11-18-2007, 06:55 AM
Who's heard about it's release to america and Europe in 2008? And who else is about excited as I am?! OMG I CAN'T WAIT!

11-18-2007, 11:03 PM
boy sex

11-20-2007, 08:11 AM
doh, I've already played this game on Japanese...>_< it's awesome!!
It seems doesn't right to play this game on english, I think they might butchered the game environment and "americanized" it (hate those crappy dubbing)....
This game like this should stay japanese to keep the originality...
but even though I already imported this game, I still wanna buy the US version, cause I can't read kanji too much...

11-28-2007, 07:24 PM
I certainly wanna try this one, what I've seen so far (not very much) looked interesting.
As for release dates, sadly I haven't heard of any... Probably gonna take at least another year to get to Europe, if it's coming at all...

11-28-2007, 09:35 PM
Oh hells yes. I started wanting it the second I found out what's-his-name is psychic. DO WANT. 8)