11-19-2007, 01:25 AM
Ay Guys! I was wondering if anyone had the soundtrack tho the Us Megaman TV show? I used to wake up really early just to watch this show. It's what got me into megaman games and ive been playing them ever since. I would really appriciate it if someone had this soundtrack, or if anyone had the soundtrack cd, could rip it and post it here. Thanks guys!

11-19-2007, 04:59 PM
You mean this one?

If that's the case, I do have it at home (I've got two copies of it, strangely enough)

However, you are aware it doesn't like, have *any* music from the Animated Series (which I loved, too!)

It's more a collection of various songs, and the last track in particular "Megaman theme" is basically a techno beat with the phrase "Megaman" repeated during the song:/

(There never was a "true" soundtrack to the animated series that I'm aware of, which is admittedly a shame)


11-20-2007, 01:36 AM
Thanks man, it's dissappointing to learn theres no soundtrack, but If it isn't too much trouble, and if you have the cds, could you possible rip and share them here via megaupload or whatever else? Thanks alot anyway, its good to see another person that remembers that show!

rip and share the cd that you have I mean, if it isnt too much trouble. And I think that techno one you were talking about is the German Version of the opening of the cartoon. I've heard that 1 before i think.

11-20-2007, 09:10 PM
I've got TV rips of teh theme songs, and that's it. :P

12-08-2007, 09:25 PM
Yo, sorry it took me so long, I had lost that album, and had to drag it from the depths! But here it is, in 192kbps:

(Also, if you're a fan of the show, the entirety of the show was put on two DVD boxed sets, available at Amazon:) They may be bare on special features, but if you're like me, and remember watching it on Saturday morning cartoons, it's totally worth it!

12-08-2007, 10:46 PM
Thanks man. I owe you for this. ill check out the dvds on amazon also. This show used to be on until recently.. its too bad they took it off. thanks agen for the rip man. (I used to watch this early on sundays) i didnt no it was on saturday too..

08-09-2008, 10:42 AM
I have Both DVD sets and there nice to watch from time to time ^.^