Vorn: Devourer of Worlds
04-18-2002, 08:23 PM
I've played this game through twice completely (I'm on my third) and just finally realized that Eiko is basically Garnet only younger.

Think about it. Garnet and Eiko both didn't know their parents. They're both summoners (duh). They were both young when they lost their parents. At the end of the game, Eiko becomes (basically) a princess. She was six, just like Garnet was.

Hmm. . .I'm sure that there's more, I just can't remember. If anyone can spot anything else, just put it in this thread, all right?

fascist socialist
04-18-2002, 09:52 PM
Spoilers ::

They ARE sisters after all.. :O

And yes... all those things are true.. maybe it's cause they're sisters.

04-18-2002, 11:24 PM
Well..they both like Zidane...


Umm, lemme see....I don't think Garnet was as wild as Eiko was, but then again, Docter Tot said Garnet WAS like Eiko when she was younger...maybe Eiko will become mroe silent o.o;

04-19-2002, 11:12 AM
Sisters ay? Well, i dunno bout that but they are the same nearly. If only Eiko was as good looking as Garnet.

04-19-2002, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by Apocalypse
Spoilers ::

They ARE sisters after all.. :O

And yes... all those things are true.. maybe it's cause they're sisters.


Er... how could they be sisters? Dagger's parents died 4 years before Eiko was born.

Dagger's mom left Madain Sari 10 years before the game, and passed away on that journey. Eiko said that HER parents were survivors of the "storm," and she was born four years later. The most they could be are cousins or half-sisters.


Anyway, getting back on topic...

If anyone remembers the scene between a young Garnet and Dr. Tot, you'll remember that Garnet was pretty feisty and precocious as a child.

Garnet's Lover> *LOL* You know, I WAS going to type that... but you beat me to it. Hehe, oh well. ;)

04-19-2002, 01:09 PM
they'r not sisters. if u guys would have really payed attention, u would have noticed that Eiko says that her parents were two SUMMONERS, and that they died shortly after the attack on the town. and if u would have done the sidequest to find out Garnets real name, and her parents.


than u should know that Iferit is her dad and he mom died when she and Garnet left, (ten years ago) and Eiko is six, do the math, it doesnt add up. so thats a little IMPOSIBLE for them to be sisters.


04-23-2002, 01:11 PM
That would make sense if they were sisters

04-23-2002, 01:46 PM


04-24-2002, 01:17 AM
i think they're sisters too. am i just saying this to see if ssj10goku shits a brick? either way it would make sense if they were sisters.

04-24-2002, 06:16 AM
I haven't finished the game properly yet but I guessed after seeing the 1st video(yeah,I know I'm too clever)and the other video in that summoner town. I added the info I already had and guessed the answer. Even though they seem different they are really totally alike once you think about it.

zidane tribal
04-24-2002, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by ssj10Goku
they'r not sisters. if u guys would have really payed attention, u would have noticed that Eiko says that her parents were two SUMMONERS, and that they died shortly after the attack on the town. and if u would have done the sidequest to find out Garnets real name, and her parents.


than u should know that Iferit is her dad and he mom died when she and Garnet left, (ten years ago) and Eiko is six, do the math, it doesnt add up. so thats a little IMPOSIBLE for them to be sisters.

"Goku" how many times are we going to fight about this????? :D ......they are NOT sisters......they could only be closely related as distant cousins..(the whole same tribe thingy) remember Eiko's grandpa??? he said she couldnt leave until she was 16..... well Garnet was not related to him in anyway, which in turn means they are NOT related....:rolleyes: