Jaddha man
04-20-2002, 10:11 AM
Hi Evreyone I need help with onething
I started a game on RPGmaker2k for some mounth's ago
and I just need to know how I do a start on the game there i wright what happend like:

Stories are Stroies and legends are legends, long time ago until a wizard named Octemus came to our world he geting older and smarter each year......... and on I need to know how im doing that sort of text and a just black backround It should look like a more better game!!!!!:confused:

04-20-2002, 10:25 AM
Well, not knowing too much about it (I mean you could've added a slight bit of more detail, but anyhow)..well, hmm...fonts/text:

Basic should be Times New Roman
For signs and background leeters should be like Courior (However you spell it), maybe Comic Sans, something unique..

As for the wizard, he gets smarter and wiser each year, right? Maybe he learns a lot about life and death....travesty of wars. Perhaps he attempts to dominate the world? Destroy it? Kill a paticular person? I'll edit this post tomorrow as it's 3 o'clock right now, and I'm dead tired...

Note: 400th post! J0Y!

04-20-2002, 05:09 PM
Black background.
You can choose an option in the evnt editor that is called "Fade screen" or something like that. It lets the screen get black. Tadaa. Just don�t forget to fade it in again after that.

And then, I could not make much sense of your post. Explain more clearly what you need to know.

04-22-2002, 01:07 AM
If you want your game to be a standard good vs bad guy, then determine who is going to be part of the good and part of the bad. Next, set up your heroes, they should be balanced and shouldn't be maxed out on all stats when they are at level 50 (which is the max)

Of course, you should tack on a good story.

Transparent Text boxes?