11-15-2007, 05:56 PM
any of you lot seen Gundam 00 yet? what did you think of it?

I know there is a gundam thread, but that seemed too general. this thread is for discussion about the new gundam series (it is 5 eps in)

if you don't know what is it....
Gundam 00 is based in the real timeline, about 300 years in the future. There are three Major Powers in the world, and they all use solar energy as earths natural resources have ran out. They have three solar pillars on which they grow food, and collest solar energy.
Suddenly a group appear, and attack military weapons and facilities. This group is called "celestial being" and plan to stop all war. their biggest advantage The gundams, and their pilots, the Gundam Meisters.

11-21-2007, 11:54 AM
I'm watching this anime and I should say that this anime ROCKS.. I love Dynames and Virtue... I'm digging on the story I just hope there's no emo characters in the future episodes

11-21-2007, 03:46 PM
I'm not sure just yet if I like it or not. I really like the mecha designs, I like the characters designs, but the plot hasn't grabbed me. The feel of the show is, dare I say it, almost Gundam Wing-like. I have to say that the animation is top notch so far, hope Sunrise keeps this standard.

11-21-2007, 06:52 PM
i have head it will be set out as 2 parts, each with 24 eps. and i agree about the animation, it is awesome.

11-27-2007, 11:44 PM
Two parts and 48 eps? That would be nice, as long as the story continues to grow. The plot hasn't really developed that much yet, has it?
I like all Gundams, though Virtue looks a little fat =)

11-28-2007, 12:04 AM
I like all Gundams, though Virtue looks a little fat =)

I was thinking that too. it is a bit chunky. I like exia though, it is the classic gundam style and colours!

V Guyver
11-28-2007, 12:09 AM
Will try and watch it, so far the Robot designs's look much more angular and more in line with a mobile suit... actualy being mobile instead of some clunky looking machine.

Will try and catch the japanese version and will probably avoid the American version... seriosly, I'm still recovering from the Disko Guns and they really butcher it all with the censorship.

11-28-2007, 12:13 AM
I was thinking that too. it is a bit chunky. I like exia though, it is the classic gundam style and colours!

I agree. I also prefer sword fights above gun fights, so exia with his seven swords is just perfect =)

11-28-2007, 12:21 AM
I've heard quite a lot and I've been watchig it as well......It's a pretty nice series so far. No serious flaws that I can see

11-28-2007, 12:25 AM
haha, then again Lockon is pretty cool ^_^ and he uses a gun.

11-28-2007, 01:38 AM
I've heard a lot of people say it was similar to Gundam Wing so I decided to give it a miss.

11-28-2007, 07:35 AM
in a way i suppose it is quite similar with the idea of kids who were trained by an underground fighting group in space going on missions against the earth, but there are loads of differences like the timeline, the fact there are nations in this one, and their backgrounds. This one is really good.

11-28-2007, 11:46 AM
haha, then again Lockon is pretty cool ^_^ and he uses a gun.

nyah, he's a funny guy alright, but I still prefer swords. I totally like his haro, though ^^
can't say I like Tieria that much yet, but up til now all other characters are ok.

12-07-2007, 02:40 PM
Gundam 00 is cool! Really matches with Laruku's Daybreak's Bell (OP)
Hope our world can't have wars like in Gundam 00 though

12-07-2007, 05:03 PM
Well I hope we all get our feel for the show, because after episode 25 the show is going to take a hiatus until October 2008. I guess to either finish the other episodes or put some people over to get Seed Eternity out.

12-12-2007, 03:04 AM
Gundam 00's theme and story are interesting. The thing I find most interesting however is how the Mobile Suits resemble the machines from the Xenosaga series. But overall I like how Gundam 00 is turning out. I only hope the English version isnt as much a mess as Gundam Seed in english... I really hated the ensorship and edits done to SEED in english...

12-12-2007, 03:42 AM
I haven't watched it (although I do have the first ep on my computer), but I also love the mech designs. They remind me of Virtual On.

12-16-2007, 08:29 PM
the mech have gone slim, i guess they got a new designer, the story board is nice, quite different from the usual war, earth/space colonies, its seems the most close to real life, an energy conflict, political issues and power balance of today..
also Bandai already release the models kits for the gundams, nice one, just can wait for the version 2 of the design (a tradition in the Gundam)
unfortanely i found the ennemy mech quite disappointing, they look quite bulky and simple ...

12-17-2007, 02:32 AM
The 'enemy' mecha are a toss between modern and 'fashionable' if you ask me. but lets see what happens as th series rolls on. I want to beleive that they will eventually catch up to the Gundam style mecha in terms of mechanics.

12-17-2007, 06:35 AM
The 'enemy' mecha are a toss between modern and 'fashionable' .....

actually i found them more like primitive and detailess mecha, From what i seen (up to ep5) the story seems to be based around the early stages of mobile armors, this new gundam era seems quite interesting, the storyline is nice, its not only about massive arm conflict, there is some emphasis on politcal tactic and issues that were quiete "unoticeable" in other series

but virtue is a heavy arm typed, its got also missile upgrades, with its add-on it true it look heavy (fat)

V Guyver
12-17-2007, 09:02 AM
Well, I've seen the first two episodes so far. TO say th least, they are heading in the right direction with the designs, and slightly more realistic future. But the who Gundam thing is still a bit overpowered. But I love them for it. My one real regret on this show is that they have yet to make the main character in a new Gundam Spinoff to actualy be over 20. Heck, I'd be happy if they had the guts to attempt to create a Gundam series main character who is a grizzled war veteren. That would put a spin on how some of the plots go in the franchise.

02-06-2008, 06:15 PM
I�ve seen 16 of 17 episodes, I like the series, but I wonder how it will end this season (just remember that Bandai�s said it will be a second season, so it would be from episode 26 trough 50, and that makes 9 episodes to season one finale).

02-06-2008, 09:26 PM
well 50 episode mean a classical gundam series, i guess it would just end in the middle of a terrible battle, probably with exia destroyed, hence with the next season, the mk2 of the unit would appear (that's probably organise for the launch of the toys serie for mk2 units types)

Ps trinity throne are fake meister :P

02-13-2008, 04:58 PM
Everything is fine except that the pilots seem less justice minded. And not even mentioning the part on their lack of skills and just relying on their superior machinery to win.

03-08-2008, 05:40 AM
i like the series... its probably one of the best anime i have seen in awhile.
Its not really simular to wing in that these are for the most part actual adults piloting the gundams. To me it seems much larger in scale dealing with a world with three major superpowers. Not to mention the pilots in 00 are actually pilots who can be hit while in wing you know all of them would come out alive (aside from what happened in the movie) it makes the whole 00 series more believable and fun (gotta love graham vs lockon)

If you've seen i thnk ep 10 then you know WHY virtue is fat... personally i think it looks cool but really nothing beats Dynames though( :< for lockon )

the art, the music (espically the music),the plot, the battle scenes, the characters make this a very enjoyable anime.

all i have left to say is GUNDAM ARMS

03-20-2008, 12:26 PM
I haven't watch it yet, but I think it's could be hit

03-25-2008, 03:17 AM
this gundam series is good. an original story plot. sadly, it is going to end soon

04-09-2008, 06:28 AM
i like gundam very much :)

04-09-2008, 07:37 AM
gundam 00 1st season only have 25 episode......

04-10-2008, 02:16 AM
yup, its just season one. the next season would be released within october or so...

04-10-2008, 05:54 AM
is it gundam going to end ? do you know why ? :(
i have just watched gundam 00 till 5 episode, n cool..

All Seeing Eye
04-29-2008, 12:10 AM
Wow! I'm surprised this thread doesn't have more comments in it. Gundam 00 is the best Gundam saga to come along since Char's Counterattack. Yeah, I know Counterattack was a movie. However, it took place in the rich original Gundam setting, but had great battles and drama just like Gundam 00. The ending of the first season is also powerful. I won't give it away. Just watch it.

04-29-2008, 12:26 PM
EVERYONE DIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-29-2008, 02:24 PM
I also think that Gundam 00 is one of the best Gundam sagas. I think that divide the series is more practical cuase you can see an unpleasant first season ending and expect what leaves to the secon season.
For example; what happend with Setsuna and Allelujah?
Is Lockon really dead?
How many Gundam�s will be seeing in season two?
What is Livonze traying to do in this new world?

04-30-2008, 03:14 AM
I have to admit the plot is interesting but I was kind of sad that Lockon died. I think the series is a lot like Gundam Wing. Even the characters share similar resemblance. Setsuna is like Hero. He is very quiet.

04-30-2008, 01:34 PM
Adding spoiler warning to thread title because some people are too stupid to put spoiler warnings on their posts.

05-03-2008, 01:23 AM
Gundam 00 got me into not only Gundam but mecha as a whole. I am fangirling over this series like crazy, and I've never been a big mecha fan before. It's even got me buying the stupid models and trying to put them together (with awful results).

I'm not a big Gundam expert, but from what I've seen of other series, this one is definitely the best. It's going at it from a more realistic angle, with the heroes being of ambiguous nature and all-too-aware that what they're doing isn't exactly right either. I also find a nice balance between the war/action and the character development/side stories. There are a LOT of characters, and most of them are filled in enough for one to like them (or at least have reasons to dislike them), but it doesn't undermine the action at all. There's still a LOT of fighting and death and all in all, it's a fairly dark series. It also doesn't get too angsty-teenager-ish, like a lot of series like this are prone to do. I love Code Geass, but I can't take it seriously and I get easily annoyed at a lot of it. The characters in Gundam 00 are older (youngest 16), and in season 2 they will be 4 years older, so it's definitely going to have a mature cast. I'm excited for it. =D


05-27-2008, 12:53 AM
Gundam 00 got me into not only Gundam but mecha as a whole. I am fangirling over this series like crazy, and I've never been a big mecha fan before. It's even got me buying the stupid models and trying to put them together (with awful results).

I'm not a big Gundam expert, but from what I've seen of other series, this one is definitely the best. It's going at it from a more realistic angle, with the heroes being of ambiguous nature and all-too-aware that what they're doing isn't exactly right either. I also find a nice balance between the war/action and the character development/side stories. There are a LOT of characters, and most of them are filled in enough for one to like them (or at least have reasons to dislike them), but it doesn't undermine the action at all. There's still a LOT of fighting and death and all in all, it's a fairly dark series. It also doesn't get too angsty-teenager-ish, like a lot of series like this are prone to do. I love Code Geass, but I can't take it seriously and I get easily annoyed at a lot of it. The characters in Gundam 00 are older (youngest 16), and in season 2 they will be 4 years older, so it's definitely going to have a mature cast. I'm excited for it. =D


well most of the gundam 00 pilots were in their 20's except setsuna (sp?) i think grahmn was like 24 and the youngest would be marie and she would be like what 18-19? I just cant wait to see the new mech designs

06-14-2008, 04:01 AM
I love the designs in this one. Some of the best designs yet. I have a little Exia w/ GN Arms that watches over me as I sleep.