01-05-2002, 12:51 PM
Lets have one of these invent topics
If you have the black materia and you where able to use it wich kind of magic and spells you think you can get ?

01-05-2002, 12:55 PM
Black Materia? Only Meteor can be summoned with it.. It doesn't do anything else.. XD

fascist socialist
01-05-2002, 08:02 PM
Meteor, an evil summon, an evil version of holy...

unoriginal ideas, I know XD

01-07-2002, 06:09 PM
summon clouds evil twin!

master cloud
01-07-2002, 08:25 PM
It would summon Emerald weapon who would use aire tam attack 99 time realy fast

01-07-2002, 09:18 PM
hmm... a realy evil attack that summons all the evil in the universe and condenses it into a big black ball whitch is then thrown into the enemy :)XD

01-07-2002, 09:28 PM
i think you should be able to cast some kinda super demon like the Devil and make him come up and do an attack which could kill off any monstersv even emerald and you should always get a magic like THE END on ff8 but a darker version with bats flying instead of butterflys

01-16-2002, 04:52 AM
no no no your all wrong it would have little bunnys and kittens copming out of the ground and make them dance that in turn calls the giant bunny that castests a super regan on your party that heals by 3000 ever 1 turn then castest zombie on then goes back into the ground:D


01-16-2002, 09:26 AM
All forms of black magic coming out of it, Summons turned Evil and more powerfull. Ultima it's dark version xD
YUS !!!

01-16-2002, 09:33 AM
Ultima doesn't need a dark version.

I think it would be kinda like the holy stones in FFT, all your powers and abilities would increase, you'd be able to summon demons and cast spells like dark holy.

Yuffie Strife
01-17-2002, 12:15 AM
It can only summon Meteor, so I'm gonna summon Meteor to destroy!!!

...This little ant here. *points to ant* Stupid ant. :notgood:

01-17-2002, 04:39 PM
It would have to be a mega master materia. A mix of the Red, Yellow and Green Master materia and you could only equip it at level 75+.

Bet Ya'all didnt think of THAT now, did you:D

01-26-2002, 04:20 PM
Get your hand on Black materia, make a wish, Meteor come, select a target,and KABOOM!!!:D

01-26-2002, 05:22 PM
A "Do-homework-instantly" spell. And then after it levels up, it could be a "do-exam-instantly" spell. And the master version would be a "money-can-now-grow-on-the-tree-in-your-back-garden" spell.

Or something to create a double so's I wouldn't have to do that talk on Monday.

I dunno, just something to make life easier.

01-26-2002, 05:26 PM
It turns into an eight ball! Which actually predicts correctly!

That's original!

Maybe not...probably casts all the summons and makes 'em attack and then they merge into something like Hellmasker which does an ultimate attack, finishes the game, does your laundry, dishes and any outstanding work needing to be done (homework, chores, assignments etc). And then it upgrades your car into a hovervehicle with 9999hp (horsepower ;) ) and can out-drag anything on the planet and out of anything unneeded, it forms a kinda mechwarrior which is at your command and invincible and even comes in a choice of colours!

Maybe that's a bit farfetched...No way it would have a choice of colours..:D :cool: :p :cool: :p ;)

01-27-2002, 09:12 PM
black materia cant be used by anyone in the party because you need 10000mp to use it, all its good for is doing a braveheart and chucking it at someone, its only spell that can be used is 'annoyance' which annoys the enemy so much that they have a mental breakdown and permanently become part of your party, but dont actually do anything except scare the enemy into having a mental breakdown.

The Unknown
01-28-2002, 12:52 AM
It summons the mightest monster of them all. Cheese Weapon! :D :D

(For those that don't know Cheese Weapon is an old rumor at

01-29-2002, 01:51 PM
i'd get the black materia (TM) and walk up to sephiroth and pull out a handy 2 foot baseball bat from by boxers and hit him with it. when he is nearly dead i will pick up the BM and throw it at him, killing him instantly, all because i only have 998MP which is 1 MP to short to flaten him with meteor.......sephiroth thinks hes soooo hard.............

shouldnt have made a cup of tea with that 1 MP then i couldve killed 'im easier


Bahamut ZERO
01-29-2002, 02:04 PM
I'd use the Black materia to do good things, but over time it'll corrupt me into becoming like the Dark Lord and then betray me. No, hang on, that's the One Ring, can't do that...

I'll use the Black materia's touch to turn me into a God, having already handled the white materia, and had that accepted my touch... Hang on, that's the Orb of Aldur and the Sardion, can't do that either...

In that case, I shall use the Black materia to summon the most evil entity in the Universe to come down from the sky and inflict terrible physical and emotional agony on the victim. That's right! A politician!!!!!

Gee, I really am showing my age...

05-19-2004, 06:58 PM
I would try and stuff all materias in to the black materia so that i can use instint death to anything no matter what. (even if they were a boss). and inmortality. plus money.... and giant coke slurpy's...dont forget the pink bunny's <jk

Majin Highwind
05-20-2004, 02:47 PM
The fact of the matter is that it can only summon Meteor.

This is what they want you to think. I actually believe that the black materia is used for supremacy.

Either that or it's a supository. :laugh:

P.S. I thought people weren't allowed to post on topics that haven't been posted on for two weeks+.

Rabid Monkey
05-20-2004, 03:08 PM
Everyone who posted in this thread in the year 2002 (LOOK AT WHEN THE THREAD WAS LAST POSTED IN DAMNIT!) hardly post anymore, if at all. I'm closing this...