for GC. It's beautiful, in a very wrong sense, and far more challenging, and of course it brought back memories of my friends and I keeping up the neighbours all night with our horrified screams. But I never had an interest in any of the others. I always thought one RE was enough.

Ms. Shimizu
01-24-2003, 07:37 PM
I loved the first Resident Evil. You know a game is good when you start jumping and screaming at it ;)

01-28-2003, 06:16 AM
I am OBSESSED with Resident Evil. I LOVE part 2, when i have my rocket launcher i go on a killing spree. I have all the novels of RE and i've played almost all the games except for 0 and kinda part 1 but didn't really like it, i'm currently playing CV. The graphics are awsome. I think you might want to go to funco land or circut city the might have part on eand two, deppends on what system you want it for. I even have the movie that wasn't all what i expected it to be. I can't wait till part 2 comes out.

PS. pm me i'f you love RE as much as i do or you have any questions about the the whole thing like what happen to who? and find out if Ada is still alive.:eek:

02-10-2003, 05:52 AM
Originally posted by Kie
Claire is hot.

While I admit Claire is quite attractive, I always thought Jill was hotter than Claire. Plus, Jill is the Master of Unlocking...and that has major sex appeal...xD O.K. I have officially weirded myself out. xD

Anyways, played the series, love the series. Story r0x0r0z, so many plot twists it boggles m3h mind >_< ; I always get the next in the series just to know what happens to these individuals.

Divine Strike
02-11-2003, 02:07 AM
WOW! this thread of mine is still around HOLY SHI*T its almost as old as the new ffs ok so its about 5 months off well anyway its been forever since i've played this game still a great game although i need to beat it hmm...........

Off Topic: WOW Finally my 900th post i've been in the 880's -90's for months anyway its not that big of a deal so i'm shutting up now