12-09-2007, 06:04 AM
Want to destroy emerald without a fight, needing practically nothing?

I suggest doing this the long way by getting all 3 characters hp to 7777.
the alternative is to get 1 to that, and have the other 2 dead before you start the battle and use life 2 in order to resurect them to 7777.

more than 7777 hp
Enemyskill x2 with Whitewind and Laser ( demi2 / or the item)
Optoinal: (to ensure a massacre)
Quadra magic
Comet x2 (both with Comet2)
Sneak attack
mime x2
Equip Character 1 with Manipulate and Mini.
Equip Character 2 with Enemyskill.
Equip Character 3 with Enemyskill.

Now get in a fight around the chocobo farm usually thoes birds.
cast mini on him and then manipulate him so when necessary he can do 1 dmg.
With the monster completely disabled cast laser/demi2 or the item that has the same effect.
Loweing character 1 and 2 down to 1hp and character 3 as close as possible to 154.
If you are under 154 use white wind with character 2 untill you reach 154.
If character 2's hp is getting to high simply laser/demi2 back to 1hp.
Once you reach 154 make sure both other characters are back to 1hp.
Then cast laser/demi2 once more on character 3, leaving him at 77.
Now cast Whitewind with character 3 putting him to 154 and the other two at 78.
Cast laser/demi2 once more on character 3 leaving him at 77 again.
And use the manipulated monster to do 1 damage to both other characters.
Now with all characters at 77 finish off the manipulated monster.
Use high potions untill your life is at 7577 and then 2 potions on all 3 characters. SAVE!
Now hop on over to your submarine and find emerald weapon.
If he's hard to find surface and submerge a few times.
I havent tried it personally but you should just kill him with the rampage of all 3 characters.
But if not thats what the optional materia is for.

Character with 7777: (comet/quadra magic) (comet/sneak attack) (w-magic) (life2)
other character: (mime)
remaining character: (mime)

life2 is if you only got 1 character to 7777. use life2 on both other characters to revive them to 7777.
granted that is only if they have max hp higher than 7777.

now with the materia set up you should cast comet2 4 times.
comet2 hits 4 times, quad casted is 16*7777 124432 i believe.
now with your turn already to go you shuold be able to cast it again using w-magic.
4hits 4 times twice. (4 x 4) x 2 = 248864. mime. mime. if you got it.
if he survivies your game is glitched just quit

someone else wanna try that and let me know if it works as well as it did for me?
email me at [email protected] and please make the subject Final Fantasy 7.

J. Peterman
12-09-2007, 10:48 AM
guys here's my strategy

Emerald Weapon is a stupid piece of junk.

It will die if you stare at it for twenty minutes.

12-09-2007, 09:03 PM
That's true you know.

12-09-2007, 10:54 PM
Good strategy, but i didnt really do all that b4 i beat him.

Neo Xzhan
12-09-2007, 11:55 PM
You don't really need a "strategy" to beat him. Just attack him till he dies will suffice. The easiest way is to cast a Demi linked to All.

12-10-2007, 03:32 AM
no but you can do all this as soon as he pops up in disc2. and if you use the 7777 strat you can keep all 3 characters on 7777 to make battle square even easier since you keep your stats there, just avoid cure half hp and break support materia.
and if you use w-item between the 2 chosen items Lucky 7 will resume, never using up ur time. so you always get first attack if ur fast enough choosing.

12-10-2007, 05:55 AM
Emerald Weapon.. The reason why I quitted FF7. I had lost more than 10 times in a row against the Emerald Weapon.

12-10-2007, 08:51 AM
no but you can do all this as soon as he pops up in disc2. and if you use the 7777 strat you can keep all 3 characters on 7777 to make battle square even easier since you keep your stats there, just avoid cure half hp and break support materia.
and if you use w-item between the 2 chosen items Lucky 7 will resume, never using up ur time. so you always get first attack if ur fast enough choosing.

Okay...first of all, why are you posting a 'strategy' that you've never even tried? Secondly, why are you posting such a pointless 'strategy' in the first place? Thirdly, nearly all the "optional" stuff isn't even available until at least way late in disc 2, including W-Item. By the time you acquire most of it, you should be able to wipe the (ocean) floor with him anyway. When solo level 7 Tifa kills and solo Cloud (no materia) kills are possible, this just seems absurdly tedious.

J. Peterman
12-10-2007, 09:54 AM
guys here what i did

counter-4x slash counter-slash all counterx12




12-10-2007, 05:28 PM
I used my real-life magic to edit the programming of the game, causing the Emerald Weapon to a splode suddenly.

12-10-2007, 05:45 PM
I used Mime. Not that creepy, deviant bastard who thinks he's a person, either.

It was materia.

12-10-2007, 06:41 PM
I just insulted Emerald's mom. It went down faster than the Jamaican bobsled team.

12-10-2007, 09:32 PM
why are you posting such a pointless 'strategy' in the first place?

12-11-2007, 05:12 AM
i garentee there's ppl who havent beatin him, and you dont need the optional stuff in order to beat him obviously. and what i hadn't tried was all 3 with lucky 7's i just did 1, and killed him with alot of materia to help lvl it up. correct me if inm wrong but isnt air tram powered by your materia? if thats true he was doing 9999 to me every time he did it on his 5th turn.

12-11-2007, 05:16 AM
Seriously? No one cares that you came up with a strategy for a 10-year old game. Get with the times.

J. Peterman
12-11-2007, 07:16 AM

12-11-2007, 04:05 PM
i garentee there's ppl who havent beatin him, and you dont need the optional stuff in order to beat him obviously. and what i hadn't tried was all 3 with lucky 7's i just did 1, and killed him with alot of materia to help lvl it up. correct me if inm wrong but isnt air tram powered by your materia? if thats true he was doing 9999 to me every time he did it on his 5th turn.
And I can definitely guarantee that people won't need to follow this strategy to beat him.

12-11-2007, 04:46 PM
no but you can do all this as soon as he pops up in disc2. and if you use the 7777 strat you can keep all 3 characters on 7777 to make battle square even easier since you keep your stats there, just avoid cure half hp and break support materia.
and if you use w-item between the 2 chosen items Lucky 7 will resume, never using up ur time. so you always get first attack if ur fast enough choosing.

I think the time you spent leveling up to be able to get to 7777 would outdo going later when you can just kill him easily. Also if you plan to use w-item on him you need to have gone to midgar, meaning you're into disc 3, not the beginning of disc 2.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
12-12-2007, 09:28 PM
Quadra/W-Magic Demi1. Mime. Rinse, repeat.


Of course, neither weapon morphs into anything; but it's cool to say you did it to prove that fact :D

12-12-2007, 09:30 PM
Secondly, why are you posting such a pointless 'strategy' in the first place?

12-17-2007, 08:09 AM
Seriously? No one cares that you came up with a strategy for a 10-year old game. Get with the times.

Hey! I come up with new strategies for Master of Magic all the time... Then again, I don't brag about them before I test them, but I digress.

The "3 Lucky 7777's" plan does not work. For one thing Lucky 7777 only activates at first innitiative, and it's considered the second innitiative immediately after the first one is finished. I've tried this one before, After Cloud finished with his massive barrage, Yuffie and Vincent were amazingly not following suite. Apparently you only get one Lucky 7777 per combat...

12-22-2007, 02:26 PM

12-22-2007, 07:36 PM
Uhh... yeah, that was either doctored, or the person used a cheat.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
12-22-2007, 09:15 PM
Uhh... yeah, that was either doctored, or the person used a cheat.

Or you lack the ability to read the video description.
Vincents ultimate weapon does damage equal to the kills he's performed. Guess what the 16bit integer limit is? 65536.
Once you kill 65537 enemies with Vincent, every shot he fires is an instant kill; because thats the only way the game knows how to deal with it.

12-22-2007, 09:56 PM
guys here's my strategy

Emerald Weapon is a stupid piece of junk.

It will die if you stare at it for twenty minutes.

I spent 5mins laughing at this.

12-23-2007, 07:13 PM
Or you lack the ability to read the video description.
Vincents ultimate weapon does damage equal to the kills he's performed. Guess what the 16bit integer limit is? 65536.
Once you kill 65537 enemies with Vincent, every shot he fires is an instant kill; because thats the only way the game knows how to deal with it.

Yeah, that's called a bug... and exploiting a bug is called cheating. lol.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
12-23-2007, 09:56 PM
I personally think spending the time getting that many kills with Vincent contitutes a bigger investment into the game than doing it the normal way.

12-24-2007, 12:54 AM
Vincent's Ultimate Weapon Death Penalty = Maximum Suckage

12-25-2007, 10:23 PM
I concur...even after fighting with him in the party for almost 50 hours, the Outsider still has more fire power than that piece of shit...