12-08-2007, 05:20 AM
The first of the two planned remix albums by Capcom in celebration of 20 years of Megaman. Gotta say, this left me a bit disappointed. The remixes are awesome, but the choices seemed questionable. I guess that's to be expected when you break 6 games into 1 CD. Also, I don't understand the need to add the original Nintendo versions of each track, other than for comparison purposes. It's space that could've been used for a couple of more remixes. Still, I'm sure some of you are going to find this album to be heaven. A head's up, it's got Guilty Gear flavour in the form of Tohru Iwao, so enjoy this tribute.

12-08-2007, 05:31 AM
This is awesome!Thx ,man!

12-08-2007, 05:37 AM
Definitely appreciated. Thank you!

V Guyver
12-08-2007, 07:15 AM
woah, you always seem tp post osmething I'd l happen to like. Thanks again Sliat! ^^

Mr Muay Thai
12-08-2007, 07:54 AM
I less than three MM music.


12-08-2007, 01:31 PM
this is awesome thnx

12-08-2007, 03:01 PM
Guilty Gear flavor equals DELISH! Heh! Thanks a lot for sharing!

12-09-2007, 03:16 PM
Oh, I was about to ask if anyone had this, thank you 'buku~!

12-09-2007, 03:24 PM
Nice. Thanks.

12-09-2007, 04:35 PM

12-09-2007, 09:01 PM
They totally messed up Metalman (1:33). =| Any ideas what Capcom will remix in the second album?

12-09-2007, 09:37 PM
All I know as of right now is that it's a techno/dance style album. Don't know the tracks as of yet, although I really hope for other robots' themes. I need me a Airman, Pharaohman, and/or Woodman remix!

12-09-2007, 09:51 PM
Thank you. This is awesome :)

12-09-2007, 09:57 PM
That's pretty nice. If only Capcom remembered that there are Rockman fans in the states, then, maybe we could get some nice things, too.

Japan actually gets to celebrate Rock's 20 anniversary.

12-09-2007, 10:18 PM
All I know as of right now is that it's a techno/dance style album. Don't know the tracks as of yet, although I really hope for other robots' themes. I need me a Airman, Pharaohman, and/or Woodman remix!

Ah, thanks for the info. It was said before that there was a lack of MM3 tracks, I really wanted to hear Sparkman and Hardman.

12-09-2007, 10:25 PM
Gotta say, this left me a bit disappointed. The remixes are awesome, but the choices seemed questionable. I guess that's to be expected when you break 6 games into 1 CD.
I have to agree with this sentiment, although I don't consider the remixes to be awesome. Frankly, the Nazo Project did a better job with the Castlevania rock albums way back when.

What really bothers me is those last two remixes: Yamamoto Man and... I forget the other one. Neither stage theme was memorable in the least, so why waste the space to remix them? In addition, while the first Wily stage theme from MM2 was probably the best of them all, it's been remixed so often that there really is no point in doing it again.

It would have been great if they focused on remixing great MM songs that don't receive much attention, like Quick Man, Napalm Man, and Slash Man. I'm glad they at least remixed one of the Dr. Cossack stage themes, but they blew it. It sucked.

Regardless, this album isn't bad, despite my complaints. It's just that, considering the source material, it could have been WAY better.

Thanks for sharing it, Sliat.

12-09-2007, 11:46 PM
Well, forget Slashman. The project was only for 1-6. I'd rather have seen Cossack 1 instead of Cossack 2. I also agree that Yamatoman is probably the last 'bot on any fan's mind, and I also consider that the WORST stage music ever in the series. Yeah, Wily 1 from 2 has been pimped around so much each new arrangement loses something. The Boss medley could have been better. To not loop any of the themes (save #2) makes the mix feel too short, even if it is over 6min. But in the end, like I said, and to agree with you, the mix is okay, but the choices were poor. Let's hope Capcom doesn't drop the ball on the next remix album.

You know, sometimes I even wonder if Capcom even knows their own projects, or if they just stamp OK across anything that crosses their desk. I'm sure it's even worse at Capcom USA. "Nope, I don't like his name, let's make it this. Nope don't like the plot, so let's change it to this. Nope, fans don't want extra features. They'll be happy with whatever we push out, cause they're stupid Ryu lovers." Seems that way at times. lol

12-09-2007, 11:48 PM
I love it, thank you very much!

12-10-2007, 12:01 AM
hope its hot dude

12-10-2007, 12:18 AM
yo it sucked b cuz it was in rock n roll why why why the original was way better than the remix

12-10-2007, 02:43 AM
Surprised? The title says Rock. If you want decent remixes for Megaman, try the Iwao remixes for 1-2, The Power Fighters Arcade Soundtrack, or even Complete Works for 4-6.

12-10-2007, 08:17 AM
This is beautiful. Thank you so much for this.

V Guyver
12-10-2007, 09:26 AM
You know, I hear all of the conplaints, not the best tracks selections. Yet, gives us a chance to listen to the music in a new light, especialy with the lesser loved ones. A shame Yamamoto Man came out the way it did, sounds better then the original theme, but still feels empty. Also, all that space on the disk, made me feel like they could of added a bit more for fans. But most of us here shouldn't really conplain to much, afterall, Sliat was kind enough to share it with us, so we aren't really losing much by listening to them. Certianly want to hear what else Capcom may release. I personaly would of loved to hear a Bubbleman and Woodman remix.

Stilll though, this OST was a blast to listen to. So thanks again Sliat!

Red Arremer
12-10-2007, 10:15 AM
First of all, thanks for this addition to my Rockman Music Collection. :3

Secondly I have to agree that it's not particularly the best music Capcom has created. For example Topman would've been way better for a Rock Remix than Cutman. <<;

12-10-2007, 10:27 AM
Meh... not as great as I hoped it would be. The Iwao-Ni doujin arrange albums are quite a bit better. Hopefully the techno album will be better also.

12-10-2007, 10:42 AM
How many Iwao-Ni arrange albums are there? I only found the one for Rockman 2 on GH.

12-10-2007, 12:04 PM
There are 2. One for RM1 and the 2 disk for RM2.

12-10-2007, 01:30 PM
Thanks for the post. I was really excited when I heard about this album. My thought was that there are enough really good remixes out there to listen to that were done by non-professionals, so Capcom would give us something amazing to compete with those. Sadly, I'm a bit disappointed. They really dropped the ball on this one. Here's hoping their techno album will be better.

12-10-2007, 01:47 PM
Are the "Iwao-ni" albums the lonely Doujin albums you know ?

You guys have only talked about this band so far (Chom-koubou if you didn't know)..
But there are like 20 other well-known Rockman doujins (and proabably a hundreads more i never heard about).

What about Colis Postal ? Dangerous Mezashi Cat ? Etlanz ? Lunatic Gate ? Takrockers ?

I guess you never heard of these.. ;)

12-10-2007, 07:26 PM
I disagree with everyone here. I REALLY enjoyed the entire album. And at 51:41 it's really not shorter than your average record. CDs are too long nowadays anyway.... But as Axersia said, the techno album is coming in a week or so, so we've only heard half of their MM1-6 work.

12-10-2007, 09:01 PM
Wow, so much disappointment. I returned to this thread to view the opinions, and it startles me that so many of them are negative. Mine is positive, however; I believe that, for the most part, the song selection was excellent (Cutman's theme is definitely memorable, while making the "Get a Weapon" music from MM3 into an entire song is impressive), and that overall, the album is a fair representation of the main inspiration behind many Rockman games: Rock and roll. Many rock and metal artists have powered the Rockman designers and programmers while they've designed these games, and thus I believe an arranged album consisting largely of electric guitar and synth is completely appropriate. It's also something different, since so many techno-style remixes already exist on the internet.

Still, I'll give the new album a listen once it's available, but this is currently one of my favorites when it comes to Rockman.

12-10-2007, 09:29 PM
I don't really listen to too many Mega Man remixes, so I guess that kept me from being disappointed, lol. Thanks for the upload. Will check for the next one later.

12-10-2007, 10:42 PM
Are the "Iwao-ni" albums the lonely Doujin albums you know ?

You guys have only talked about this band so far (Chom-koubou if you didn't know)..
But there are like 20 other well-known Rockman doujins (and proabably a hundreads more i never heard about).

What about Colis Postal ? Dangerous Mezashi Cat ? Etlanz ? Lunatic Gate ? Takrockers ?

I guess you never heard of these.. ;)

Nope. Never claimed to be an expert of the independant remixes, but all I know are Iwao-ni. I've come across many many remixes, but not complete albums.

12-11-2007, 12:37 AM
Nope. Never claimed to be an expert of the independant remixes, but all I know are Iwao-ni. I've come across many many remixes, but not complete albums.

Guess i am good for some uploads.. i'll see that later.
Thanks for sharing this.

But i have to agree with the negative coments, i heard better covers/remixes of these songs before, certainly not the best album capcom did this year.

12-11-2007, 01:00 AM
Wow, so much disappointment. I returned to this thread to view the opinions, and it startles me that so many of them are negative. Mine is positive, however; I believe that, for the most part, the song selection was excellent (Cutman's theme is definitely memorable, while making the "Get a Weapon" music from MM3 into an entire song is impressive), and that overall, the album is a fair representation of the main inspiration behind many Rockman games: Rock and roll. Many rock and metal artists have powered the Rockman designers and programmers while they've designed these games, and thus I believe an arranged album consisting largely of electric guitar and synth is completely appropriate. It's also something different, since so many techno-style remixes already exist on the internet.

I think an album of electric guitar/synth remixes of Mega Man songs is a great idea... this album just doesn't do it very well. Setting aside the lousy tracklist (.. Yamato Man, Dr. Cossack's second stage, Shadow Man, and multiple medleys, which are never good, though I do have to give props for doing the highly-underrated theme for Tomahawk Man's stage), the whole package just comes across as a Finnish power metal band playing Mega Man songs. For an example of good electric guitar re-interpretations of video game music, see the Perfect Selection Dracula Battle albums for Castlevania.

12-11-2007, 01:33 AM
You know, I just thought of this: maybe Capcom put in Yamatoman on purpose. Perhaps his music is the most unloved, so they tried to show some love. Or maybe Yamatoman has a fanbase in Japan, because it's certainly not the case here. Then again, I'm probably overestimating Capcom's simple train of thought too.

12-11-2007, 01:54 AM
They should have put in Knight Man instead. That's another underrated BGM theme from MM6.

12-11-2007, 04:07 AM
Fully agree. Knightman, Plantman, Pharaohman, Dustman, Airman, Woodman, Snakeman, Quickman, Cossack 1, Mr.X 1. That'd be my mix. And for added flavor, make it Airman and Wily 1 from MM II Gameboy.

12-11-2007, 05:25 AM
I'm rather sure the artists who covered/remixed these songs selected which ones they wanted to do. I have seen that happening a lot lately with Japanese remake compilations like this, especially those with a multitude of contributors (the upcoming "Super Smash Bros. Brawl" soundtrack is another such example). That would explain the lack of appreciation for most songs, yet their being chosen anyways.

V Guyver
12-11-2007, 06:24 AM
My theory is that Capcom is fearful of negative reception, so they sent a modest album out to test out the fanbase before they move on to the good stuff.

By the way, the weapon theme is probably my favorite on this CD.

12-11-2007, 07:28 AM
The classic Rockman series brings in the lowest amount of revenue for them. Look up the sales numbers for "Rockman! Rockman!"/"Mega Man Powered Up" when you have a spare moment or two. It's enough to make a fan of the blue bomber cry.

I do agree that this definitely isn't the best rock has to offer. However, considering that releases like this are more of a labor of love (and usually unprofitable) for Capcom anyway, I appreciate it.

12-11-2007, 09:04 AM
The classic Rockman series brings in the lowest amount of revenue for them. Look up the sales numbers for "Rockman! Rockman!"/"Mega Man Powered Up" when you have a spare moment or two.

If that is indeed the case then they have only themselves to blame for ruining a great franchise with one shit game after another for the last 15 years. If they finally put out a proper sequel to the original series (ignoring 7 and 8 since they're awful) it would probably sell very well.

Mr Muay Thai
12-11-2007, 06:27 PM
Are you kidding?
6 was the worst one of the original series. It was rushed out and released during the dying days of the NES.

If only Capcom would stop making spinoffs from spinoffs, and focus on the original series, I'd be happy. But it seems no one cares for old-school anymore. :(

Red Arremer
12-11-2007, 07:57 PM
Well, to be honest, I didn't really think any of the Original series was too bad. Though I have to say that I didn't like Rockman & Forte too much - although it was awesome to play as Forte. <3

12-11-2007, 08:36 PM
I'd hardly consider MM6 to feel "rushed." Some of the bosses and stages are a little uninspired (though not "Spring Man" or "Clown Man" uninspired), but otherwise it does everything expected of a classic Mega Man title and even throws in a few new things (the Jet Pack was a nice change of pace from the terrible Rush Jet in MM5).

Red Arremer
12-11-2007, 08:44 PM
Oy, nothing against Springman! Springman was awesome! D:<

12-11-2007, 09:00 PM
Understand that even if Capcom did want to try a real "9", they've pretty much run out of ideas for new bosses. Look at Rockman.EXE, it's all the original bosses with very few new ideas for bosses, right? The proof of a lack of ideas I think was reincluding Tenguman and Astroman into R&F instead of new bosses. As for Powered Up, I thought Oilman and Timeman were poor bosses. Timeman had no challenge, and his time slow seemed more useless than anything. Oilman's weapon was way to weak to use, and the oil-board had it's flaws too. They could probably take ideas back from EXE to make new bosses, like maybe Videoman, Laserman, or Numberman, but I don't think it'd do to well anymore. Capcom's redefined Megaman too much as either a Zero type or an RPG type. Old-school shooting just seems too old-fashined for Capcom to care anymore. Mind you ... I'd welcome new old-school stuff. Didn't care for Powered, but I loved Maverick Hunter X.

12-11-2007, 09:24 PM
I'd hardly consider MM6 to feel "rushed." Some of the bosses and stages are a little uninspired (though not "Spring Man" or "Clown Man" uninspired), but otherwise it does everything expected of a classic Mega Man title and even throws in a few new things (the Jet Pack was a nice change of pace from the terrible Rush Jet in MM5).

Rehashed music, uninspired levels etc.

12-20-2007, 03:48 AM
For those of you looking for the Techno album, The Megaman Network (formerly known as Atomic Fire) has it available for download. I'd upload it myself, but I'm low on time, as I'm packing to go home for the holidays, so I pass this info on to you.

And for the record, it's WAY better than the Rock album. I thought the choices were acceptable, and the mixes are basic techo, but really good because of it. Go check it out!

Mr Muay Thai
12-20-2007, 06:37 AM
Fuck that noise.

The techno album is worse than the rock album, and the rock album was very sub-par to begin with.

Don't bother downloading the techno album, unless you want your ears to bleed.

12-20-2007, 08:03 AM
the techno album was made by Shinji Hosoe (Megaman Network Transmission), it can't be bad !

12-20-2007, 09:45 AM
Everyone's got their opinion. It's fine if you don't like it, but I like it a lot better than the rock album. It's a case of "you'll either love it of hate it".

12-20-2007, 07:51 PM
so, is the zipped techno arrange coming?

12-20-2007, 08:56 PM
The classic Rockman series brings in the lowest amount of revenue for them. Look up the sales numbers for "Rockman! Rockman!"/"Mega Man Powered Up" when you have a spare moment or two. It's enough to make a fan of the blue bomber cry.I hope this doesn't incite an argument here, but the low sales are really only because it's on the PSP. You can't expect spectacular sales if it's not on a spectacularly well-selling console.

I don't see what the problem with either of these albums are, to be honest. Especially since none of us are paying for them. They're on par with things from OC ReMix, it's probably just the lack of variety in the genre that's killing it for some people.

12-26-2007, 11:15 AM
I perfer the Rock Album (i paid for it btw) but some of the songs are just meh. Yamatoman or Wily 1 (Rockman 5) and the NES Tracks are useless fillers.

The Techno Album sounds too generic IMO, but i don't like techno anyway, so...

12-26-2007, 07:27 PM
Definitely appreciated

01-04-2008, 07:56 AM
Eh, I personally think the Rock Arrange is quite well done. I simply approve of what Tohro Iwao did~

My only problem is that it felt short, but that's it, I like how it is and haven't expected too much (being open minded is wonderful).

I'm pleased.

02-11-2008, 09:48 PM
To anyone who has already listened to the Techno Arrange Album, check out Rocklove at The Megaman Network. MUCH better Techno arrangement (with a very small touch of X as well).

02-13-2008, 02:33 AM
Well, I didn't care for thier selections as there are other songs I would have liked to see, but what they did have there was great and I have some new music to enjoy. Thank you.

And saying 'Guilty Gear' was enough to get me to download this. XD

The song at 2:42 - 3:4x in the title medley was particulary good.

10-07-2008, 12:59 AM
The first of the two planned remix albums by Capcom in celebration of 20 years of Megaman. Gotta say, this left me a bit disappointed. The remixes are awesome, but the choices seemed questionable. I guess that's to be expected when you break 6 games into 1 CD. Also, I don't understand the need to add the original Nintendo versions of each track, other than for comparison purposes. It's space that could've been used for a couple of more remixes. Still, I'm sure some of you are going to find this album to be heaven. A head's up, it's got Guilty Gear flavour in the form of Tohru Iwao, so enjoy this tribute.

The link died ... could you please possibly reupload the Rockman 20th Anniversary 1-6 Rock Arrange Album? And if you also have the Techno one could you please upload that too? Otherwise if you don't have it then could you please point me in the direction of where I could find one that's uploaded it? Thanks alot in advance.

10-07-2008, 01:38 AM
Rock Arranged: k_Arrange_Ver._%28album%29

Techno Arranged: hno_Arrange_Ver._%28album%29

General Music Link:

Most of them are track-by-track, but it's still worthwhile. Love that Yamato Man goodness from the Rock album personally.

10-07-2008, 05:09 AM
Thanks alot! And ditto on the Yamato man!

10-10-2008, 01:59 AM
What's wrong with the links?

10-10-2008, 02:47 AM
Nothing's wrong with the ones I posted, but the original one is down.

Also, wanted to point out that the main music page linked to above has some awesome Mega Man rock arrangements at the bottom that fans of the official music should check out.