11-23-2007, 08:32 AM
Not long after I posted this (Thread 47590) thread, I was indirectly challenged. Throne of Ominous commented that beating the final bosses in Xenosaga Ep. III may be less-than-easy using the characters I prefer to use.

Ndi and I were discussing this as it relates to Pokemon, as well. I usually pick pokes based on the anime, while she prefers to use ones that she finds aesthetically pleasing. We've both run into trouble on occasion because we let our hearts choose, instead of our minds. Though, for myself, I can say it usually just means I have to work a little harder, which I am more than willing to do.

So, do you use characters that you pick with your heart or that you know will lead to you an easy, successful victory? These can certainly overlap on occasion, but in general, which drives your selections?

J. Peterman
11-23-2007, 08:38 AM
man everybody i control has like 10x stats b/c i am awesome so no problems