11-29-2007, 07:47 PM
Link. (

In a new interview with Epic�s Mark Rein, he has applauded Sony�s �wonderful� decision to make PSN an �open system�.

Mark explains that, thanks to the open system structure of PSN, console gamers can get a lot more out of UT3, as all mods made for UT3 on the PC will run fine on the PS3 and don�t need to be approved or checked by Epic or Sony.

�This is the full power of the Unreal Editor. The same editor we used to create the games is now available to you. You want to import your objects you made in 3D Studio Max or Maya? Bring them in! You want to code an UnrealScript? Code an UnrealScript! All those things you can do. If they fit on our map, you can stick them on the PlayStation 3 and they�ll run!�

Mark also talks about a few other things, like Epic�s decision to use the PS3 as the lead platform for UT3 and Little Big Planet.


J. Peterman
11-30-2007, 02:07 AM

12-01-2007, 06:24 AM
A bit old. I think I read about this several months ago. But it's still great news. Having mods for console versions of PC games is quite awesome, in my opinion. Lots of great mods out there, and the ability for this kind of cross platforming can lead to nothing but great things. Hopefully one day universal cross platforming for games will be a reality. the ability to play with players on other consoles and even PCs would be great.