11-20-2007, 07:12 PM
Hello GH people! First of all, may I say this site is the best thing since sliced bread. No more endlessly hunting for songs!!!

Okay, here's my request: I reeeeeeeally would love to find the music box version of "I Wish" from Fushigi Yuugi. I've been searching forums, LW, iTunes...nothing. Here's what I know about the song:

It's on an album called "Wo Ai Fushigi World!!!" It's in a track called "Bridges [BGM Anthology 4]." If you can get me just the one song, that'd be great, but if not, no worries, I can cut it myself.

Please help if you can! I'll be eternally grateful :)


12-07-2007, 07:48 PM

12-07-2007, 09:05 PM

12-07-2007, 09:07 PM

its on cd 1

12-07-2007, 11:08 PM
Beat me to it warfy - I thought it might be there, but I can't access that site when I'm at work...

12-07-2007, 11:44 PM
Oh...I'm sorry, that wasn't the version I was looking for...:( The one I want is just the music box; they play it in episode 11 when Miaka and Tamahome are talking. The music box in the scene is playing the version of the song I'm looking for.

Thank you very much for the link, though! Now I can get some other songs I was looking for :D I really do appreciate it!!!
