12-08-2007, 09:26 AM
what genre would you consider the music from this trailer?


There are so many diffrent genres and I am not sure what to classify this under. Can anyone assist?

12-08-2007, 08:58 PM
Well, the answer to a question like that is going to be largely subjective. Genres are secondary, sometimes arbitrary classifications that spring out of the human need to order things. So you're asking a pretty loaded question.

The answer also depends on how broad or specific you want the genre classification to be. For instance, "rock n' roll" is a very broad genre that includes many different things. Within that umbrella, you could be talking about Ben Folds, Metallica, Regina Spektor, Radiohead, etc--all of which are very different. To be more specific, you could say "classic rock," "Britpop," "hard rock," "rockabilly," etc. Yet you're still talking about the genre of the music. So that, additionally, makes it hard to answer your question.

Having said that, I also don't know the language of the lyrics. So I don't know what this person is saying. But based on the mood of the piece, you can probably conversationally call it a "dirge" or an "elegy" because it is slow and sad, or a "piano ballad" because it seems to be telling a story. There are probably several other ways you could classify it ("romantic" for example, or "neo-romantic" if you want to be more pretentious).

12-10-2007, 05:47 AM
ahh ok, thank you very much

12-10-2007, 09:01 AM
sorry to double post but can you suggest a way to find groups that play these genres? Im having some trouble finding samples. And if you can/want to do you have any suggestions on who to look as far as a band/group to look into?

As for what part of the song i was gunning for, I guess it would the piano and passonate speech.

thank you for any/all help.