11-22-2007, 02:52 AM
Hi all

I dont know if this is the place to ask this but I need help. I am trying to rip a old PSX game that is Grandia. But I simply dont found any XA type file. Well I am a newbie on this thing but I am trying hard.

This is the files that I find in those folders. I would like some explanation about what is music file in this CD. What program should I use?

- 13 FILES *.STR (this was video, I managed to rip using psxmc)
- SLPS_021.25

BATLE (folder) - inside have:
- 71 files *.BBG
- 02 files *.DAT
- 67 files *.BIN
- 01 file *.IDX

BIN (folder) - inside have:
- 04 files *.BIN
- 02 files *.DAT
- 01 file called TITLE.EXE

FIELD (folder) - inside have:
- 06 files *.ADD
- 09 files *.BIN
- 14 files *.CPD
- 35 files *.DAT
- 01 file *.IDX
- 220 files *.MDP (I think that this is the music)
- 01 file *.STZ
- 28 files *.VAB

11-22-2007, 02:34 PM
Are any of these entitled AUDIO or something else? I note you can rip tracks from a few types of CD that are lacking XA files (Ep1, but that's horrible, and you can do LEGO Star Wars too)

11-23-2007, 04:59 AM
This isn't an answer to your question, but I do know that Blue Laguna's website has the Grandia OST.

11-23-2007, 10:39 AM
I have the 4 Grandia OSTs, I, II, Vent and Best of. But it is incomplete. A lot, and I say a lot of songs is missing. Like Breath of Fire III in the past, so we have a really complete RIP with more than 100 songs.

I would like to make something like that with Grandia. That is why I am trying to rip the music. If anyone could help, I'll apreciate.

11-23-2007, 10:49 AM
Well, try scanning the CD itself through either PSound, or my personal (and yet to work) favourite PSMPlay (Can't detect my second CD Drive, you see)