11-18-2007, 07:20 AM
I just finished this massively long game Dragon Quest VIII (65 hours play time and most of that was spent progressing the game.)

Before buying it, I had been a little reserved about it being too much of a children's game because of the graphics and the few story elements I knew of, but that became a non-issue as the game progressed.

I have to say i'm pretty impressed with it. It does not have as thorough of a story and plot as most of the Final Fantasy games, but it does just about everything right in every aspect. It doesn't grab ahold of your emotions like an FF game, but it's still very enjoyable. It was also nice to have some nostalgic elements from the old dragon quest games. The only other games in the series I had played were Dragon Warrior I and II and some of III. It was surprising how many throwback elements they could incorporate into the game to still make it feel familiar to someone like me even after so many episodes of it have since been released. (ie: Slimes, the old wyvern wings sound, the familiar screen text, adventure logs, etc)

One loose end that didn't seem to be completely tied up after the ending of the game, though, was Marcello. The last I had heard of him was during the scene at Neos where he was saved by Angelo. Does anyone know if there were additional parts in the story involving him that I missed, or did they just drop his involvement in the story at that point?

11-21-2007, 04:03 AM
^This game so hard at leveling up the characters and I feel walking looooooong enough to make me sleep in front of my TV...>_<

11-22-2007, 06:05 PM
65 hours? Ha! FFX is 78, and that's if you don't bother trying to get the celestial weapons. I've heard of a few 24 hour speed runs of the game, but either way FFX averages 78 hours making it the only FF game past FFVII that averages less than 100. If you wanna talk about games that take forever, try the Wizardry series. Each of those games you could expect to take 200+ hours just leveling up... And the shit is, once you have the right items and spells, you can go from top of the dungeon to the last boss in less than 5 minutes. Theres no place, an any of those games, you cant get to from the starting point in less than 5 minutes, but between leveling up, and finding all the places, you've got yerself a long ass gaming experience. And once you have all the endgame items, you can just mosey on down and kick that final bosse's ass in just 5 minutes flat... if he doesn't kick yours...

11-24-2007, 11:53 PM
well I spent 150+ hours playing DQVIII and I didn't leveled up enough to have the dragon spirit atack, but I completed almost everything of the sidequests
the average to complete this game is around 100hrs just for the main story.
And the monsters aren't too difficult, just at the beggining they are.
I'm replaying Shin Megami Tensei III, that really have some though bosses, I didn't finished it because of the last fiend that you have to fight. I mean an attack that instantly kills your strogest member, and another that heals him completely, how am I supposed to beat that?, well I'm gonna figure it out this time