11-22-2007, 05:54 PM
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone had most of the versions of Simple and Clean? The main one I'm looking for is the english Simple and Clean PlanitB. Yeah, I'm probably very behind but to explain myself, I lost most of my KH mp3's.

Any help/versions would be appreciated. :)

11-22-2007, 11:08 PM

Well, I have 2 english songs from Kingdom Hearts and one from Kingdom Hearts 2. By the way, I would like to know what songs from Utada Hikaru were translated in the english ports of Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2? I want to know the complete name of them. Do you know it?
This is what I have.
Kingdom Hearts - Simple And Clean - English Version
Kingdom Hearts - Simple And Clean - Hikari Planitb Mix
Kingdom Hearts 2 - Utada Hikaru - Sanctuary

I think that the Japanese are all complete since I have the singles, the osts and the complete box.

If you I can send to you. Just talk to me how you want.

11-23-2007, 12:26 AM
I'm not sure exactly what you're asking for but the song called "Hikari" is the Japanese version of Simple and Clean so yeah, Simpe and Clean was translated from this. I have the PlanitB version, Godson Mix, and orchestral versions of Hikari.

You might also be talking about the song Passion? That was a translated song in KHII.

But yeah, is the second song you listed the one in the into to the english game? I'd like that one and the first one you listed.

My e-mail is [email protected].

Any of those japanese songs you'd like from me?

11-23-2007, 01:30 AM
Hi - I am sending the song to you in your e-mail. It is a little big 8 MB.

What I want to know is if other songs of the japanese version, like Colors, had english version. So Hikari and Passion were translated to english and called Simple and Clean and Sanctuary. That is nice.

But, is there not orchestra version of the english songs?

I am asking this because Final Fantasy X-2, had english version for all songs that the japanese has. Real Emotion, 1000 Words and 1000 Words orchestra had Koda Kumi and Jade version.

11-23-2007, 04:50 AM
Ah, I see what you're asking.

Let's see:

Simple and Clean = Hikari
Passion = Sanctuary

After doing a bit of research..that is it. No english version of Colors or any other of her songs for that matter were translated. A shame to say the least. But yeah, the orchestral version of Simple and Clean that I have is of the normal version of Simple and Clean/Hikari, not PlanitB. This is the only orchestra based Utada Hikaru song I could find.

11-23-2007, 06:05 AM
If either of you is looking for it, these are the songs I have. Just post here again if you want me to upload any.

Hikari [the one sold as a single from Utada]
Hikari -KINGDOM Orchestra Instrumental- [used in many trailers for KH2]
Hikari PLANITb Remix (short version) [this is the opening version for the Japanese game]
Simple And Clean [the English single]
Simple And Clean PLANITb [the whole remix, about 5 min long]
Simple And Clean PLANITb (short version) [the game's opening, in English]

Passion [Japanese single]
Passion ~opening version~
Passion ~after the battle~
Passion -KINGDOM Orchestra Instrumental-
Passion ~A Story Never Ending~ [12 min long, a sort of everything-in-one remix]
Passion/Sanctuary Karaoke [voice-less single version]

11-23-2007, 11:03 AM
Well, I would like some of these songs that you have:
- Simple And Clean PLANITb (short version) [the game's opening, in English]
- Passion ~A Story Never Ending~ [12 min long, a sort of everything-in-one remix]
- Passion/Sanctuary Karaoke [voice-less single version]


11-23-2007, 10:07 PM
I would like the following if you don't mind..

Hikari [the one sold as a single from Utada]
Simple And Clean [the English single]
Simple And Clean PLANITb [the whole remix, about 5 min long]
Simple And Clean PLANITb (short version) [the game's opening, in English]
and the whole second listing, I have none of them..
Passion [Japanese single]
Passion ~opening version~
Passion ~after the battle~
Passion -KINGDOM Orchestra Instrumental-
Passion ~A Story Never Ending~ [12 min long, a sort of everything-in-one remix]
Passion/Sanctuary Karaoke [voice-less single version]

That's a lot to upload..if you can't do all of them, that's perfectly fine, I would just appreciate it. :)

11-24-2007, 02:28 AM
And here's a zip with the three you wanted. I hope it'll work with no hassles.


11-24-2007, 11:45 AM
Thanks =^.^=

11-24-2007, 12:50 PM
Sorry for the wait, Broham~ I had some uploading issues this morning. But here's your package:


11-24-2007, 09:17 PM
Awesome man, I really appreciate it. :)

11-25-2007, 09:10 AM
Can you upload all of the that track list you got there plz.

11-25-2007, 11:47 AM
i got 50& or 70% of the kingdom hearts songs althow i never got to play it..-.-'...i will upload it and anyone want FFVII AC album????? i can upload it

11-26-2007, 07:21 AM
i got 50& or 70% of the kingdom hearts songs althow i never got to play it..-.-'...i will upload it and anyone want FFVII AC album????? i can upload it

Yeah, upload the FFAc too. ^__^

11-26-2007, 08:06 AM
Yeah, upload the FFAc too. ^__^
OK but it will took me 2-3 days please be patient....-.-'....heheheh

11-26-2007, 10:41 AM
Alright! Here's ALL my versions, in one package. Just over 90MB, I believe. If there's anything wrong with it (like, I mistakenly put up an encrypted file, just tell me).


(Gosh, that was such a slow upload.)