12-11-2007, 07:53 PM
I've decided to make a thread for people who want to pick up something new but want to get some feedback before they dive into the series.

I haven't seen a topic like this lately, but I've been seeing alot of recommendations for some really old stuff and thought this might also be a good resource for people who just finished their current show(s).

So, to start off... has anybody seen 'Ookiku Furikabette'?

I am very VERY reluctant on picking up sport animes (most of them do not appeal to me and go straight to the 'not interested' pile). The only one I have ever picked up is Suzuka from 2 years ago - this one I can recommend.

Ookiku Furikabette is a baseball series in high school. It was from two seasons ago (spring 2007), so it's fairly recent.

So, if anyone managed to watch this show over the summer or whenever, drop a review, a rating out of so-many stars...

Hopefully, someone finds this thread useful.