gironimo appleton
12-11-2007, 07:21 PM
I've always been one of those creative, future-curious, let's glitch the whole world type of people. My mind was blown away when first saw Animatrix : Beyond a few years ago, and since that night I haven't been the same since. Since that night I've been on a subconscious, nonstop search for not only anime, but things that have the ability to blow me away like Animatrix:Beyond did. In fact, Animatrix:Beyond should become a series in itself but that's a whole 'nother monster and I'm not gonna bring it up again.

In every anime I watch, if there's a hacker in the anime, the hacker is automatically always my favorite character. That's why an anime called Battle Programmer Shirase is awesome, and the story is about a really, really, genius programmer named, obviously, Shirase. He's the best guy in Japan. He's hacking into mainframes with freaking cellphones, guarding against missle attacks etc. It's way off the awesomeness scale, that's why you haven't heard of it. Just avoid the intense references to pedophilia. FYI Sarah, this is NOT the good kind.

So yea, I've watched Cowboy Bebop, and I've watched the Ghost in the Shell, and I've watched the Serial Expiriments: Lain. All great anime, but they're not unpopular by far. Yet none of these have possessed the surreal dream-like quality of Animatrix: Beyond, which brings up my next recommendation.

Guys. Srsly. Nerds? Geeks? Get into Dennou Coil..

Dennou Coil is a fairly new series, but its focus is on kids who pretty much hack the planet, literally! I felt right at home when I kicked back at 2 AM the other night watching this on my laptop for the first time and one of the characters actually used the word "noob" in the correct context. The anime is mind blowing, and the first of its kind since Animatrix : Beyond, if you asked me. I'm on episode 7. It's on-going...

For now, this is all I have to say.

Ofcourse, what's the point of the lecture. Here's proof.



Sidenote: I'm not subliminally advertising sites. Animeepisodes is the only site I know who hosts BPS. For DC, I found a random site on the net that makes it possible for people to see now.

12-12-2007, 06:16 AM
hmm, probally one of my favorite ones is Yakitate Japan. its just so odd, being that into a show thats about bread, but the story draws you in, and belive it or not you actually can learn things!

12-12-2007, 06:58 AM
Hey! Here's somebody who thinks vaguely like me!

Yakitate!! Japan was the first anime I ever saw, and will most likely be an eternal favorite of mine.

EDIT: Oh, I forgot to mention that I've seen Battle Programmer Shirase. It was so enjoyable that I tended to overlook the pedophilia-related jokes. I just started watching Dennou Coil at your recommendation, and I'm definitely watching it through to the end.

gironimo appleton
12-12-2007, 08:31 AM
A friend got me into BPS about a year ago and I watched all of the episodes within a week's time. I've never heard of Yakitate Japan but I'm Googling it now. Gotta avoid those spoilers ;p.

12-13-2007, 05:54 AM
have any of you tried watching Seto No Hanayome?

I haven't seen the complete series yet, but its an interesting twist the the romantic comedy series.

12-13-2007, 05:59 AM
Ah, indeed, Seto no Hanayome was a good romantic comedy. I ended up feeling more sorry for the class chairman than any other character, sadly.

12-13-2007, 06:04 AM
and just out of curiousity has anyone here seen princess princess or Kannazuki no Miko

both of them are interesting.

and the poor class representative!

i still haven't finished Hanayome, i've been working on it, but my site collapsed before i could see the last few episodes.

01-07-2008, 08:23 PM
I've seen Kannazuki no miko
it's not one of my favourites but I think Himeko and Chikane are such a lovely couple ^^

i know the manga version of princess princess but i haven't seen the anime

Katsu Koneko
01-13-2008, 10:47 AM
Yesh Seto no Hanayome is a great series. xD I want to own it on DVD.

Let's see...

Hayate no Gotoku
Nagasarete Airantou
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
El Hazard
Fushigi Yuugi

And yeah. xD

01-13-2008, 10:56 AM
Hmm, let's see-- I've heard or seen parts of all of those except the last three. El Hazard looks pretty interesting, actually. I love this thread!

I didn't mention it before, but was I the only one bothered by the portrayal of blood in Seto no Hanayome? Not only was the color... strange, but the copious amounts kind of made me feel sick.

Katsu Koneko
01-13-2008, 11:38 PM
El Hazard was my second non-mainstream anime. I watched the last three on the International Channel now known as AZN channel like 4 years ago. xD I didn't mind the blood in Seto no Hanayome, I thought it was amusing. Hehe.

Oh yeah I got another one, Welcome to the NHK. X3

01-20-2008, 05:30 AM
Ok...Lets see, this is my kickoff on this great forum, and this thread got my attention, so...
I don�t know how unheard is this anime, but so far, even the op single is almost impossible to be find, its Platinumhugen Ordian, isnt that good up to ep 13, then it has a really sick twists and entire plot becomes really catchy, also great op