04-18-2002, 01:57 AM
If you were to cosplay as an ff character, who would you pick? I would probablly be Lulu, as she was my fave character in FFX, and I have been told I look like her. :)

04-18-2002, 02:47 AM
id have to say id want to be Fujin. shes the coolest ff chick.

Green Arrow
04-18-2002, 02:40 PM
What in the blue hell is COSPLAY?
If you could tell me than I could answer this question.

04-18-2002, 02:49 PM
What in the blue hell is COSPLAY?
If you could tell me than I could answer this question.

Cosplaying is basically picking an anime/manga/game character, sewing your own costume together, go to a convention, and do stuff. Karaoke is one of them o_O;

Anyway.. I don't think I'll ever do cosplay.. 1) can't sew o_O 2) no conventions around here. But I'd dress up as Lulu or something.. She's the only female character that actually wears all grey / purple-ish / black. Gotta love it XD

04-18-2002, 04:11 PM
Hmm....I would be Cid from FF VII, he's really cool. Kinda like me :D

04-18-2002, 06:21 PM
Squall, that would be so awesome

04-18-2002, 11:44 PM
Well, I'd more than likely be these guys:


All these dudes rule, not to mention I can look just like any of 'em.
Pony tails and all..

04-19-2002, 01:04 AM
Originally posted by Rosiel

Cosplaying is basically picking an anime/manga/game character, sewing your own costume together, go to a convention, and do stuff. Karaoke is one of them o_O;

If karaoke is part of it, I'm going as Ward. :uh?:

Fujin would be cool (and also possibly get me out of doing karaoke. SING? NEGATIVE.) but I look nothing like her and I probably wouldn't be able to see with an eyepatch over my left eye (really bad vision in my right eye).

If you include CT as an FF game (it is in FF chronicles, after all), I could probably pass myself off as Lucca. I'm a brown-haired glasses-wearing nerd myself.

04-19-2002, 10:54 AM
If i could, i'd be Cloud, he rocks.