12-08-2007, 10:38 PM
Yes, the European publisher Rising Star Games will release the japanese version, with a lot less blood in it, of No More Heroes in Europe. When asked if this had to do with the treatment Manhunt 2 recieved in the UK, they answered "Maybe".

So thats it for those of uf Europeans who have been longing to slice people in half and watch the blood...well, explode out of their bodies. If anyone would want to try and make them change their mind and let us have the uncut version, please sign this petition:

If they don't release the original version, I guess I'll have to do some..."Unauthorised modifying", as Nintendo calls it, on my Wii, and get the US version. No use getting this game if there is no blood in it :(

12-10-2007, 01:26 AM

I'm in 929 :D