12-05-2007, 01:27 AM
Hello everyone. I'm new, of course. I was surfing around for a decent Final Fantasy site where I could go and discuss things related to FF with people, and I think I may have found a place. But then again, I begin to question this forum...

Lets see where this takes me in terms of Hate and Bashing:

I recently found my copy of FFVII buried in my boxes of things from when I moved from California. I was happy, very happy to be exact. You see, i'd been playing FFVIII forever and I was wanting something else. FFIX doesnt really appeal to me that much, I know there are lots of you here that do like the game, but I have my opinions.

Anywho, I found my copy of FFVII and I was really excited about it because I had been wanting to play it forever, I was getting sick of FFVIII and the others (PS2 Versions aren't too great to me, I stick to the old ones more). I also wasn't willing to pay $100-$170 for a new copy of it on e-Bay or Amazon. There was no way, "In it's original wrapper!!" or not, I dont believe them...

But yeah. The reason I posted this, and i'm sure many of you dont care, is because there is WAY too many haters and bashers on this forum. People saying that this forum is full of older people who are smarter and what not. But the way it looks to me is that this forum is full of kids... whiny, hating, FF fanatic bashing kids.

Now, I want to stay here and maybe make some friends and have adult discussions, but I just dont know...? Why are there so many haters here? Why do so many people jump on others because they ask a certain question about lag on a newer console playing an old game... you haters/bashers/kids know who you are in that thread! So what if someone likes a certain FF game maybe just a little too much, maybe even on the, well... wierd side. Leave them alone, let them be. There are people like that everywhere. I cant stand them myself, but we have to live with them. There's nothing we can do about it.

And the minute we go to hating on them, and bashing on them and telling them to leave, and banning them from forums, and making thier lives a living hell... that instantly makes us even more childish and immature as they are.

My point is: Why must certain people hate on others so much, and be determined to make thier life hell. I thought this was a place for people to come and share thier opinions and thoughts on the games. As well as ask questions on things they might need help on... not to get bashed on.

And go ahead and try to bash on the "Newbie" for posting this. I can take the good from the bad, and give it right back.

J. Peterman
12-05-2007, 02:09 AM
Mandi was never one to live in the lap of luxury. Most would consider her a fool for rejecting Teekay's affection - why live in shambles when riches were only a stone's throw away? No one simply understood her heart, and what she wanted. Perhaps not even she.

Though Mandi now rejected Teekay without a moment's hesitation, dreaming of another life, that was not always the case. There was something there, even if it wasn't love, that originally gave Teekay hope. There was something they to believe in, even if there isn't anything to believe in now.

Mandi simply did not know how he felt for him, feeling rushed by his advances. She did not know if this was "love". Accept on an empty heart, and she would simply have no choice to be with him forever. She just could not risk to live a life she didn't want. To her, the only riches that mattered were love. She needed nothing else.

Mandi's home is now left without any sign of life. Things simply there, and to remain as such forever. A lone music box, sent from Teekay only days before her encounter Sarah, was to remain forever in the corner of her bedroom. Engraved inside were those three simple words, "I love you". And right beneath them, written in now fading graphite, were the words Teekay always longed to hear. "I love you too".

He never would.

12-05-2007, 02:27 AM
A truly gripping story garamond, one that moves us all.

12-05-2007, 02:39 AM
I like FFVII and my life is not a living hell

12-05-2007, 02:48 AM
you don't like FFIX?? you FAG

12-05-2007, 05:08 AM
I never said I didnt like it. I just prefer VII & VIII over IX. Thats just me though.

12-05-2007, 05:47 AM
A truly gripping story garamond, one that moves us all.

12-05-2007, 06:00 AM
I never said I didnt like it. I just prefer VII & VIII over IX. Thats just me though.

Seek your answers In Ketchum's post. There is more than what it seems on the surface

12-05-2007, 09:24 AM
Bejita, you want gratitude? Get a hamster!

Also, your thread has nothing specifically to do with FFVII. Also, look to Ketchum's post for advice if you must, though, personally, I don't go looking for advice from members who have been banned. Also, closed.