Maxx Skywalker
12-15-2007, 10:01 AM
Here's the first five in my list of requests in coincidence with the rules. I checked, and double checked to see if the site had them, and it doesn't. I even checked Kingdom Hearts Insider, they didn't have them either.

I'm going to do them in alphabetical order from the games I've beaten that don't appear on either site (and I'll stay away from Donkey Kong, because I know that's a touchy issue here), and post them every good while. To start off, I have some relatively easy one's. I say easy, because their soundtracks aren't that big, so gathering them won't be much of an issue.

1. 007: Agent Under Fire - GCN, PS2, Xbox
2. Animatrix OST - ("Anime" OST available on CD for track listing)
3. Armorines: Project S.W.A.R.M. - N64 & PSone
4. Army Men: Sarge's Heroes - N64
5. Asphalt Urban GT - DS (Has a Sound Test, so that should make things a bit easier to rip)

That's all for now. Please get back to me if you can get these games onto the site, thanks. I'll assume that this thread is directed to Galbadia Hotel. If not, someone correct me before I make a fool of myself.

Oh, and if you could get the theme song for Nightfire, that'd be great. You know, the one with the lyrics from the very beginning of the game. You know, the traditional Bond song that is named after the title. I couldn't find it in the current list.

Maxx Skywalker
01-02-2008, 05:14 AM
I'm glad people are responding to this, perhaps I should have posted REQUEST list instead of wish list. Oh well. I'm going to keep this from going under the pile, so if you wish to help me, let me know.