12-08-2007, 02:50 PM
Maybe it's me who is overreacting, but it seems like over and over again in the request thread that people are requesting without even taking the time to perform a search. I've seen lots of requests (good examples are Street Fighter or Gundam) where the file has already been uploaded and I've found using search. It just gets really annoying to see someone who comes in to make requests when the files already exist. Then again, does anyone really read the "sticky"s? I guess that goes for any forum too. But I just find it so aggrivating when you answer a request and right away someone else asks the exact same question again. I guess some are just impatient when looking for their fave soundtrack.

12-08-2007, 05:19 PM
Which search function ?

Jokking.. that's right, newcommers does not even read the rules or are simply too lazy to do a search. Like there are ton of request posts on the download links forum.

But that does not surprise me.. there seems to be more and more poeple that join the FFshrine forum without knowing Galbadia Hotel..

Something is going wrong here ;)

12-08-2007, 05:26 PM
Which search function ?

Jokking.. that's right, newcommers does not even read the rules or are simply too lazy to do a search. Like there are ton of request posts on the download links forum.

But that does not surprise me.. there seems to be more and more poeple that join the FFshrine forum without knowing Galbadia Hotel..

Something is going wrong here ;)

That's soo true. Newcomers should automatically be directed to the stickies and rules after registration, right?

12-08-2007, 05:36 PM
Which search function ?

Jokking.. that's right, newcommers does not even read the rules or are simply too lazy to do a search. Like there are ton of request posts on the download links forum.

But that does not surprise me.. there seems to be more and more poeple that join the FFshrine forum without knowing Galbadia Hotel..

Something is going wrong here ;)

I often wondered about that too, but it seems you can find FFS from search engines. This I did not know, as I found this through GH. But you'd think that if using a search engine would weild results to get here, why not keep searching? I guess it's like finding a store but not asking for help (a pointless effort at times, especially during holidays).

12-08-2007, 06:00 PM
I've noticed that a lot, too...I try to kindly direct them to the search feature, mentioning that several of their requests have been uploaded already, and they would have gotten them faster if they'd looked a bit first.

12-08-2007, 07:09 PM
Well what can ya expect from a forum that has 100% of leechers and 20% of contributing users.

12-08-2007, 08:39 PM
That's soo true. Newcomers should automatically be directed to the stickies and rules after registration, right?

That's not a bad idea.

12-08-2007, 11:24 PM
This could go in the direction of the "Leechers" threads. Basically, for every answer we come up with, there's always a way around it, isn't there. And flaming doesn't help anyone, only searving to hinder a positive reputation. The only solution I can think of if the request is way too easy to find, is to not even answer at all, but if I don't, someone else will. Also, answering is a good way to up your post count, so really, other than a huge sticky (redirection isn't a bad idea either) which says SEARCH FIRST instead of Read The Rules, seems like it's just going to keep going like this.

Bad Buffalo
12-10-2007, 08:49 AM
I read some of the stickies, but I use the search engine a ton. :\

12-10-2007, 10:40 AM
I used the search many times for Jedi Power Battles, Digimon World III, Tomb Raider Anniversary (guess which one of those was actually on here then) - it's my rule anyways on any forum - don't make a thread if another just like it or offering what you're trying to find exists.

12-10-2007, 05:03 PM
When I want a soundtrack I first check Goron Moron's topic (how do you mean, advertising), and if it ain't there I use the search button!