12-08-2007, 09:00 PM

What is ffshrine (Final Fantasy Shrine)?

~FFShrine was created not only by someone else, but other contributors from various members around the world for players wanting to write their own rants. It is not intended for a place to "complain", but more of place where any players can write anything they like to let other players know without been banned, ignored, or moderated out, so you can post whatever you like.

~The world of Final Fantasy XI is indeed a wonderful game and place to step into the world of Vanadiel. The game may be enjoyable, but we will come across players who try to ruin the game for the rest of us by means of flamming, accusations, or other types of malicious behavior.

~Introduction of flamers

Flamers coming in all different types of groups in psychology in essence to attempt to destroy, disrupt, or initiate any types of activities being a complete obstacle to an individual or others. Here… you will find various types of flamers that you can understand and deal with. However, a lot of the time flamers will go so far taking certain measures to manipulate certain situations and circumstances.


Since the the nerds closed my biography site, made this one that is unbannable or able to close it. Enjoy.

12-10-2007, 03:57 PM
Didn't we already tell you to fuck off once?

12-10-2007, 08:55 PM
Enjoy what?

Darth Revan
01-08-2008, 04:44 AM
Feiiwong, you tried something like this before, and all it got you were flames (Amongst other things). Why try and pull this crap again? Talk about being a glutton for punishment.

01-08-2008, 02:54 PM
He hasn't been back since he posted this thread a month ago.

01-23-2008, 08:28 AM
I'm a reasonable and liable person. Why do people hold grudges of nothing? Why does rivalry seem to be the case?

01-23-2008, 11:12 PM
Go away, seriously.

Darth Revan
02-02-2008, 04:53 AM

What is ffshrine (Final Fantasy Shrine)?

~FFShrine was created not only by someone else, but other contributors from various members around the world for players wanting to write their own rants. It is not intended for a place to "complain", but more of place where any players can write anything they like to let other players know without been banned, ignored, or moderated out, so you can post whatever you like.

This is true, but you must also be prepared to accept the rebukes from others, whose views may differ from your own. Remember, the Internet is a big place, and with millions of people using it, in one form or another, so you have to be prepared to take other people's criticism.

~The world of Final Fantasy XI is indeed a wonderful game and place to step into the world of Vanadiel. The game may be enjoyable, but we will come across players who try to ruin the game for the rest of us by means of flamming, accusations, or other types of malicious behavior.

This sort of thing has happens in every MMO. No matter what sort of precautions or whatever you take (Like making a list of flamers/jackasses), it won't stop those sort of people from playing MMO's just for the sole purpose of being idiots. I've played quite a few MMO's, and I've encountered a lot of people who act in the way described above, but I don't let it interfere with my enjoyment of playing the game.

~Introduction of flamers

Flamers coming in all different types of groups in psychology in essence to attempt to destroy, disrupt, or initiate any types of activities being a complete obstacle to an individual or others. Here� you will find various types of flamers that you can understand and deal with. However, a lot of the time flamers will go so far taking certain measures to manipulate certain situations and circumstances.

You find people like this everywhere you go, and not just online. My advice? Just ignore them. As soon as you respond to any of their taunts or what like, they'll keep coming back and having shots at you, because they know they've gotten under your skin and bugged you.

By posting a list of flamers, all you are going to do, is to encourage them even more.