04-20-2002, 01:41 AM

I beat FFX a month ago and was dissatisfied.
I knew that Tidus whould need to leave Spira...oooh great ending.
If Tidus's dad was sin and Tidus was a dream, wasnt Jecht a dream also,so how would something of the fake world disrupt the real world.
1 more question....wasn't Yuna suppossed to die?

lone wolf
04-20-2002, 04:56 AM

ok, i don't mean to be rude or anything, but why play if you are not really going to pay attention, yunalesca was killed by your people, and she was the one whom made the last aeon from one of your team members,, so since they killed her, their was no final summon so she did not have to give her life, and second of all, jecht was not a dream and neither was tidus, everything was a dream of the faith, so a dream can destroy a dream, none of it was real, and if you new that Tidus needed to make it back, then why play the game at all, next to yuna's pilgramige, that is one of the main story lines, how to get him home,

you can't cherp a game if you don't understand it

peace:cool: :notgood: :notgood: :notgood:

Blade 2
04-24-2002, 04:11 AM

So how do you explain Tidus disappearing at the end? If it was a dream and the Fayth all woke up, then wouldn't everything fade out of existence because they were no longer dreaming?

The way I see it is that Yu Yevon, of course, is a Fayth, and it was his dream for his Aeon to go out into the real world and destroy all of the others so he would be the only Fayth. So, Zanarkand would be a dream, and it was the dream of Yu Yevon for a character in the dream to manifest into the real world and become his Aeon. Yu Yevon's Aeon could go into both reality and the sub-conscious to destroy all life because he is evil.

The Fayth had to entrust their powers into summoners because they were still dreaming of Zanarkand and could not wake from their slumber.

Come on, if everything was a dream, wouldn't all of the Fayth be able to control it? So then, every time Sin destroyed something, they could just dream it back into existence, now wouldn't they?

04-25-2002, 02:43 AM
No.. Yuna wasn't supposed to die because if she did then this game would've been a waste playing,Tidus wasn't a dream like lone wolf said it was the dream of the fayth... um.. does this help?

04-26-2002, 03:31 AM
Originally posted by ShadowNINku

so how would something of the fake world disrupt the real world.


the reason jecht distrupted the real world was because sin was the path to becoming somewhat reality (i think). this is because sin exists in both the dream (zanarkand) and in the real world (spira). once sin was destroyed what was brung to the real world "left". that is why i think the dream never ended, just what was brung into spira. for this reason they could also still make a sequel, and it would make sense.

ps sorry if u dont understand, its hard to put into words. and this is my theory it wasnt said in the game.

04-26-2002, 06:15 PM
This is the way it is

Tidus = Dream

Jecht = Dream

Sin = Evil

Yu Yevon = Incredibly strong summoner who was also the King of Zanarkand and summoned Sin to destroy it. He no longer has thoughts, and as you saw in the end, doen't even resemble a hhuman anymore. All he wants to do is destroy.

Dream = The dream is the Zanarkand that you saw on top of Sin's head. untouched and still alive and well. That's why Yu Yevon destroyed Zanarkand in the first place, to preserve it with Sin. To keep it the same for eternity (which is the premise for the Yevon religion. Keep doing things the same way they've been for ever). :D

I'm a little confused as to how Jecht and Tidus can effect all of Spira when they are just dreams, though. I guess it's the only way the creators could explain everything. I think toocool is on the right path about that :confused:

05-01-2002, 05:12 PM

Zanarkand = dream of the fayth.
All the people in and from it (including Tidus and Jecht) = dream of the fayth.

As stated in the game Yu Yevon was a summon, or THE summoner. He lived only for the summoning. There was a great war between Zanarkand and Bevelle.
The Hymn of the Fayth was actually a song sung by Zanarkand AGAINST Bevelle. Hence how Tidus remembers it.
Yu Yevon Summoned Sin and it destroyed Zanarkand. The fayth not wanting their beloved homeland to die became fayth, and started dreaming. Thus you get the Zanarkand that Tidus is from.
Jecht and Tidus can effect the real world because as stated by the fayth.
"You are a dream, but maybe more. A dream touched by Sin."
This being touched by Sin has given Tidus and Jecht a hold on reality, this is why we see Tidus going to the farplane with Auron, Jecht, and Braska at the end.
How they are reviving him for the sequal I don't know. I'm sure they'll think of something.
No I don't think him swimming in the ocean in the last scene is him revived. The fayth tell them (if you go back to each temple and talk to them after you get the airship). That they will make him an ocean to swim in. I think this is a realization of that promise.
This is just my personal theory though based on info presented in the game. The story of the war between Zanarkand and Bevelle can be heard from the wandering scholar (can't remember his name) at the base of Mt. Gagazet after you get the airship.

05-01-2002, 07:20 PM
Please Don't spoil it for those who havent finished the game...I have but i liked the ending except when tidus had to leave.... That was sad....

05-01-2002, 07:28 PM
yuna did belived that she was ment to die but it was all ok in the end i gess.

05-02-2002, 02:28 AM
Yes... I kinda felt sad that she was supposed to die, but that's the way it goes... and that wandering scholar I think his name was Maechen-I think.....:confused:

05-04-2002, 06:46 AM
Mystery Man
I agree with everything except the part when you said that the fayth dream of Zanarkand to preserve it. The only reason they dream of Zanarkand is b/c they are forced to. If they wanted to preserve it, they wouldn't ask you to kill Yu Yevon and end thier dreaming.

Miyati Guado
05-08-2002, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by TheUltimate
Mystery Man
I agree with everything except the part when you said that the fayth dream of Zanarkand to preserve it. The only reason they dream of Zanarkand is b/c they are forced to. If they wanted to preserve it, they wouldn't ask you to kill Yu Yevon and end thier dreaming.
I totally agree with you in your opinion.;)

05-08-2002, 10:32 PM
I think that they wanted to preserve it at first, but after 1000 years they are just getting too taxed to keep it up. They want to stop dreaming so they can "rest". I'm pretty sure it says that's why they want to stop somewhere in the game.

05-08-2002, 11:50 PM
yep yep

They voluntarily began to dream up Zanarkand, to preserve it as a memory, and they ended up getting tired and wanting rest......

It says so right in the game, I of the fayths tells you........

Also.....who could force them to dream? How?

Vorn: Devourer of Worlds
05-10-2002, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by Mystery_Man

The Hymn of the Fayth was actually a song sung by Zanarkand AGAINST Bevelle. Hence how Tidus remembers it.

I don't know for sure about the other stuff, but I know that this isn't exactly true. The rivalry between Bevelle and Zanarkand was probably where Jecht got the tune, which he was always singing. That's how Tidus learned it, if you remember. If it was as you said it, then Jecht wouldn't have been affected by it when everyone starts singing it at the end of the game.