Desert Wolf
12-10-2007, 06:19 PM
Its been decided that were getting a Wii for the house this christmas. I played it once and it was good fun alright. My first choice would be a PS3 tbh but im willing to give the Wii a shot. Its sold out of pretty much every shop in the country though. I had to go to ebay for it and I ended up finding the cheapest one selling at �350. It was retailing in the shops at �270 before they all disappeared. Is it just Ireland or is anyone else experiencing the major shortage?

12-10-2007, 06:53 PM
It's pretty much everywhere. They're being produced in unprecedented numbers (1.8 million per month), but no one can keep them on shelves.

King of Boos
12-12-2007, 08:56 PM
I'll tell you this much, don't expect to find a WII in the hood. Take it from the King of Boos. You gotta search outside the city.

Trance Moogle
12-12-2007, 09:59 PM
sometimes I ask when i'm in a video game store if they have any in and I have never gotten the answer yes before. 1.8 million sounds like a lot but I guess when you think about the amount of stores wanting to get more in and people still trying to find them in stores (especially now around the holidays), it probably isn't enough to have a good shot at finding one in stores.

King of Boos
12-12-2007, 10:03 PM
Try a bigger enterprise like Meijers. That's where I got mine. And seeing its the holiday month, it would take a miracle to find one now.

12-16-2007, 01:50 AM
Thank god my Dad bought me my Wii at Target, it's REALLY hard to find at stores, I go to Best Buy, they are sold out, Wal Mart, they are sold out.

12-18-2007, 08:50 PM
I went to game stop to browse and this woman was complaining because she tried reserving a Wii. She called a place and apparently the game stop was supposed to have it. Thank god I'm too lazy to go out and attempt to buy a wii. haha although it would be nice if I had my own wii, I have friends who have wiis already so I figure when I hang out with them we'll use the wii