12-06-2007, 04:15 PM
Yes sir, it's that time again. Here's mine, as seen on lj. post your own.

Yes, the new year is almost upon us. And that means it's time for Erik's top 5 albums of 2007! You had to know it was coming (okay, so you probably didn't).

This year was truly awesome music-wise. Several of my favorite bands put albums out, and I had more trouble deciding than usual. It was made a little easier by a couple delays, though—the new albums from Teenage Bottlerocket, Be Your Own Pet, and Lemuria won't be coming out until January, so I don't have to pit them against this year's top contenders. That's good, because the list of contestants was jam packed already. So, starting from number five and working down to number one, here's the list:

5. Ergs: Upstairs/Downstairs

Yes, the Ergs are one of my all time very most favoritest bands, and honestly five actually seems a little low for them, but the truth is that this album just isn't their best work. I mean, it's really good, and it has also grown on me a lot since it came out. It was difficult for me to decide between this and Heartsickle from the Unlovables; these two albums came out at the same time early in the year and initially I said Heartsickle was a better album. I don't know, I may have been right, but I've found that I have listened to Upstairs/Downstairs a lot more and that while it lacks the overall consistent quality of a truly stellar album, the parts of it that I do love are really great, surely moments of the Ergs at their finest. In particular, Bike Shoppe, Trouble in River City, and Books About Miles Davis are tracks from this record that have rightly become well-loved standards in the band's live set. Interestingly, this album, in addition to the Jersey's Best Prancers EP that preceded and the recent Ergs split with the Grabass Charlestons have demonstrated that Joe's writing has gotten absolutely fantastic. His songs on Upstairs/Downstairs, Bike Shoppe and Girls of the Market Square, are in my humble opinion the two best tracks on the thing (Books About Miles Davis is awful close though). So, although I don't venerate it nearly as much as their first full-length, I really do love this record quite dearly and I'm pretty confident in my decision to place it here.

4. Weakerthans: Reunion Tour

Another of my favorite bands. Reunion Tour is basically a continuation of Reconstruction Site, which is great (although as is usually the case, the original is a little better). I love every song on this album, and it successfully contributes to the tradition of the Weakerthans: write powerful, engaging music and set to it some of the best damn lyrics ever penned. John K. Samson is a truly brilliant poet. Some of my favorite lyrical moments on this album are "for the most part I think about golfing and constantly calculate/all the seconds left in the minutes and so on etcetera/or recite the names of provinces and hollywood actors/'oh Ontario, oh Jennifer Jason Leigh,'" and perhaps the most poigniant conclusion to any song ever, "but I can't remember the sound that you found for me" in the sequel to Virtute the Cat. That song, in particular, is a major highlight of this album. I need two fingers to count the people I know who've cried over it. Really. (Note: you have to hear the first Virtute song on Reconstruction Site to really understand what's so upsetting about this one.) The only thing I can really point to as a complaint here is that Reunion Tour lacks one thing all previous Weakerthans albums have featured, and that's a marked musical and stylistic progression—this one pretty much just sounds like more of Reconstruction Site. But you know me. I'm a proponent of the "you can't have too much of a good thing" philosophy when it comes to music, so I don't really see this as disappointing in any way. With all the raving I'm doing about this, you'd think it would have been higher than 4. That's just how amazing of a year this really was.

3. Melt Banana: Bambi's Dilemma

Times are strange when a Melt Banana album has third place on my top five of the year list. I actually used to hate this band! But, I still pretty much hate the stuff I hated at that time. I discovered I actually rather liked later Melt Banana material, in particular Teeny Shiny. They began to write songs with enough structure to engage me so that I could appreciate their chaotic and avante garde moments. However, Bambi's Dilemma is really something totally different. In fact I expect that a lot of long time fans of the band would complain about it. It's a lot more rooted in a traditional punk sound, parts of it even bordering on pop-punk. But it is still steeped in Melt Banana chaos, insane speed, and bizarre sound effects, which is what makes it so much fun. What it's produced is a sound that I almost feel was made just for me. I seriously feel like I've been subconsciously wanting to hear this for years. Since it's impossible to articulate what this really sounds like, you absolutely must click the download I've prepared below. You'll hardly believe what you're hearing. My only problem with this album is that, after the first ten tracks, it devolves into a few extremely short tracks hearkening back to the band's oldest style, the stuff that was too scattered and unstructured for me to ever like. Perhaps this is a nod to the fans who don't like the more accessible direction. At any rate, it's not really enough to bother me because the majority of the album is so good.

2. Methadones: This Won't Hurt

I wasn't expecting to love this so much, so it was a pleasant surprise. Don't get me wrong, I've always loved the Methadones, but in general their albums tend to start out with a few really incredible songs, and then become sort of hit or miss the rest of the way through. But this one is different. It's absolutely fantastic all the way through. While my tastes have been heavily dominated this year by stuff that's a little more "out there," like Melt Banana, and stuff that's a little less out there, like the Weakerthans, this album is proof that good old fashioned 90s Lookout style punk is still dearer to my heart than anything else. In a manner sometimes very reminiscent of Teenage Bottlerocket's groundbreaking Total, this album "pulses." It's steady, powerful, and catchy from start to finish, even in the surprising acoustic track near the end. Danny Vapid's written some pretty clever stuff on this album as well. My favorite is actually a song title, which is "Alcohol Makes the World Go Round." Brilliant. Which is what pretty much all of this album is. I went months straight practically nonstop listening to it. Definitely a very good way for me to keep myself occupied while I wait for the new Teenage Bottlerocket album.

1. Bleach 03: The Head That Controls Both Right and Left Sides Eats Meat and Slobbers Even Today

Holy wow. My love for this band has steadily increased as long as I've known about them, and now I can safely say they're a top tier favorite of mine. Their newest album is their best work to date and it is one of my favorite records of all time. It incorporates metal, hardcore, punk, pop, indie, and a host of funky and bluesey touches. The musicianship is astounding, as is the creativity and variety from track to track. The songs are direct, pointed, and flawlessly constructed; in fact, this is a band who refuses to use any tracks that would represent something they can't do live when recording. In other words, they've only got one guitar player, so while Kanna is soloing, the recordings don't feature any extra rhythm track—the bass takes over the rhythm completely. Instead of hurting the songs this strengthens them immensely as Bleach refuses to write songs that don't sound just as amazing played live as recorded. If it's in the recording, they can do it when you come out and see them. I can't recommend this band more highly. Plus, they are adorable and have amazing artwork. A++++++++.

Notable stuff that was close to making it but didn't: Eisley's second album, Combinations; Zolof the Rock 'n' Roll Destroyer's new one Schematics, which is terrific if you can stomach how insanely poppy it is; and most definitely Heartsickle from the Unlovables, which I feel bad for—almost any other year it would have been up there for sure. It really is very very awesome and you should get it immediately. Also notable is the album from <a href=>Full of Fancy</a>, who are a very fun band.

And now: <a href=>a mix of songs from these albums</a>. Do give this a listen! It's great stuff and hopefully it might inspire a person or two to check out any of these bands in more detail.

Hex Omega
12-06-2007, 05:05 PM
5. Porcupine Tree - Fear of a Blank Planet:

Steve Wilson and co excel once again, in this epic album. A heavier style then previous albums, this has 3 top songs. Self-tilted, Anesthetize and my Ashes.

4. Dark Tranquility - Fiction:

Excellent Scandie death metal, this atomespheric album has several genre leading songs, from Inside the Particle Storm, to Focus Shift, to the excellent the Mudane and the Magic.

3. Pain of Salvation - Scarsick:

It took me a long time to like these guys, but once I did, they are top drawer prog metal. Excellent song writing is their biggest strength imo. From this album, Amerika, Disco Queen, Moth to the the Flame and Enter Rain are my favourites.

2. Riverside - Rapid Eye Movement:

One of my favourite recently discovered bands, these guys are another top drawer prog rock/metal group. Panic Room 02 is the stuff of legends.

1. Dream Theater - Systematic Chaos:

9 albums and still as epic as ever, this groups talent is seemingly limitless as they produce great album after great album, great song after great song. Forsaken is a wonderful little ballad, The Dark Eternal Night despite its cheesiness is magnificent, and the Ministry of Lost Souls is arguably their greatest ever.

Honorable mentions:

Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero
Symphony X - Paradise Lost
Super Furry Animals - Hey, Venus!
Underworld - Oblivion with Bells
Planet X - Quantum
Capsule - Sugarless Girl
The Cruxshadows - Dreamcypher
Bjork - Volta
Arcade Fire - Neon Bible
Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam
Kamelot - Ghost Opera
Hot Hot Heat - Happiness Ltd

Top Cat
12-06-2007, 07:54 PM
i have literally only bought 11 albums released this year.

the best have been Arcade Fire's Neon Bible (epic), The National's Boxer (fantastic) and John Cale's Circus Live (stunning). Devendra Banhart's Smokey Rolls Down Thunder Canyon is good as well but far from his best, and I've yet to really get into it.

12-06-2007, 07:58 PM

Just a decent album, that beat out the Foo's. It's nice. Look, I bought like 6 albums this year :o

A great return to form after Lights and Sounds. Not an epic album, or one for the ages, but a damn solid album that I hope is taking them in the right direction, to new heights.

I thought this album was going to be world changing and the greatest thing ever, seeing as So Long, Astoria is my favorite album. It wasn't, and that's a good thing. I tied myself up into music way too much in the past and lived and died with each success and failure. I'm bigger than that, and it's okay to say that something a band makes doesn't have to COMPLETELY influence how you are feeling at a given time.

That said, I believe this album has secrets to tell, and I will find them in time. Certainly, a very new direction for them and I'll be forever intrigued with this piece of work.

Make your FOB jokes now. I don't care. I've gotten into this album and listened it into the ground on 3 different occasions, already. It was my vote for album of the year until....

Max Bemis, how I love thee. This is a double album, and mind-bogglingly diverse from beginning to end. Any fan of the genre needs to own this album. PERIOD.

12-06-2007, 08:43 PM
5. Neon Bible � Arcade Fire

This album was released so early in the year that I almost thought it was a 2006 release. It was only thinking about compiling this list the other night that I realised my error and realised that a space had to be made for it. Neon Bible is a consistently good album, but it still marks a bit of a letdown seeing as Funeral was consistently great. There are still standout tracks here, in terms of singles, some of the best this year, such as Intervention, Keep the Car Running and the re-recording of No Cars Go. Arcade Fire are absolutely still one of the best bands around and I was lucky enough to see them play earlier in the year, but Neon Bible is a 4/5 effort, not quite reaching the benchmark set by Funeral.

No Cars Go (

4. I Created Disco � Calvin Harris

Calvin is a genius. For someone unknown outside of the UK and Ireland, and barely even at that, he has a self-assuredness bordering on arrogance comparable with Van Morrision or Oasis. Calvin isn�t a dick though, the aforementioned are. He wears little fly glasses and purple jackets. His music is hardly original, but his debut displays an awesome natural flair for simple yet deceptively catchy beats. It peaks and troughs in fairness, if you�ve heard the singles the album probably isn�t going to offer a big pile more. All the same though, it�s a hell of a lot of fun and if Calvin is as good as his ego thinks, and it�s certainly possible, I�ll be looking forward to future efforts from the Dumfries man with great eagerness.

Acceptable in the 80s (

3. The Sun and the Moon � The Bravery

Did this ever get a European release? It�s been out in the US for the best part of six months. I am not ultra keen on torrenting albums, but in the case of the Sun and the Moon the delay between its North American and European release was just too ridiculous to put up with. Anyway, it�s not the band�s fault, I�m sure it�s something stupid to do with the label. This is an excellent effort from the New York quintet, but it seems a little stretched. On some tracks it expands upon the good work of the first album, on others it regresses. Overall, there is a greater sense of maturity coming through here and two very good acoustic tracks in the form of Tragedy Bound and the Ocean, the former sounding a tiny bit cumbersome but it is a completely different venture to anything on their debut. I think the lack of continuity on here probably lets the self titled album shade it in terms of preference but still, excellent effort kids.

Bad Sun (

2. Our Love to Admire � Interpol

Our Love to Admire lifts the slow, melancholic, Joy Division-alike tracks from the brilliant Turn on the Bright Lights and combines them with the more upbeat, commercially viable tracks from Antics, which leaves this album somewhere in the middle. The big track here, in terms of exposure anyway, is the Heinrich Maneuver but there is a lot more to enjoy here. For example, the opener, Pioneer to the Falls, is a slow six minute trudge- and I mean that in the most positive sense possible- as well as Rest My Chemistry, Pace is the Trick or Mammoth. There are plenty of standout tracks here, some tracks standing out above the standouts, and it stands to reason that I rate this album very, very, very highly. Granted, it isn�t as good as their debut, but that�s true for every album in the list so far except I Created Disco, and it has no predecessor. Interpol, despite being a superior band to say the Strokes, still reside on the fringes of the charts, but as they continue to release albums of this quality, they are getting more and more notice. Hopefully they can achieve the full of their much warranted success but even if they don�t, they�re still producing some of the best stuff out there.

The Heinrich Maneuver (

1. Reunion Tour � The Weakerthans

When I first heard Sun in an Empty Room, I was sure that I would be getting this album. When the release date for this album was confirmed, I began to count down the days in anticipation. For about a fortnight before the release, I would tell everyone everyday how many days there was left until release. When it was released, it was almost the only thing I listened to for a few weeks. Like TK said, this album is a continuation of Reconstruction Site, but I think that�s sort of true for all of the Weakerthans� albums. After Fallow, Left and Leaving was a logical step artistically. After that, Reconstruction Site seems logical too. I reckon that you could let someone who had no knowledge of the Weakerthans listen to the first three albums and they could place them in chronological order due to the distinct sound that flows through each album and how it seems to evolve. Reunion Tour doesn�t really progress upon the music from Reconstruction Site like the other albums do, but I don�t think it entirely stagnates either. To claim that they are an experimental sort of a band is laughable, but this is definitely their most diverse album so far, I think. At its core, this album has the seem characteristics of all of the Weakerthans� work, fantastic lyrics built upon an excellent musical backbone. It might not be their best work or altogether inspired, but it is very listenable; not a 10, but certainly a 9. They�re the only one on the list who I haven�t seen live =O

Sun in an Empty Room (

And that�s it! It was very hard to pick a top 5 this year, and there is a lot of space for interchange in that list. On average, it has been a better year than 2006, but I don�t really think there was any album that blew me away to take the number one spot like Black Holes and Revelations did last year, which is a real pity. Some other notable albums that came out over the last year, and might have made the cut on another day, are:

Alive 2007 � Daft Punk,
Combinations � Eisley,
Wincing the Night Away - The Shins,
These Ones are Bitter � Ben Weasel and
This Won�t Hurt � The Methadones
In Rainbows - Radiohead
Heartsickle - The Unlovables
Upstairs/Downstairs - The Ergs

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
12-06-2007, 10:50 PM
5. Blotted Science - The Machinations Of Dementia

Prog Metal veteran Ron Jarzombek brings out another fantastic album, which combines his usual dazzling display of guitar virtuosity with extreme brutality (helped along by Cannibal Corpse bassist, Alex Webster and Behold...The Arctopus skinman, Charlie Zeleny) rarely heard before on his other highly-praised projects, Spastic Ink and Watchtower.

4. Alcest -Souvenirs d'un Autre Monde

This album was a bit of a surprise for me this year. I had never heard of Neige (the man behind Alcest) before but apparently he's been creating quite a stir in the black metal underground for the past couple of years, and one that had completely slipped past me that is until someone on an Opeth forum tipped me off about this albums leak. This album I think will appeal to fans of My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive and other shoegaze, and yes whilst it still has some elements of black metal, the black metal vocals are completely absent from this album and almost completely devoid of anything most would class exteme metal.

3. Radiohead - In Rainbows

How much I liked this surprised me. The past couple of albums whilst being pretty good weren't quite as good as they could've been. But with In Rainbows Radiohead seem to have transcended not only mine but most fans expectations for this album. I rate this as highly as The Bends.

2. Porcupine Tree - Fear Of Blank Planet

Echoing what Moonlapse has already said, this is quite a heavy and epic album for a progressive rock band. It's also a great improvement from the somewhat disappointing Deadwing.

1. Vintersorg - Solens R�tter

With Solens R�tter, Vintersorg has gone back to his more folky roots whilst maintaining the heavier progressive metal shown on his more recent albums. Vintersorg's vocals are the best they've ever been and the progression in his songs is even more exciting than anything he's done before. This is an album of an extremely high calibre and I highly recommend it to all fans of progressive metal.

Honourable mentions:
Ayreon - 01011001 This is only here because it's not actually being released until next month, otherwise this would've been my number 1.

12-06-2007, 10:55 PM
i have literally only bought 11 albums released this year.

I usually don't buy more than 10 or so new albums in a year. There's really not that much stuff I like.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
12-07-2007, 04:23 AM
I don't think I have 5 albums from this year :(

Jesus, I have to check

12-07-2007, 05:38 AM
I'll get this done in a few days/weeks or something

but Mossy I'm so happy you like Calvin Harris aswell :swoon:

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
12-07-2007, 05:55 AM
Ok so I have at least 3, all of which I like:

4- Machine Head, The Blackening

Great thrash metal here, still managing to sound genuine and not phoned in even in 2007. Sounds good sonically and musically. A pretty cool listen imo.

3- Megadeth, United Abominations

Memorable yet technical songs with outstanding musicianship, a Megadeth trademark, with some actual tolerable vocals for a change. Has lots of (the better) elements from different Megadeth albums, creating a fairly adequate summation of just what Dave Mustaine's vision for his sound is all about.

2- Nine Inch Nails, Year Zero

All politics aside, this is an album filled with incredibly solid songs. I first heard a preview on it on a radio station in Atlanta and it actually made me excited to hear some new music I really liked. It's the sort of rock/electronic hybrid I wish I was actually capable of. These are the sort of songs I'd make if I was way more talented. There's a lot of complexity in the arrangements and programming, but done in a very palpable way. If you can get over the bits where things can get noisy, everything is straight up and very easy to get in to. There was some cool marketing too.

1- Dethklok, The Dethalbum

Although just a fake "parody" band to some, these songs are very catchy and Brendon Small is a fairly accomplished guitar player. The riffs are great, and you can't beat Gene Hoglan's solid drumming. Perfect for a fan of the show and metal in general. This is the most fun I had listening to music this year.

I also enjoy the live album Madonna put out but I won't rank it, I guess

So I guess I only have four albums from this year :(

I'll use this thread to check out some other stuff. I know I'll like the Bleach 03 album, I really like the songs on their Myspace so I'm gonna try to get that. I often like stuff TK likes even though I hardly ever actively listen to any of it on my own accord :(

Tidus 66
12-07-2007, 04:23 PM
I'll do this later today, but Tk I have to disagree: Heartsickle> Upstairs/Downstairs.

fastidious percolator
12-07-2007, 09:51 PM
I'll do a top 10 :* !

10. qotsa - Era Vulgaris

9. The Residents - The Voice of Midnight

8. Dinosaur Jr. - Beyond

7. Battles - Mirrored

6. Pop Levi - The Return To Form Black Magick Party

5. Grinderman - Grinderman

4. Okkervil River - The Stage Names

3. Dosh - Triple Rock

2. Parts & Labor - Mapmaker

1. Marnie Stern - In Advance of the Broken Arm

And honorable mentions I must mention:

The Unlovables - Heartsickle sexpot Tidus, don't know if you know, but you indirectly got me to listening to good pop punk~
Efterklang - Under Giant Trees
The White Stripes - Icky Thump
Amon Tobin - Foley Room
16-bitch pile up - Bury Me Deep
Vive La F�te - Jour de Chance
Norah Jones - Not Too Late
Tiger Army - Music from Regions Beyond
Low - Drums and Guns
65daysofstatic - The Destruction of Small Ideas


Tidus 66
12-09-2007, 05:28 PM
5-For Science- Way Out Of Control Ep

Yeah, I chose the EP over the LP, first because I only got the record recently, and second because the Ep is really good, as good as The Erg's Jersey's Best Prancers that came out last year.
It sounds like a mix of The Erg's (Mikey Erg sings in Soledad) with the Marked Men, imo, and that alone is enough to justify how great this EP is.
Fast tempo songs, with great hooks, and catchy melodies, this record is how most pop-punk should be done.

4- The Gaslight Anthem- Sink or Swim

Yeah, i'm a No Idea/Orgcore fanboy and this record appeared out of nowhere and really satisfied my urge for the new Lawrence Arms record.
Great melodies, some good lyrics (altough the driving lines really get on my nerves sometimes), and an awesome record all around.
Altough it lacks some energy in the most upbeat songs, the acoustic songs are impressive and worth a mention for anybody who likes folk or just acoustic styled music.
This is a record most bands hope to achieve in a whole career, and is one of the best debut's I've heard in some time.

3- Sundowner- 4 1 5 2

I really didn't like this record at first, because it just sounded like a bunch of Lawrence Arms outtakes but after a few listens it really has grown on me.
Altough a bit hit or miss in most of the cases, songs like Endless Miles or Midsummer Classic send shivers up my spine, while they set the mood for a kind of nostalgic and summer-ish kind of record.
I think some records could rank higher up on my list than this one, but the memories attached to it, and Midsummer Classic alone couldn't allow me to rank it lower.

2-Modest Mouse- We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank

Yeah, it's a lot more mainstream and poppy than the previous efforts, but this record is one of my favourites not just of the year, but from the Modest Mouse catalogue (Altough A Long Drive and The Lonesome Crowded West are still far superior).
This record has a lot of singles material and a couple of songs seem a pretty off, but overall the record has a upbeat vibe with some mellow tracks.
Johnny Marr (former Smith guitarist) does a great job on songs like Invisible and Spitting Venom.

1- The Unlovables- Heartsickle

So yeah, I love The Unlovables to bits. Since i'v heard them in 2005 after reading about them here, I quickly became a huge fan of the band and imported their record as soon as I could.
Even tough a bit flawed, I love Crush Boyfriend Heartbreak to bits, and have listened to it almost every week since I got the record, however the unthinkable has happened, Heartsickle is even better.
With less slower songs and more of a raspy voice, Hallie Unlovable really shines on the record, both on vocals and bass, with the bass flowing thru the songs and not standing out so much.
Hallie Unlovable is a great songwritter with her tongue in cheek lines like in Crazy Tonight, or No Way.
This record is pop-punk at it's finest.

Worthy Mentions:

Chinese Telephones: S/t, if it came out sooner it could easily made the list, such a good record

Chuck Ragan- Feast Or Famine, a great record altough a lot of skippable tracks, what Chuck does, Sundowner did best this year

The Ergs!-Usptairs/Downstairs, Good effort, but both For Science and The Unlovables were better

Ben Weasel-These Ones Are Bitter, Solid effort, makes me completely forget the weak record Fidatevi was.

The Steinways- Rocket Surgery EP, these guys need to stop playing such short songs, it's fun but some of the songs could be even great if they were longer.

American Steel- Destroy Their Future, I'm a recent fan of American Steel and the album hasn't really sinked in yet, but it's a good mix of No Idea style punk with Asian Man, or whatever.


NJ vs NY Pop Punk Battle Royale battle: Exclusive tracks by The Unlovables, The Ergs!, For Science and The Steinways, and Lemuria,. Lemuria's beespit alone makes the album worth

Let downs:

The Methadones- This Won't Hurt, this record felt a little bit generic and to some extent without any energy, not a abd record by any means, but after NEV, this record just seems weak in comparsion.

The Copyrights- Make Sound, more of the same Copyrights, they're putting the same record time and time again.

Maybe i'll make a mixtape of all the bands I liked this year, but that will be later today or next week.

12-09-2007, 10:25 PM
I'm still waiting for the Rivers Cuomo album to come out to make my list. I love getting list mix tapes, though! I hope more people post them.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
12-09-2007, 10:55 PM
Ndi I don't think you want one from me :o

12-10-2007, 12:57 AM
Well, it's not really my genre, but I love seeing the other things people like, and to see the songs they pick as their favorites.

Maybe we should bring back the thread where you post a song and listen to the song above yours and comment on that?

12-10-2007, 03:18 AM
3. Dosh - Triple Rock

I'm not sure if Dosh named this after the club of the same name but I would kind of think he did seeing as how he's from Minneapolis and has to have played there multiple times. I just wanted to say that it is awesome music venue and I think it is even more awesome that you listen to Dosh. so :thumbsup: all around.

edit: ok I just found out that he recorded some of the tracks at the 3rock. I should probably buy the album as I have not listened to it as of yet.

12-10-2007, 03:52 AM
10. Against Me! � New Wave

9. Ryan Adams & The Cardinals � Follow The Lights

8. Tegan & Sara � The Con

7. Parkway Drive � Horizons

6. The Wombats � Guide to Love, Loss And Desperation

5. Ryan Adams � Easy Tiger

4. British India � Guillotine

3. Willy Mason � If The Ocean Gets Rough

2. Clare Bowditch & The Feeding Set � The Moon Looked On


1. Jamie T � Panic Prevention

12-10-2007, 12:55 PM
I'll do this later.
Also, I don't think I like Yellowcard but I really love that album cover.

fastidious percolator
12-10-2007, 09:51 PM
I'm not sure if Dosh named this after the club of the same name but I would kind of think he did seeing as how he's from Minneapolis and has to have played there multiple times. I just wanted to say that it is awesome music venue and I think it is even more awesome that you listen to Dosh. so :thumbsup: all around.

Yes, Dosh is just really great music. Of all the anticon-related artists I've listened to so far, there's something about this artist that really keeps on appealing to me. :) (I think the glitchyness as in the songs of his first album is what attracts me the most)

Tidus 66
12-10-2007, 10:30 PM
Is it just me or there are a lot of songs/records with references to the triple rock?

12-11-2007, 04:07 AM
1. Common - FInding Forever
2. THe fountain soundtrack
3. Transfomers score
4. NIN - Year Zero
5. Jay-Z - American Gangster

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
12-11-2007, 10:47 AM
! Oh shit, I forgot about Year Zero! I have four picks now :o