12-11-2007, 05:52 PM
Here the original score from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix game

Music Composed by James Hannigan

12-15-2007, 02:10 PM
Here the original score from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix game

Music Composed by James Hannigan


12-16-2007, 02:52 AM

12-23-2007, 01:17 PM
It's very bad they've pulled off all the references to John Williams Theme. Otherwise, it would have been one of the best videogame soundrack release of the year.

01-01-2008, 09:57 PM
Hmmmm... I really wish they hadn't done that, to be honest, although I can appreciate why they would... (Their licence with Williams' agent didn't cover using the music anywhere but in the media for which it was composed. Such licences are comparitively cheap to negotiate, but undoubtedly the extra money necessary to secure the right to directly include Williams' music on the album release would have made the whole thing financially untenable. I suppose we can gain a little solace from the thought that, without the Williams cuts, the whole score would have gone unreleased...)

So, we lose yet another performance of Hedwig's Theme. No great loss. The real losses are the original Hannigan compositions which incorporated it and other Williams melodies.

Sad though this is, at least it allows us to appreciate just what James Hannigan achieved - that his score stands up even when his Williams quotations are exorcised, is high praise indeed, and it's nice to be able to digest Hannigan's work in the context of an original piece of music - not "Variations on a theme of John Williams" - which it so easily could have become. How many composers would have thought, "Heyyyyyyyyy, I can use John Williams' theme! Great! Now I don't have to do any work, I can just repeat the theme again and again with different orchestrations and nobody will notice!" -- I'm thankful that Hannigan didn't do this, and that his incorporations of existing Harry Potter music were so stealthy and that he didn't completely rely on it...

Anyway, sorry, essay over - thanks for posting! :D

Lord MikE
02-24-2008, 02:09 PM
Here the original score from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix game

Music Composed by James Hannigan

The link doesn't work anymore... would you pleeeaaase upload it again? I really love the score from this game! thx!

08-25-2008, 10:16 AM
That's right! Too bad it's down now! The score sounds great. Hannigan did a way beter job on the game than Hooper did with the movie...

Leon Scott Kennedy
08-25-2008, 10:19 AM
That's right! Too bad it's down now! The score sounds great. Hannigan did a way beter job on the game than Hooper did with the movie...
Visculmania reuploaded it along with other HP Games Scores, search in the previous pages.