11-26-2007, 06:18 PM

128kbps mp3s, packed in .rar.

Unfortunately, these aren't the full albums, but the few tracks that I managed to preserve for like, about 10 years or so. The missing tracks are the non-music drama tracks in 009A, and some short monologue tracks from the Cybernet Rhapsody.

Virtual-On fans would know that these 2 are extremely hard to find anywhere except for ebay and such, so I think even as incomplete as they are now, this is probably like finding water in Sahara for those who wants 'em. These are RARE, people. Enjoy while you can! :D

Even if you're not a fan of this game, give these 2 albums a try.

Cybernet Rhapsody #14 (what's left of it)
• 01. Next ~壊れかけたドアの向こう~
• 03. main title
• 05. 危機~逃亡
• 07. Theme of Fei-Yen
• 09. Love14
• 11. 戦闘
• 13. Believe
• 15. 大団円
Counterpoint 009A #16 (remaining few)
• 01. fragment
• 03. intermission_1
• 10. intermission_2
• 12. magical wonderland
• 14. intermission_3
• 16. my sweet chocolate
• 21. another future
• 23. intermission _ 4
• 28. absent lovers

• In the Blue Sky Arranged Ver. (Temjin's Theme)
• From The Moon To Me (Original Fei-Yen Theme, scrapped)

What a way for a first post, huh? I hope incomplete but rare albums are still acceptable here somehow :p

11-26-2007, 06:42 PM
Not bad.

11-26-2007, 10:08 PM
Hello and welcome.

It is true, those 2 soundtracks are the rarest of the whole serie.

I already have Counterpoint but that's the first time i see a rip of Cybernet Rhapsody #14 (even partial).. i wish you had it complete.
My collector's heart is bleeding in front of an incomplete official release. ;)

Anyway thanks for sharing this, these 2 soundtracks were probably unknown by the majority of players/fans.

11-27-2007, 06:10 AM
I too have Counterpoint completed, as well as the rest of the series' music.

11-27-2007, 03:24 PM
Very nice, i'm a big VO fan, so are a couple of my firends.

By the way, guarayakha, I can't remember off the top of my head, but whould you happen to be the same person from forums? Before anyone asks, I wasn't a member, but I tried, the email kept failing on me for some reason.

Once again, Thank youuuuuu!


11-27-2007, 04:12 PM
Yeah, that's me alright. is probably dead now though. Haven't been able to access the forum for a month now. It's just a shame that VO had to die a horrible death since Hitmaker poisoned the series with Marz.

Glad I could share this with you all...VO deserved a second life in the next-gen consoles! That way we can see what Katoki-san had in store for the Fei-Yens (From a Bishoujo Senshi > Mahou Shoujo > Maid > ???)

*Imagination runs wild* >_<

11-27-2007, 05:43 PM
Ah, thought so.

Sadly, does indeed appear to be down. A pity, such a good source of info...

Whould you happen to know if any of the projects are still active, such as that one open source project, err, what was it called? Or perhaps the hamachi server?

Ontopic: fragment from counterpoint 009a has me hooked. By any chance does a version exist with music? Im willing to bet no, but i'd be a nice listen methinks...


11-28-2007, 03:21 AM
Yes, it's "Believe" in the Cybernet disc.

11-28-2007, 03:40 AM
Ah, yes your right.

By any chance, do you know of another forum where VO pilots gather? I recently finished the physical construction of a twinstick set. Sadly, it'll only be compatable with MARZ at first, but i'll later adapt it to previous versions. The point is im in the mood to chat VO again.

Oh yes, anyone considering downloading these but isn't sure, grab them, you will NOT be sorry.


11-28-2007, 04:24 PM
I dunno where else they would gather when suddenly went off the net. The Sega Ages board in gamefaqs ain't that lively either.

It's just funny that of all the mecha games I played, VO seems to stick at the back of my head even when I've not been really playing for years.

Xeno Uchiha
11-28-2007, 05:34 PM
Thanks for songs *looks at guarayakha* you have joined since last year and this is your first thread you posted on? o_O

11-28-2007, 05:39 PM
Haha yeah. I'd actually made that account, then I think something else got my attention and I'd totally forgotten about this place until my recent search for a full 009A album. Of course, that search brought me to that post someone made last year requesting for it...:-\

Call it nolstagia if you will. :D

Xeno Uchiha
11-28-2007, 05:49 PM
i see.. i have been in this place alot i get most of my music all in my ipod from here (come here everyday) lol but i never post anything. Until recently i upload two albums and then i started posting. What will you do now guarayakha? will you leave once again yet to only return another year to complete another someones wish for another virtual on soundtrack?

11-28-2007, 06:04 PM
I've no idea...maybe I'll do some more uploads of random hard to find stuffs that managed to stay alive and well in my HDD, lol. :laugh:

Xeno Uchiha
11-28-2007, 06:16 PM
well the best of luck to you *thumbs up* may the force be with you

12-28-2007, 06:44 AM
I've been looking for this soundtrack for ages!

But the file is no longer available on file factory :(

Can someone point me to where I can get it. Thanks

01-06-2008, 08:13 AM
Hey there, if you're still looking for this now, I'd already re-uploaded the file, so get it while it last! :)

01-06-2008, 01:40 PM
I've been a "Virtual-On" fan since, well, the first game in the series came out, so this is definitely appreciated.

Xeno Uchiha
01-07-2008, 05:29 PM
you know how it is momohan lol

02-07-2008, 08:55 PM
If any of you are still interested, I just managed to get my hands on a copy of CyberNet Rhapsody a few weeks ago (YEAH, I KNOW--HOW WEIRD TO FIND IT 12 YEARS LATER...) and I can provide rips and scans. Again, if anyone is still interested.

Also, I purchased the new remastered OST Soundtrack, which has all tracks re-made roughly and even some new ones. I can upload that too.

*I love VON--lord, I even bought the new release version of the game on PS2*

*EDIT* Ok, I just re-read this post and it's so conceited like... I didn't mean to come off that way. :D Just happy to know there are other humans out there that actually LIKE the series.

02-09-2008, 05:23 PM
Haha, bet you were quite dissappointed with the PS2 game then :p It's amazing that for a game that had such loyal fanbase (i can tell you that there're a bunch of VO nerds with itchy fingers out there), Sega choose to alienate them all and make more Sonic games >_<

That aside, it would be nice to have them uploaded. You know I'm interested ^_^ Where on earth do you find such a rare piece of gem anyway? A time machine? LOL

02-09-2008, 05:50 PM
Yup, exactly. Well, the PS2 game was OK. I honestly think they had the potential to put more into the game since they have added those extras in there. But since my crappy Windows 95 copy is not working out for me, it's what is keeping me entertained at the moment. I don't understand WHY they had to make the secret menu... a secret. Took me a while to figure out how to pull it up. ANYWAYS~ At least they did something to rekindle the memories.

Anywho, I have to find that link for you guys... it's just a random site that sells a lot of rare game OSTs. I managed to find the Counterpoint album a few weeks ago too so when I get that I'll post it too.

*Works on scans/rips*

02-12-2008, 05:39 PM
This is the site:

Aside from VON, there is also a lot of other rare game stuff there, so I totally recommend it. Counterpoint and Cybernet Rhapsody are sold out though. :D

02-12-2008, 05:57 PM
Would love an upload of this too very rare indeed

02-14-2008, 10:30 PM
I'll be keeping my eye's here for the rips/scans then. This'll keep me happy for a while yet.

02-22-2008, 07:19 PM
Oh~ My bad. I didn't see anyone reply to this.

Here is the first set. Cybernet Rhapsody 320-Bit MP3 w/ scans: Rhapsody.rar

02-22-2008, 07:43 PM
Thanks so much excellent

02-23-2008, 05:18 AM

Oh yeah, and chalk one up for me for wanting the remastered ost aswell, and looking foward to the counterpoint rip.

*Is a happy VO fan*
*wait's paitiently for the rest*

02-23-2008, 05:26 AM
:D I'll try to work on the 2007 OST tomorrow. Otherwise, Counterpoint and the 1996 OST are shipping right now and I'll upload them whenever I get them.

Hope you like!

02-23-2008, 05:57 AM
:D I'll try to work on the 2007 OST tomorrow. Otherwise, Counterpoint and the 1996 OST are shipping right now and I'll upload them whenever I get them.

Hope you like!

Oh, don't worry about that. Me like much. As I said, i'll wait paitently. Words can't say how much this is appriciated.

02-23-2008, 01:57 PM
I am also taking that Cybernet Rhapsody album!

Thanks a lot Shiaedoeu.

02-23-2008, 09:02 PM
2007 OST Remaster OST.rar

This one has about 12 new tracks, 2 of which are new mixes to the old scores. One is the new menu song for the PS2 game. And the others... I'm not sure WHERE they're used in the PS2 game. I haven't discovered it yet. :D

Again, scans included and encoded at 320.

02-23-2008, 09:45 PM
Again thank you very much

02-24-2008, 02:32 AM
Once more, THANK YOU!!!

*jams out*

02-24-2008, 08:43 PM
My thanks to both guarayakha and Shiaedoeu for the uploads. Been looking for the tracks on this album for years 0_o. Good to see that there are still fans of VO.

Off topic: Is there by any chance an English translation of One Man rescue floating around the net?

Thanks and looking forward to the other albums.

02-25-2008, 04:12 PM
Haven't been around, but those are awesome rips, Shiaedoeu! Many thanks :)


There was an unfinished translation, and annoyingly enough, only the last chapter were missing:

The chinese version was completed though:

02-26-2008, 06:42 AM
Even incomplete, nice find. Anyone know of one for Fragmatory Passage. Or better still, while we're on the subject, any english transcripts for cybernet rhapsody or counterpoint 009a ? It's a long shot, but here's to hoping.

02-26-2008, 04:12 PM
I could only find scans of raw Fragmentary Passage, and AFAIK the one and only team that tried to translate it went quiet for a long time, not to mention that the board (, where most of the die-hard fans were, had finally went offline.

About Cybernet Rhapsody though, after listening the rips and with some little understanding of the language, it's basically about 2 guys (Apharmd and Dorkas pilots) finds a new version of VO:OMG and decides to try it out, only to be warped into VC where they find a human-looking Fei-yen (called Fei here, some perverted scenarios ensued).

They were attacked by some random enemy (i believe it was a Belgdor), and in the end the show turned into a Sailormoon show and Fei-Yen, with her emotional mode activated by the password Tokimeki (after which she sings), and defeated the enemy with her Lovely Heart Beam. The 2 guys were eventually transported back into their world, only to find that Fei had the ability to travel between the Virtual Realm and their world.

Well, I guess that's what the story about. :p

02-26-2008, 05:21 PM
:D Lol, I was wondering what it was all about. Thanks for the summary though!

02-26-2008, 07:48 PM
Thanks guys appreciate it

02-27-2008, 08:37 AM
I could only find scans of raw Fragmentary Passage, and AFAIK the one and only team that tried to translate it went quiet for a long time, not to mention that the board (, where most of the die-hard fans were, had finally went offline.

About Cybernet Rhapsody though, after listening the rips and with some little understanding of the language, it's basically about 2 guys (Apharmd and Dorkas pilots) finds a new version of VO:OMG and decides to try it out, only to be warped into VC where they find a human-looking Fei-yen (called Fei here, some perverted scenarios ensued).

They were attacked by some random enemy (i believe it was a Belgdor), and in the end the show turned into a Sailormoon show and Fei-Yen, with her emotional mode activated by the password Tokimeki (after which she sings), and defeated the enemy with her Lovely Heart Beam. The 2 guys were eventually transported back into their world, only to find that Fei had the ability to travel between the Virtual Realm and their world.

Well, I guess that's what the story about. :p

I figure it's actually the origional Fei-yen that excaped from DNA. I remember a discussion on that mentioned she could reverse-convert between her VR mode and a human mode. Id assume also that the warping into the VC ties into something abit more closely with the true nature of MSBS 3.5.

This is mearly conjuncture, but there may be evidence for it. On another note, we need another VO discussion forum. Badly.

02-27-2008, 03:27 PM
Hm... yes, we do need one. Maybe, if time would permit for everyone, we could all run our own one? I know that's a long shot, but my host has plenty of space for it, so it's just a matter of coming up with a creative domain name. :D

Plus then we could share the rips and scans that I have and the translations you folks have as well.

02-27-2008, 03:34 PM
Hm... yes, we do need one. Maybe, if time would permit for everyone, we could all run our own one? I know that's a long shot, but my host has plenty of space for it, so it's just a matter of coming up with a creative domain name. :D

Plus then we could share the rips and scans that I have and the translations you folks have as well.

Hmm, something with Mind-Shift in it I think...or...Crud. I could come up with a few creative domain name tags. I'd be up to you how to arrange them of course, being your host and all. Should I just list them?

edit: Oh, speaking of scans, abit offtopic, whould you happen to have the Cybertroopers Virtual On Reference schematic? I've heard of some of the info it contains and I think i'd kill for some of that data. Well, by kill I mean fragging opponents in VO, but still...

02-27-2008, 06:56 PM
No, I don't. Right now, I'm working on all the original VON CDs, I have to scan the NA and JA Saturn games, and I have this really large magazine. It contains a plentiful amount of art and text, but I can't say I know what any of it means.

And if I find anything else affordable to add to my collection, I'll try to get my hands on it.

About the domain name, you can all come up with ideas together because I'm sure you all know way more about the series than I do. Just something catchy or nice, please. :D Maybe even something you can make an acronym out of.

02-28-2008, 02:38 AM
and I have this really large magazine. It contains a plentiful amount of art and text, but I can't say I know what any of it means.

About the domain name, you can all come up with ideas together because I'm sure you all know way more about the series than I do. Just something catchy or nice, please. :D Maybe even something you can make an acronym out of.

Hmm, on the subject of a domain name, how about InterWAR. (References to it are made in One Man Rescue and MARZ, as being the focal company of the limited wars) The top part whould read something like, InterWar-Virtual On discussion central, or something along the lines, you know, something catchy for google or w/e to grab onto. For the record, im not the best at this kinda thing.

On the subject of the Magazine...well...the reference schematic was bundled with a copy of Dreamcast Magazine (in japan of course) so it may in fact be what your holding onto. I say scan the cover image and post it up to see if anyone recognizes it. I wont, not knowing what it looks like, but someone else might. Maybe...

02-28-2008, 02:41 AM
No, I'm pretty sure this is different: dZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQ_trksidZp1638.m118.l1247QQcm dZViewItem

It might still have what you're looking for.

02-28-2008, 02:48 AM
No, I'm pretty sure this is different: dZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQ_trksidZp1638.m118.l1247QQcm dZViewItem

It might still have what you're looking for.

Indeed, it might. namely the "strategy" area. And the poster...*drools*

Um, it can wait till the forums are up, if they go up, however, to not clog this place up with non-soundtrack downloads.

02-28-2008, 04:21 AM
:D I first have to find out IF I can scan it, because the book is pretty huge and my scanner... well, not that amazing of a scanner.

Anywho, I got Counterpoint today. I'll try to get that done by tomorrow.

02-28-2008, 05:04 AM
:D I first have to find out IF I can scan it, because the book is pretty huge and my scanner... well, not that amazing of a scanner.

Anywho, I got Counterpoint today. I'll try to get that done by tomorrow.

Ah, even in the middist of possable bad news, the prospect of good news brightens my day!

Friggin Win!

02-28-2008, 06:30 AM
I figure it's actually the origional Fei-yen that excaped from DNA. I remember a discussion on that mentioned she could reverse-convert between her VR mode and a human mode. Id assume also that the warping into the VC ties into something abit more closely with the true nature of MSBS 3.5.

This is mearly conjuncture, but there may be evidence for it. On another note, we need another VO discussion forum. Badly.

Argh....I have a feeling that the VO storyline is not that serious as I once thought it would be with that human Fei-Yen part being canon :p You know, when you first read about all the stuffs behind the scenes about Enver IV, all the plants and the MSBSystem, those stuffs are almost on par as an Evangelion+Gundam hybrid. While I admit that I do like Guaraykha although she looks ridiculously cute to be ever manufactured out of a production plant, human-mechs are too much of a fantasy to me >_<

02-28-2008, 06:41 AM
Argh....I have a feeling that the VO storyline is not that serious as I once thought it would be with that human Fei-Yen part being canon :p You know, when you first read about all the stuffs behind the scenes about Enver IV, all the plants and the MSBSystem, those stuffs are almost on par as an Evangelion+Gundam hybrid. While I admit that I do like Guaraykha although she looks ridiculously cute to be ever manufactured out of a production plant, human-mechs are too much of a fantasy to me >_<

Well, to be fair, if it is cannon (or even correct, mind you), it dosent seem to play too much apart in the main story outside the drama disks besides a historical note. Well, it's sorta there in the re-release for ps2, but, I doubt there's any story connection to it so...

Guaraykha is kinda cute, but I can never pronounce her name to save my life...

02-28-2008, 03:13 PM
Well, to be fair, if it is cannon (or even correct, mind you), it dosent seem to play too much apart in the main story outside the drama disks besides a historical note. Well, it's sorta there in the re-release for ps2, but, I doubt there's any story connection to it so...

Guaraykha is kinda cute, but I can never pronounce her name to save my life...

Haha, yeah maybe so, since we do have a weirdo named Hatter in MARZ :p
Guara is actually read as "Garayaka"("a" as in Aaargh!, lol) in it's official Japanese . Love how they goes "Gomen!" (means "Sorry!") in typical loli voice when you blast the crap out of them in MARZ.

02-28-2008, 03:52 PM
Counterpoint CD (320/Scans) 009A.rar

02-28-2008, 07:48 PM
Haha, yeah maybe so, since we do have a weirdo named Hatter in MARZ :p
Guara is actually read as "Garayaka"("a" as in Aaargh!, lol) in it's official Japanese . Love how they goes "Gomen!" (means "Sorry!") in typical loli voice when you blast the crap out of them in MARZ.

Did that get retained in the American release? Thanks for the pronounciation help btw. Isn't Hatter the American reference to Corporal Hada from One Man Rescue? I remember something from the Virtual century website (via translation of course) about a Commander Hattr from the SHBVD, or something along the lines. Maybe a few lost in translations?

Counterpoint CD (320/Scans) 009A.rar

Shiaedoeu, once more, THANK YOU!

02-29-2008, 03:30 AM
Did that get retained in the American release? Thanks for the pronounciation help btw. Isn't Hatter the American reference to Corporal Hada from One Man Rescue? I remember something from the Virtual century website (via translation of course) about a Commander Hattr from the SHBVD, or something along the lines. Maybe a few lost in translations?

Well, that "Gomen" part was one of the few stuffs that were scrapped along with the database (which is stupid, with such horrible voice acting, they could've save the cash for hiring someone to translate the texts). Yes, it's Hada in the OMR translation. Hatter is the official spelling. In fact, during the cutscene when Gill and LDN was introduced in MARZ, they actually mentioned commander Salpen (but that reference was gone altogether in the American release).

Counterpoint CD (320/Scans) 009A.rar
I'm sure if the guys from are here, you'd made them all happy. Thanks! :-D

02-29-2008, 04:18 AM
In fact, during the cutscene when Gill and LDN was introduced in MARZ, they actually mentioned commander Salpen (but that reference was gone altogether in the American release).

Well, it's kinda there...if you trigger the cutscene where Hatter comes in to save you (letting your partner die before you kill off the raiden's), when Hatter comes out Ledden (sp?) says "unit commander." Still, who, exactly it is, well, they leave you guessing. Though that kinda makes sense considering Salpen was never mentioned in the main series...

Good god did we get shafted as far as the story goes...

02-29-2008, 05:31 AM
:D Thanks for the compliments. I'm sure they would have liked it. All the more reason to start a new VON fan-site/forum.

Anyway, not to cut the conversation--I received the final CD today, which is the 1996 OST so I will work on that late tomorrow after work or maybe Saturday? I dunno, I'll see.

BY THE WAY, I will be relying on you two (in the future) to tell me more about the history of the series since I know like NOTHING, heh. K? :D

02-29-2008, 05:40 AM
Not a problem. At least for me anyway.

02-29-2008, 12:02 PM
Thanks for Counterpoint and the scans Shiaedoeu much appreciated

02-29-2008, 01:45 PM
:D Thanks for the compliments. I'm sure they would have liked it. All the more reason to start a new VON fan-site/forum.

Anyway, not to cut the conversation--I received the final CD today, which is the 1996 OST so I will work on that late tomorrow after work or maybe Saturday? I dunno, I'll see.

BY THE WAY, I will be relying on you two (in the future) to tell me more about the history of the series since I know like NOTHING, heh. K? :D

I may look like i knew a lot, but all that are from what i remembered from all those elites in, haha. I think i'd saved some important notes on my pc though.

02-29-2008, 02:44 PM
You whouldn't happen to have the track listing (order) from the pc version whould you? I "had" it, and can't find it to save my life. I figure with access to the remastered soundtrack, and soon access to the origional, this whould be nice data to have, expecially for those who have the pc version. (Such as myself.)

02-29-2008, 09:17 PM
PC version? Like what's on the ACTUAL game disc? I have it yes... unless you're referring to something else.

03-01-2008, 05:45 AM
PC version? Like what's on the ACTUAL game disc? I have it yes... unless you're referring to something else.

Well, I just need to know the track listing, as appears on the disk. Not any of the data off of it. Ie: Track 1 is the data for the game, Track 2 is, i think, transision(?) etc etc.

In case your curious, me and a firend are kinda messing around with the "aandonware" version of the game, the one thats been rigged to work without a disk. (he's trying to find what causes the crashing on newer os's.) The catch is, no music comes with it, that stay's on the disk. Another catch is, the game still checks the cd drive for the audio data. Any audio cd poped into the drive works, but i'd rather have the classic VO sound. The game checks the audio data by order on the disk, not actuall track title, so to reproduce it proprely, i need to know what order the tracks come in.

A simple list is all im after.

03-01-2008, 06:45 AM
You know, I actually found a modded .EXE that allows you to use the original Windows 95 disc to play the game on any PC. That's what I was doing up until I got the PS2 game. I no longer have the link, but I can try to upload the files I have here on my compy.

Anyway, yes, I can get that list for you by tomorrow. No problem. :D

03-01-2008, 07:27 AM
You know, I actually found a modded .EXE that allows you to use the original Windows 95 disc to play the game on any PC. That's what I was doing up until I got the PS2 game. I no longer have the link, but I can try to upload the files I have here on my compy.

Anyway, yes, I can get that list for you by tomorrow. No problem. :D

What? like a live cd? Maybe it was 98 instead? This might be worth looking into...

And thanks.

edit: actually, the VON.exe dossent appear to require any regestry calls, so in theroy, it could run off of any machine, provided you've either got the neccesary processer to run it or have the .exe hexed to run on any processer. Further testing shall commence.

03-01-2008, 02:15 PM
PC cd track list:

1: Game data
2: Presented by Sega
3: Transition '95:- Operation Moongate
4: MSBSystem V3.33~ Sally
5: Take off!
6: In the Blue Sky
7: She's Lost Control!
8: Everything Merges With the Night
9: Higher Grounds
10: Ruins
11: Earth Light
12: The Wind is Blowing
13: Fade to Black
14: A Magical Wonderland
15: Crystal Doom
16: Perfect
17: Winner
18: Loser
19: Continue?
20: Interlude
21: Enemy is Approaching
22: Mode Convert Sequence
23: Mission Failed
24: Absent Lovers
25: Burned by the Fire
26: Withdrawal

BTW, The modded Von.exe allows you to play on WinXP without the disc check, but you'll be send back to your desktop if the continue screen shows up (so either you don't lose the battle, or you Alt+F2 before if gets to the continue screen). Not sure if it was ever tested on Vista though.

03-01-2008, 04:06 PM
Thanks for the track listing Guarayakha.

BTW, The modded Von.exe allows you to play on WinXP without the disc check, but you'll be send back to your desktop if the continue screen shows up (so either you don't lose the battle, or you Alt+F2 before if gets to the continue screen). Not sure if it was ever tested on Vista though.

Yeah, thats the game crashing. Here's the fun part. It only does this for about half the VR's, here's something else, it tends to behave fine on a completly fresh install most of the time (absolutly no settings changed at all), once a single setting's changed, it starts messing up, this is also kinda finicky, ie: even fresh installs can mess up too. My firend is attempting to figure out what, exactly, is causing this, and how it can be fixed, if possable. He's a former programer, and still knows his way around a hex editer.

edit: The above is true of Win XP and 2000. The game runs perfectly on Windows ME and 98, and is untested (by myself atleast) on systems 95 or below (though presumably it'll work fine on win.95). This creates a new set of problems, for me atleast. Namily with GlovePIE. But thats a whole nother beast altogether.

Edit2: also, to my knowlage, it messes up on unmodded .exe's aswell, it's a universal problem in the coding, something to do with the NT system...

03-01-2008, 10:44 PM

guarayakha got the tracklist right, it's the same for me too.

Also, my disc clearly says Windows 95 on it. It's a NOT FOR SALE version that probably came with a computer I bought at the time.

I'm not sure how it works, but for a fact the modded EXE is what is allowing me to play the game. Otherwise, it will tell me that my system can't run it.

03-02-2008, 04:28 AM

guarayakha got the tracklist right, it's the same for me too.

Also, my disc clearly says Windows 95 on it. It's a NOT FOR SALE version that probably came with a computer I bought at the time.

I'm not sure how it works, but for a fact the modded EXE is what is allowing me to play the game. Otherwise, it will tell me that my system can't run it.

Hmm, it's probrably by-passing the processer check. What kind of processer was that machine running?

03-02-2008, 07:19 PM
Intel 4 or something. *Doesn't remember* :D

I have that last CD to upload still. Maybe... Tuesday? I have a dreadful week ahead. Family coming in from everywhere for a reunion thinger. I HATE those.

Sorry for the random moment of off-topicness. Back to VON.

03-03-2008, 09:04 AM
Intel 4 or something. *Doesn't remember* :D

Yep. For some reason, Intel 4's dont carry the MMX string in the cpu code's, so VO thinks it's an older pentium 1 uncapable of operating the game. A tad ironic ne?

(odder still, Pentium 3 equivilents, such as some mobile processers, do carry the MMX code, for example, my Toshiba Satelite's Intel Celeron M)

So, how about that discussion forum? At the rate this thread's going we definitly nead one...

03-04-2008, 01:41 PM
Sorry about putting off the CD upload. I have some flu that's apparently going around. No surprise in Canada.

We just need that domain name I think. And then I can put together the forum and design. I wonder how to advertise for that... this is like the only place I found you other VON fans, lol.

03-04-2008, 04:21 PM
For advertising, im thinking the gamefaq forums might be a decent place...there may be a few VO fans lurking there...I can think of a few more places, maybe.

Domain name, I wanna say, 0 plant-Virtual On , cut/copy/paste to fit to liking.

(in case anyone cares, 0 plant is/was the production facilities for Plajiner's "Doll" VR's ie:Fei-Yen/Angelin/Guarayakha, dunno if it still exists past OMG/OT, fitting as the source for Cybernet Rhapsody/Counterpoint 009a which focus on Fei-Yen.)

Im a addict at this stuff, just in case you couldn't tell.

And dont worry about the delay, one's health is more important anyway. Good luck.

03-04-2008, 07:07 PM
Well, I was referring to the whole, in which case the spaces in that wouldn't work. ~_~ Lol, it's ok being an addict. I have that problem with other things.

03-04-2008, 10:46 PM
Well, I was referring to the whole, in which case the spaces in that wouldn't work. ~_~ Lol, it's ok being an addict. I have that problem with other things.

Hmm, [url][url] (or .net or .org or w/e), simple yet unique. I figure since your providing the hosting you have the final say in it.

edit: killed the url tags since it's not yet an actuall website.

03-14-2008, 11:44 PM
Umm, is anyone still alive? I know another disk was offered, but I also know the person offering was (is) experienceing a medical condition. Everything ok?

edit: and on an unrelated note, are we still doing the whole vo forum thing? Maybe a few more ideas for a domain name? After a few google hunts, everything else out there is for trully dead. So sad.

03-15-2008, 02:22 AM
Sorry--I've been really busy. Now is University crunch time... exams have started already. I'll try to get something done tomorrow.

And yes, I'd like some more domain name ideas. Try to keep it simple... like something any person that played VO would know, not just stuff one would recognize only from back story.

03-16-2008, 03:31 AM

Did a google search on it, no current domain exists.

Do we need more simple? is open, however then we run risk of confusion for needless to say that whould be bad.

03-16-2008, 06:10 AM
I want to rule the virtualon one out because I think it DOES matter a bit.

I can live with virtualonuniverse, but the only thing is that I already have a site with "Universe" in it, so I don't want to be too repetitive. But it's not that big a deal.

Have anymore? I liked those two a lot. Very simple which is good.

03-16-2008, 06:24 AM
On another note,,, and are all open.

03-16-2008, 07:30 AM, I like that one. It can have any of the extentions I suppose, but .com is a tad more likely, we arn't really an orginization (.org), although .net could work.

It's between .com and .net. Personally I like .com, but your providing the hosting, you pick. Please.

On another note, I gave SMU a visit and saw ep 1 on Youtube. I have to say, nice work all round.

03-16-2008, 08:06 AM
:D Thanks, we try our best~

I like .com best too. If virtuaroid is to everyone's liking, I say to go with it.

Anywho, I'll be uploading that final disc tomorrow.

03-18-2008, 05:19 PM
Lol~ been busy with videogames :-D

But yeah, I guess "Virtuaroid" would be easy to access for VO fans as opposed to VirtualOn, which gave me crappy virtual on-screen keyboard links >_<

Just got myself the "Limited Edition" Fei-Yen CH model kit from Hagesawa, BTW (which comes in an ugly shade of green, bought it for the CG book), and find some disturbing pictures inside. Apparently there are different classes of body units for Fei (called "Thorax"), and guess what are their differences?


Boobs & butt sizes :shock:

03-18-2008, 05:40 PM
OMG, LOL! Hah, you so have to scan that stuff when we get that forum rolling. That's hilarious.

03-18-2008, 09:30 PM
OMG, LOL! Hah, you so have to scan that stuff when we get that forum rolling. That's hilarious.

Ahahaha, that's not too surprizing, but funny nonetheless.

Speaking of forums, we're using automated registration of some kind right? I know in it's later lifespan tried an email system as opposed to an automated one, but that didn't work, for me atleast. The email bounced back as being dead.

03-20-2008, 03:52 PM
Lordie, I keep forgetting to upload that last album. Alright, SOOOOON.

You can have forums automatically accept people, or have them validate by e-mail, or have them manually checked by the admin. I would also go with the automated one because the e-mail choice DOES cause problems.

Alright, maybe in a few days I'll try to get that domain.

03-20-2008, 09:55 PM
I think the validate by email might be a good one, you know, have (user name here) fill out a forum, an email is sent to (user name here)'s inbox, he (or she) clicks a link, and finalizes the registration. Well, so long as the email's are automatic, Remove the human factor, or rather, the human factor of possable forgetfullness. It's happened before, at least to me.

Fully automated and automatic is nice and convient, however i've heard of spam bots (and users) becomeing a big problem on places like that.

On another note, I myself am in not that big a hurry for the next album, only because I am currently away from my broadband connection for a couple more days. Dial up is not album-download-size firendly, and im sure any other user of 56k will agree with me on that one.

Just curious, is it alot of work to obtain a domain name? I know it tends to cost money, but is it also a legnthy process? I've never done anything outside of pre-fab (http://insertnamehere.corpratemonger.blah) so I whouldn't know. I know forums require a decent ammount of set up and fine tuning, dunno how specifially, but I know it's usually not a copy/paste job. Or is it? Seriously, I dunno.

edit: Here's a snippet from good ol wiki:

The 10/80 was first featured in the One Man Rescue and subsequently The Wall of Truth novel installments in the Hobby Japan magazine

What is this "wall of truth" they speak of? I've never heard of it. Is it simply another reference to fragmatory passage, or another novel alltogether?

Here's something else from wiki, and it's got me (and probrably others) confused aswell:

The US release of VOOT on Dreamcast had many features such as Cable Versus and Custom Virtuaroid locked for unknown reasons.

I know cable versus was locked, but correct me if im wrong, wasn't the ability to access the custom vr menu removed, hence the need for a homebrew loader? If it's just locked away i'll take back every bad thing i said about activision in relation to bringing the game to the states. (not that many btw.)

I don't expect the answers to these questions right away, but something to mull over till the forums are up.

03-21-2008, 12:27 AM
Well, on my other forum, the spam bots simply search the forums but don't post. Actually they're not spam bots, they're more like search engine bots that just look for interesting things to post to Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc...

Domain setups are not hard at all. It costs $10 or less and after buying it, you just have to wait about 24 hrs for it to come online.

Otherwise, I already have a host to link it to.

Forums DO take some fine tuning, especially if you want the design to suit your needs, but it's nothing I haven't done before.

It's more like you are installing it as a program and go through the easy setup. The only tricky part, like I said, is the design. But it's nothing I can't handle. :D

And those questions... heh, don't look at me. :D :D :D

03-23-2008, 10:30 AM
The Custom VRs are indeed locked away altogether away with the online play capabilities, and there's no way to get them to work. The custom loader that was available to download on unlocks that particular section as well as allowing you to play with a custom colored VR for the single player game instead of just in the Online's "VR test".

This is the first time I've heard of this Wall of Truth. Probably some original continuation from HobbyJapan's OMR.

03-23-2008, 11:03 PM
The Custom VRs are indeed locked away altogether away with the online play capabilities, and there's no way to get them to work. The custom loader that was available to download on unlocks that particular section as well as allowing you to play with a custom colored VR for the single player game instead of just in the Online's "VR test".

This is the first time I've heard of this Wall of Truth. Probably some original continuation from HobbyJapan's OMR.

Are you speaking of np-voot-cust+ or another loader entirely?

03-25-2008, 04:40 PM
Are you speaking of np-voot-cust+ or another loader entirely?

Yep, that's the one.

03-25-2008, 07:54 PM
Ah, from my experimentation, it dosen't actually unlock anything from the custumization menu. It will let you use a customized virtuaroid in single player/training/and watch modes. You need an external method of creating the vr, ie: MSBS 5.66 disk, or the japanese version of voot.

Having said that, the loader works great for what it is.

03-26-2008, 04:30 PM
Ah, I see. I thought it could do both since I can't get it to boot on my DC, thanks to my bootleg US VOOT. I've only got to play around with with the customization on the Japanese original copy that magically appears out of nowhere during the DC's death period >_<

03-26-2008, 09:42 PM
Ah, I see. I found a bootleg of the 5.66 customization disk, so I have access to virtuaroid customization anyway, but i'd be nice to have it all in one disk...oh well.

03-27-2008, 06:07 AM
Does the 5.66 disc, by any chance, allows you to test play the 3 new VRs as well?

03-27-2008, 07:05 AM
Does the 5.66 disc, by any chance, allows you to test play the 3 new VRs as well?

with the np-voot-cust + loader, yes, yes it does. Without Ironically enough, level and enviroment data is on the disk. Who knows what Sega was thinking, unless they rushed the disk without finishing it...

It's not without it's flaws though, occasional graphical glitches may (and will) happen. Having said that, it functions.

One more reason I want worries though...a plan is forming...

04-01-2008, 05:11 AM
Hey people, we need to stop forgeting about this. A forum, a disk, and stuff. Yes, stuff.

05-24-2008, 01:52 PM
You guys still there?

I've managed to get those stuffs (FeiCH manual, artbook, VO model related extras) scanned FYI, and I assume that there would be a forum rule that posting scans are not allowed, so pm me for a DL link. I'll try to get them uploaded ASAP. :)

05-25-2008, 03:16 AM
I'm so getting in on that!

Also, a quick note...

The host I was with was beginning to piss me off a lot and I requested my account be closed, but the geniuses only suspended it.

So at the moment those links to the CDs are offline and not available. Also, I'll hopefully be redoing my site so they are readily accessible.

Sorry about that!

05-27-2008, 01:33 AM
I'm so getting in on that!

Also, a quick note...

The host I was with was beginning to piss me off a lot and I requested my account be closed, but the geniuses only suspended it.

So at the moment those links to the CDs are offline and not available. Also, I'll hopefully be redoing my site so they are readily accessible.

Sorry about that!

I was wondering what happened to the SMU sites...well, now I know.

BTW, how ya been?

guarayakha, check your pm inbox. Please.

05-29-2008, 04:02 PM
Lol~ so we've been lurking on the thread waiting for the next person to post, huh? :-D

I'm currently trying to keep my head from exploding due to the excitement of the soon-to-be-release MGS4 (the OST's out for grabs in the DL section too), the latest trailer hyped me up real good.

Other than that, RaceDriver GRiD (which i'm part of; the KL Staffs) is coming out real soon. Seems to be getting mixed feelings among gamers tho :p

Anyhow, DL links for metalboobies and the rest of the manuals are uploaded, check your PM boxes, both of you


^I just had to try that emoticon, it kickass^
Had to split the rar into 2 since it's 104MB on the best compression (and my friend scanned it on a insane hi-resolution, which is a good thing). Now if only we had someone who can read Japanese with no problems on the Kanji as well:-\

05-24-2012, 12:49 PM
can you guys reupload this?