11-26-2007, 12:56 AM
Does anyone know what the lyrics of this track are in Japanese? To clarify written in form, oddly I've tried looking for the lyrics but all I can find is the translation in English but not the romanji to go with it

oh and it can be found on the Persona 2 (and 1 I think) OST ^_^'

If anyone can help it'd be greatly appreciated :D
thanks in advance

Oh - and here are the lyrics apparently in English

To rejuvinate hit point, use 'Herb' and 'Magic Rock'
Use 'Blood Orb' and 'Life Orb' to revive your friends
Use 'Dis.stone' to heal petrification
Use 'Dis.poison' to heal poison
Use 'dis.paralyze' to heal paralyzation
Use 'dis.sick' to heal sickness
Always in the side of those who fight,
Our 'R'ocal Drug Store

11-26-2007, 06:40 AM
Here you go!


11-26-2007, 11:40 AM
Thank you Yatta :)