11-27-2007, 05:03 AM
Barret: "Biggs...... Wedge.... Jessie......"
Cloud: "All three of them were in the pillar."
Barret: "Think I don't know that?"

All right, here's something that's a legitimate question, I think. I can't recall ever seeing it discussed before. It's probably just a plothole, but...

Cloud says that all three of them were in the pillar and everyone seems to go along with that, no questions. Nothing about it is ever mentioned again. But... Wedge wasn't in the pillar. He fell from the pillar. Cloud specifically asked Aeris/th to look after Wedge, right before Tifa asked her to go find Marlene and get her somewhere safe. It seems to me just a bit odd that Aeris/th would heed Tifa's request, but wouldn't look after Wedge and make sure he got out of Sector 7 too. Anyone ever seen anything else about this?

11-27-2007, 05:12 AM
I would guess that Wedge was sadly bound too much to realism to survive falling off of that massive pillar. Of course, I am well aware that it can be done; don't forget good old Cid in FFIV, but I think it's a fair assumption in this case that the fall killed Wedge, so Aeris didn't try to take him out of the pillar.

11-27-2007, 05:20 AM
Yeah, that's my best guess too. Of course, when he hit the bottom, he was still alive and even talking, but I guess he coulda kicked it.

11-27-2007, 08:35 AM
even if he survived the fall, when the pillar started going aeris must've bolted, as she doesn't look beefy enough to carry a full grown man, so she left him there to get crushed by the destroyed pillar.

11-27-2007, 11:57 AM
But... Wedge wasn't in the pillar. He fell from the pillar.

Well, as Barret goes, he was fighting so in the confusion he might've missed Wedge falling.

The other explanation I can think of is that they used "pillar" to describe the whole of Sector 7. Like, they were in the vicinity of the pillar but not exactly in the pillar itself. Besides, he was right at the bottom so I suppose considering that part of the pillar isn't all that farfetched or a plot hole.

Cloud specifically asked Aeris/th to look after Wedge, right before Tifa asked her to go find Marlene and get her somewhere safe. It seems to me just a bit odd that Aeris/th would heed Tifa's request, but wouldn't look after Wedge and make sure he got out of Sector 7 too. Anyone ever seen anything else about this?

Agreeing with FF1. He (and the rest) realized he was pretty much done for and, while sad, there probably was no time to get both Marlene and Wedge to safety so they went with healthy child.

11-28-2007, 04:43 AM
Barret: "Biggs...... Wedge.... Jessie......"
Cloud: "All three of them were in the pillar."
Barret: "Think I don't know that?"

All right, here's something that's a legitimate question, I think. I can't recall ever seeing it discussed before. It's probably just a plothole, but...

Cloud says that all three of them were in the pillar and everyone seems to go along with that, no questions. Nothing about it is ever mentioned again. But... Wedge wasn't in the pillar. He fell from the pillar. Cloud specifically asked Aeris/th to look after Wedge, right before Tifa asked her to go find Marlene and get her somewhere safe. It seems to me just a bit odd that Aeris/th would heed Tifa's request, but wouldn't look after Wedge and make sure he got out of Sector 7 too. Anyone ever seen anything else about this?

If you go back down to the bottom of the pillar after Wedge falls, You'll see him and Aerith at the bottom... Wedge doesn't say anything, and Aerith gives the "He's dead, Jim" line(although I'm not quite sure what she says). Most people don't bother doing this because the section has a time limit. One that Is not too hard to beat actually. If you don't waste time incessantly stealing from every enemy, then you have enough time to go down and poke Wedge with a stick, then climbed back up to the top, wasting those nasty robots and rent'a'cops along the way, and beat Reno's ass with about 10-20 some odd seconds to spare(and probably about that many hit points a piece lol).

I could be wrong though. It's been a few years to say the least since I've played the game. I have a photographic memory though. I'll get confused on side quest details, but on main story details I mostly remember it.

11-28-2007, 04:47 AM
Oh, I never even thought of doing that! That's very interesting, however, the section has no time limit that I'm aware of. There's certainly no clock on-screen.

I have the PC version and a nice archive of savefiles. I think I'll go check that!

11-28-2007, 04:49 AM
I thought there was... Maybe it starts up at the boss fight...

11-28-2007, 05:20 AM
There is no ticking clock in that section, at all.

Edit --- I think you must be confused about something. I checked this and the fact is, if you start going up and then come back down, the gate is locked. The game doesn't even let you get to Wedge and as far as I can tell, Aeris/th is gone. Plus, you said if you go "back down" after Wedge falls, but actually, Wedge falls before you start climbing the pillar.

12-04-2007, 03:49 AM
Well, that just means that even my photographic memory can wear thin after 8 years.

12-04-2007, 05:43 AM
It's possible Shin-Ra wasted his ass when they grabbed Aeris. Or he was left alone to fend for himself and he couldn't make it out before the pillar fell.

J. Peterman
12-04-2007, 07:13 AM

12-15-2007, 08:57 PM
maybe he lived and there gonna make a ff7 where you find that they were saved by some dude or er um girl dude dont sound right but yeah they coulda been saved i mean u dont for certain there dead right

12-15-2007, 09:08 PM
Maybe you're nuts.

12-15-2007, 09:26 PM
yes but thats not the point

12-15-2007, 09:59 PM
Of course it's th*interrupted by loud fart*

12-15-2007, 11:10 PM
Judging from the FMV we see shortly after they escape from Sector 7, I always assumed he was dead -- along with everybody else in Sector 7. The Pillar was just one part of Sector 7. Having fallen from such a height, I would seriously doubt that he would been able to move and I don't think it's likely Aeris/th carried him.

12-16-2007, 12:02 AM
I have the PC version and a nice archive of savefiles. - There is no ticking clock in that section, at all.

What if the ps version is different?

12-16-2007, 08:08 AM
It isn't. The PS and PC versions of the game are identical aside from the midi quality and save files.

12-16-2007, 10:19 AM
Well even if there was a plot hole it is covered in Cosmo Canyon, when Barret starts blaming himself that he couldn`t bring Avalanche team together to Cosmo Canyon and that they`re all dead [for the exception of the main cahracters]...

Anyway I think that Wedge didn`t survive when he fell off that pillar.

12-16-2007, 07:48 PM
The PC and Playstation versions are not identical aside from the midi quality and save files. The PC version contains numerous alterations to the game script. However, when they do change something, they almost always change the wording, but not the actual meaning.

12-16-2007, 08:28 PM
Ah, I forgot to mention the wording. The PC version censored the word "shit" at least most of the times it appears in the PS version, and it also reworded some of the lines. My point, however, is that the maps, triggers, and other aspects of the gameplay are preserved.

12-16-2007, 08:33 PM
Exactly. So the details of the scenario wouldn't be any different from version to version.

The PC version does censor most stronger profanity and also corrects most Engrish errors, among other changes in wording.

12-17-2007, 07:46 AM
I've played both versions, and they are both the same at that part. I only got parts and memories mixed up. Even photographic memory can degrade after a decade of stress. And my memory of all the finer details of the game is better at some parts than it is at others. (Like I really have not commited to memory much of the second half of Disc 1, so whenever I replay, having gone through most of the preceeding stuff from memory, I will have missed out on clues to help solve the puzzles I have to solve in order to progress through the rest of Disc 1, but my memory of Disc's 2 and 3, are a tad more accurate but still have some parts that are missing... or never there to start with, seeing as once a side quest get's harder than the final dungeon, and I'm right next to said final dungeon, then I'm not going to go through with said side quest unless I know for certain just how to finish it. See my post in "Vincent+Death Penalty")

12-17-2007, 11:42 PM
Maybe you're nuts.

gironimo appleton
12-18-2007, 03:30 AM
Man I need to play the game again up till that point, I never noticed that. Interesting observation Agent.

12-30-2007, 02:10 AM
holy shit, Wedge got a thread
i bet he woulda been proud

10-19-2008, 08:08 PM
well he was funny
there is no timer that i was awear of then again maybe i was to high lvl to care lol i was already lvl 20 takes a while but worth it annoyingly if you kill the midgar zolom he comes back but he is funny though you only gain 250 exp :( as for biggs jessie and wedge well they were cool but there dead and replaced by vincent yuffie and cid

10-19-2008, 08:30 PM
Among the bumps you have done today. I'd say this is the most pointless. And it does not make a great deal of sense.

The thread is actually good. I read it and found it interesting. But your post was not really necessary.

10-20-2008, 02:24 AM
I agree, and I don't think many people have actually thought about it before. Aerith managed to take Marlene back to her house before getting taken by the Turks (as the flashback showed). There doesn't seem to be any logical reasoning behind why she took Marlene and not Wedge too. My "theory" would be that she couldn't carry him, as he was a large guy. There were a few people around at the time, but I'm betting they didn't know Wedge and were too scared to help. And falling from the height he did would most likely kill him anyway (even in an RPG).

Basically, I'm living with the fact that Aerith made a choice that saving Marlene was more important and possible than Wedge. You could argue that she had lots of time, but then RPGs don't count time taken while you're fighting or wandering around unless there's a timer there. You could argue it wouldn't take long to get home, even carrying Wedge, but I'm betting it's much quicker to swing to Sector 6 at a height than walk, and they still weren't at Aerith's house after the swing.

That's just off the top of my head, but I haven't played for a while. Good topic though.

10-20-2008, 03:47 AM
Everything you said basically makes sense and jibes with what's been said before. BTW-- it's good to see you back here-- it's definitely been a while.

10-20-2008, 04:09 AM
what i find weird is how they links biggs and wedge into FF8 as Galabadia Soldiers......

10-20-2008, 04:45 AM
Squalid perfectionism yields ignorance of disproportianate quantity within the gaming community!

Obviously the picture of two relatively modern lcd monitors and a gleaming oaken office desk is the limit of your gaming savvy..

Biggs and Wedge are recurring characters all the way from FFI and other various fictional stories/rpgs..but I'm not a complete expert.

On topic: Wedge could have survived completely or longer (he was talking when you approach him at the bottom of the pillar) depending on the actual height from which he dropped (I remember it pretty high though, like they had to shift from the point from which he fell to the bottom; you see wedge start falling from one screen, then the screen jumps to where you (Cloud is standing at the bottom) and seconds later wedge comes into view in the screen and hits the pavement..or dirt). Also he could have tangled up somewhere on loose supporting cable lines or stair railing or protruding spikes of metal and his clothes..

Marshall Lee
10-20-2008, 05:10 AM
Man what I don't get is why no one ever mentioned how Jessie wanted to sleep with Cloud, I mean she would have made a better hooker than Aeris...

10-20-2008, 06:12 AM
I think the biggest problem with FFVII's plot is tying things together. The part where you're in Midgar seems separate from the rest of the game, especially because Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie die right before you leave. I think the game should have made more mention of them.

10-20-2008, 10:29 PM
He died because he was fat and had a heart attack from eating too much.

10-21-2008, 01:24 AM
I've always wanted the villain in a story to die of a heart attack because he smoked too much, right as the bad guys were about to win.

10-21-2008, 01:32 AM
Wedge finally got his 15mins of fame. Maybe i'll make a banner of him.... or avatar.

t0m s3rvo
10-25-2008, 04:55 AM
Man what I don't get is why no one ever mentioned how Jessie wanted to sleep with Cloud, I mean she would have made a better hooker than Aeris...

I always thought that was kind of odd too.

10-25-2008, 05:47 AM
I didn't die in the pillar, Biggs, Wedge and i are livin it up in the Costa del Sol.

10-27-2008, 12:10 AM
I didn't die in the pillar, Biggs, Wedge and i are livin it up in the Costa del Sol.

Costa Del Sol's nice....but I was hoping for a bit more from Heavan to be honest. Oh, and sorry to disappoint you...

10-27-2008, 12:19 AM
Why the mention of heaven? i just said we didn't die.

10-27-2008, 02:55 AM
:) Taking it in turns to hang out in Cloud's Villa when he's not looking, I bet?

10-27-2008, 03:17 AM
We sure do, Cloud isn't around much these days though ;-;

10-27-2008, 08:06 AM
Did anyone ever actually buy the villa? It was unnecessary.

execrable gumwrapper
10-27-2008, 04:05 PM
I did.

The first chance I got to, also!

10-27-2008, 05:52 PM
You're mistaking Heavan for Costa Del Sol. Not too far off I suppose...

10-27-2008, 06:21 PM
You're mistaking Heavan for Costa Del Sol. Not too far off I suppose...

Hogo in a speedo is not my idea of heaven.

10-27-2008, 10:49 PM
I did.

The first chance I got to, also!

My respect for you has just tripled. Srsly, buying the Villa is where it's AT.

10-27-2008, 11:45 PM
Oh, I absolutely buy the Villa. It's funny, though, if you talk to the original owner before the game allows you to purchase it, though, you can have umpteen-million (sell a couple of mastered All materia or something) and the guy will still say that you could never afford it.

11-11-2008, 11:38 PM
I proved that bastard wrong as soon as I sold off Master Materias...

Wasn't there a 1/32nd soldier in the Villa, if I am not mistaken?

11-13-2008, 04:31 PM
I think the biggest problem with FFVII's plot is tying things together. The part where you're in Midgar seems separate from the rest of the game, especially because Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie die right before you leave. I think the game should have made more mention of them.

The acting troupe Zidane's in in FFIX deserves more mention because it's essentially the same scenario.

It should be a given that Wedge dies. If someone were to actually take the time to figure out the height of the pillar and Wedge's approximate mass in comparison to Cloud, and then count the seconds before he hit the ground, we could figure out how much force he hit with. I assume it's enough to make Wedge soup.

As for why Cloud mentioned him dying with the others, it's probably a dialogue restriction.

11-13-2008, 06:40 PM
The acting troupe Zidane's in in FFIX deserves more mention because it's essentially the same scenario.

But they actually make appearances later in the game and even play a significant role in the plot throughout. The members of AVALANCHE all die at once, and they're only mentioned three or four times the rest of the game, and even then only in passing.

It should be a given that Wedge dies. If someone were to actually take the time to figure out the height of the pillar and Wedge's approximate mass in comparison to Cloud, and then count the seconds before he hit the ground, we could figure out how much force he hit with. I assume it's enough to make Wedge soup.

Cid went on to survive this and recover completely with bedrest.

As for why Cloud mentioned him dying with the others, it's probably a dialogue restriction.

This seems likely. He didn't seem capable of moving himself, and he's quite big, and the plate that fell on them was awfully large, so it's pretty fair to assume he was still somewhere in Sector 7 when the plate fell.

11-13-2008, 08:00 PM
But they actually make appearances

Cid went on to survive this and recover completely with bedrest.

What pisses me off about FFIV, is that several of the characters sacrifice themselves in cool ways, yet they somehow manage to survive.

Cid - falling and blowing up the entrance to the Underworld
Yang - Blowing up the main cannon in the Bebel Tower,
Palom and Porom - Turned to stone in Baron
Edward/Gilbert - Collapses after playing his harp whilst deathly ill.

IV would have been a better story if these guys had actually bought it there and then.

I was in no minds that Wedge dies. I thought that he died from his wounds as as you get onto the pillar

non-canon sousaphone
11-13-2008, 09:11 PM
Wedge falls, Aeris tries to take care of whatever's left of him, Shinra interrupts, Wedge croaks.


11-15-2008, 12:13 PM
I always assumed that either Wedge died and Aerith went off to get Marlene or that Wedge told Aerith to just leave him and take care of Marlene.

11-23-2008, 03:03 AM
Actually, yeah, that makes sense too.

11-23-2008, 04:20 AM
long story short...Wedge gets crushed!

06-05-2009, 01:12 PM
I've just always assumed he died trying to escape sector 7. I agree though that His and the deaths of Biggs and Jessie should have been mentioned more often. I can't remember if they're ever mentioned during the return to Midgar