04-20-2002, 09:08 AM
note, the writing is very bad, as I'm taking this from a comic, and writing panel by panel is a bit different than regular fiction

the tale of FuchiGomada and the Scholarly Lion

There was a great lion beast that lived in the sea. He had
been idle for many years, and decided it was time to take up a new practice. So he visited the mainland and began eating old women. He enjoyed the taste and texture of the tougher meat of the elderly, but did not eat the males, because of superstition.

Many heroes of the day attempted to defeat the lion and
impede his pursuit of his new practice, but they could not, because the lion was large, and so the lion devoured them as well.

Eventually, the lion reached the home of FuchiGomada, and attempted to eat his grandmother. "Wait!" Proclaimed FuichiGomada. "Spare my grandmother! She is old, but we still enjoy her somewhat."

"Very well," said the lion, " I will test your knowledge of the
world in a week. If you prove yourself worthy I will spare the life of your grandmother."

Grateful for his chance, FuchiGomada set out to learn as much as he could. He met with the greatest minds and scholars of his day, and studied for the entire weekm until finally, on the day before the test, he had gained all of the knowledge known to the world.

Proud of his accomplishments, he went to tell his friends of the news. To celebrate his coming success, they decided to spend
the night in a valley, drinking sake and having a wonderful time.

He woke up two days later.

04-20-2002, 03:51 PM

Eh Rezo,Plz tell me...according to this story,Fuchi has gained all knowledge,right.But,a day before the test, he drinking a sake with his friend and sleep for two days....Doesn't that mean....his Grandmother has already been eaten by the lion? If true,I've to admit that this story is really funny.

Nice going Rezo! ^^

04-20-2002, 08:07 PM
<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">And I suppose the moral of the story is that knowledge doesn't mean much without the wisdom to know how to use it?

04-22-2002, 03:50 AM
Actually, I didn't really think of it having a moral. But. . . that one would fit it yes.


So now, that's what the moral of the story is.

11-12-2002, 02:00 PM
The Second Grand Legend of FuchiGomada

The tale of FuchiGomada and loyalty among friends

FuchiGomada had spent the majority of his life in the same rural town, and had a small group of very close friends. Gorinbo, a legendary chef, who could turn any set of ingredients into one of the finest dishes imaginable. Saeji, a master artist, who could pull any arbitrary image or feeling and create a perfect rendition of it with his ink. Finally, there was Que Zhun, a foreigner known for his peculiar fascination with pigs. Together with FuchiGomada, the most knowledgable man in the known world, they were quite a group.

When FuchiGomada looked to his friends, he knew he could count on each of them. Once, when his mother was sick, Gorinbo came to his home and created a soup that healed her. Saeji created a stunning reproduction of an ink drawing that FuchiGomada had defaced, and Que Zhun could lift the spirits of anyone when speaking of his love for pigs. FuchiGomada was never particularly useful for his friends, but it was assumed that he would be whenver it was necessary.

It came to pass that a neighboring warmonger had decided to extend his territory, and FuchiGomada's home town was among the list of his future conquests. An offer was made to each of the towns to give in willingly, and everyone would be spared. The current controller of the town was far too fearful of the warmonger to offer a defense for the town, so it appeared to not have much of a choice in the matter, and everyone was willing to concede defeat.

But not FuchiGomada. He had too much love for his hometown to give in so easily. He argued that it was better to fight to live as they had, or not at all. People were not won over easily, and so a party was planned. With Goronbo providing the food, Saeji responsible for the design and Que Zhun entertaining with his pigs, the populous was won over, and the town began planning its defense.

Drawing from his vast knowledge of the art of war, FuchiGomada soon came up with an excellent plan. He used his knowledge to create a perfect fighting art for the people to use, but this was not enough. Help was needed from an allied town , and it was also necessary to get the warlord's army into a frenzy for the plan to be effective. FuchiGomada decided that he would be the best person to make the plans with their neighbor, and his friends would rile up the warmonger's army. Timing was important, so it was decided that both things would be done simultaneously.

Goronbo attacked the army's food with foul seasoning, Saeji drew crude drawings mocking them, and Que Zhun sent in messenger pigs to let them know what town was the responsible party. The warmonger was furious and decided to prepare for an attack immediately.

Meanwhile, on his way to the neighboring town, FuchiGomada spotted a rare bird, and decided to capture it. Persistent as he was , he followed it for the majority of the day, until he found himself lost in the woods.

11-12-2002, 05:39 PM
<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">I was wondering where the hell you were going with that. XP

Poor FuchiGomada.

11-13-2002, 06:48 AM
I like FuchiGomada stories.

11-18-2002, 01:31 PM
this one dragged on a bit x_X. anyways, no more FuchiGomada for a while. . .

The third grand legend of FuchiGomada

the tale of FuchiGomada and the perils of the young master

FuchiGomada, the most knowledgable man in the known world, and developer of the most potent fighting art in existence, had come to take up a home in a valley far off from any civilized territory, after spending a rather large amount of time wandering about the woods. He had created a nice little home for himself with a farm on the side, and went out hunting whenever he had a taste for meat, but primarily, he spent his time meditating and developing his martial art. Developing the ability to put his mind at perfect ease, with no thought to be found within, and perfecting the power and control of his aura.

One morning, when he went out to pick the vegetables for the day, he found a young boy, nearly nine, lying outside. This was a rather curious thing, he thought to himself, and he took the boy in, inquiring as to how the boy had arrived.

"The last thing I remember," said the boy," is heading out to play at a pond with some friends."

FuchiGomada found this even more curious than the boy's strange appearance, but he decided he could do no more than to take the boy into his home and care for him.

A decent amount of time passed, and FuchiGomada began to look upon the boy as the young master of his estate, though they had no servants. He passed on his considerable knowledge , being the most knowledge man in the world, to the boy,and he passed on his martial art, being the creator of the most potent martial art, to the boy. He also instructed him in how to tend the farm, and used him as an assistant when hunting. In this manner, they lived for several months.

Then, during one outing, they noticed several curious red things flying overhead towards their home. Not minding this, they continued their work for the day until they had found a sufficient amount of food, at which point they headed back home.

Upon their arrival, they saw an odd character waiting outside for them.

"I have come for the boy," One said, after having greeted FuchiGomada and the young master. "I was sent by his parents.Thank you for caring for him for so long."

The boy stayed back, not sure of how to respond. FuchiGomada stepped forward to question him, but just as he did, he spied two red creatures hiding in trees in the distance. Noting this, he stepped up to the man and said, "Do not attempt to decieve me. I find you to be under the bewitching of Tengu*�, and I will not allow the young master to be harmed in any of their games!"

Hearing this, the Tengu sprang quickly from the trees and spirited the man away into the distance towards the mountains. The boy was very fearful now, for Tengu were not something to take lightly, and FuchiGomada soon realized that the Tengu were likely responsible for the boy's strange appearance in front of his home.

The following day, FuchiGomada and the young master went out to hunt once again. After FuchiGomada launched an arrow at their prospective dinner, it abruptly changed its path and headed for the boy. The young master was quick enough to dodge the arrow, and it found itself lodged in a tree. This was the work of the Tengu , they thought, but they were also determined to find a meal for the day. Eventually, it was decided that the young master should position himself near the prey, and move out of the way at the proper moment so that the arrow did strike true. This was done, and it was successful. In this manner did they handle the first peril set upon them by the Tengu.

That night, FuchiGomada recieved a message from the Tengu in a dream. They were taunting him, but he did not back down, and boasted of how their plan was a failure. The Tengu did not like this, and set about to create a much more dangerous plan for the next day.

The following day, FuchiGomada and the young master found themselves in the field near the house training. Things were going along normal enough, until they noticed the rocks and other things come up from the ground and dart towards them. Troublesome for a regular person, perhaps, but FuchiGomada and the young master struck each object that found their way to them , saving themselves from harm. In this manner did they handle the second peril set upon them by the Tengu.

That night, FuchiGomada recieved another message from the Tengu in his dream. They were a bit more irate now, telling FuchiGomada that his luck would not laugh. FuchiGomada merely laughed at this, and asked them to fling rocks at them once again, for it was very good practice.

The Tengu decided that they must control the mind of FuchiGomada directly if they were going to have any success against him, and they endeavored to do so the following day. However, at the moment they attempted to enter his mind, FuchiGomada noticed it, and made his mind blank after motioning to the young master to do the same. Inside their heads, the Tengu had found nothing to control, which was a shock to them, and they were at a loss as to what to do. In this manner did FuchiGomada and the young master handle the third peril set upon them by the Tengu.

The Tengu decided that the time for mischief had passed, and decided to come upon the house of FuchiGomada en masse and destroy everything there. They told FuchiGomada this and mocked him for foolishly thinking he had a chance against them. FuchiGomada realized that he would not have enough time to create a plan to deal with them, and so he struck up a bargain. He would supply them with a sufficient amount of food in exchange for letting him and the boy go. The Tengu enjoyed this development and agreed to it. They told him that he must grow an amount of crops that exceeded what his farm could handle by great measure, and they set the date for winter, when he would have the hardest time managing any crops. In this way they could muse over his despair before their final victory.

Thankful for the time, FuchiGomada and the boy tapped into their vast well of knowledge , and eventually came up with a scheme to increase the amount of crops they could grow in the limited area, and a means to do so in the wintertime, by being more selective of what they did grow. Unfortunately, in order to be successful, they could not consume anything growing outside, and so a seperate crop was created indoors for their use. The day before the Tengu were to come and take their prize, FuchiGomada and the young master gathered the exact amount of fruits and vegetables, and set them outside in containers. They then went inside to celebrate their success over the Tengu with a feast. They devoured all of their own supply of vegetables, along with rather large portions of meat, until they had nothing left, but this did not matter. They could find more food the following day. They played games through the afternoon and towards the evening, until finally getting to sleep.

That night , FuchiGomada arose rather hungry, and headed outside to grab something to eat.

*� -Tengu are mythical japanese creatures. There are two types, the one featured in this story is a large bird/humanoid creature that lives in the mountain regions up in trees. They are known for abductions and exacting humurous/deadly punishments on anything that crosses their path.

11-19-2002, 05:21 AM
<font face="lucida calligraphy" size="2">This one seemed quite predictable, perhaps since you just recently posted a FuchiGomada story... maybe he should have succeeded this time, as that would've been a more suprising ending?

11-19-2002, 07:03 AM
if they were going to end any differently, they wouldn't be FuchiGomada stories. . .


11-22-2002, 04:51 AM
FuchiGomada should have messed up a more creative way, though. I mean, in the first one, he got drunk so he missed the thingie. In the second, he got distracted by a rare bird. Those were things that you can understand him being distracted by. Yeah, it's foolish of him, but it's evidence that even the smartest people can be fools sometimes. In this story, he was just being a shithead. It's hard to believe the smartest man in the world would make such a simple and obvious mistake =\