11-20-2007, 10:39 PM
This is driving me nuts and before we continue I have looked through all the soundtracks and it's not there, there are a couple songs I've bene looking for and its mostly during the Sauske retrieval arc, the first song is when Sound 4 tells Sauske he must temporarily die, it's kind of an slowish, but powerful song. the 2nd is the music where Choji is getting made fun of by Jirobo and he's already eaten the green pill, its like a sad type of song very good, and the last song is a song I've heard before this arc too, but where I remember last seeing it is when Jirobo had Naruto and company in the earth barrier and the scene starts with Neji then it rotates around them, the music playing there is what I want.

I know I cannot be anymore specific than that, but if anyone can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it alot!!! Thanks

11-21-2007, 01:01 AM
I do like the "Sasuke must temporarily die" song, too.

Try this - there's a bunch of rips for unreleased songs: http://www.shinforum.com/index.php?showtopic=6666

I don't know that the ones you're looking for are necessarily there, but you might find something you like anyway.