11-15-2007, 08:52 AM
Ideas for improving DoC.

*Improved Controls and Enemy/Ally AI

*Inclusion of the Events from Lost Episode

*Altering the later missions so that Vincent actually has to fight his way right to the top of the Shinra Tower to find the entrance to Deepgroud. As you climb, you fight various remanents from Hojo's old experiments

*Once at the top , you have to fight Argento the Silver from Online mode. I'd actually have her be either Rosso's sister or lover. Hey - calm with crazy. Id also give her a bigger role in the main storyline.

*I'd have her appear alongside Rosso in the cutscenes - quite apart from the odd comment.

*You fight her in the section from Lost Chapter. She's as calm as you like - think a female version of Vincent or Squall. She pulls a tactical retreat before you beat her.

*When you fight her after Rosso dies, she's completly beserk.

*The Entrance to Deepground is an elevator shaft. Since the lift is out of action, Vincent has to: use a long series of ladders (a la FFVIII)/Free fall.

*Argento is fought again as you fall (a timed boss fight) and once defeated, Vincent uses her body to cushon the impact.

*Azul acctually gets nailed to the central piller when vincent impails him with the cannon. He then pulls him self off and tries to charge you and knock you off the lift with him

*Robin Atkin Downes would voice Genesis with the same Accent that he used as Byron in Babylon 5, instead of the Antonio Banderas accent that he uses in the game

*The additional storyline from Online Mode is Modified for Single player and included as a reward for beating Extra Hard Mode

Ayone got any ideas of their own?

11-20-2007, 09:50 PM
Ideas for improving DoC.

*Robin Atkin Downes would voice Genesis with the same Accent that he used as Byron in Babylon 5, instead of the Antonio Banderas accent that he uses in the game

Ayone got any ideas of their own?

Only idea I like....

-have a shotgun for a weapon instead of the rifle or machine gun
-have vincent use all four limit breaks...

11-21-2007, 12:45 AM
Ideas for improving DoC.

*Improved Controls and Enemy/Ally AI

*Inclusion of the Events from Lost Episode

*Altering the later missions so that Vincent actually has to fight his way right to the top of the Shinra Tower to find the entrance to Deepgroud. As you climb, you fight various remanents from Hojo's old experiments

*Once at the top , you have to fight Argento the Silver from Online mode. I'd actually have her be either Rosso's sister or lover. Hey - calm with crazy. Id also give her a bigger role in the main storyline.

*I'd have her appear alongside Rosso in the cutscenes - quite apart from the odd comment.

*You fight her in the section from Lost Chapter. She's as calm as you like - think a female version of Vincent or Squall. She pulls a tactical retreat before you beat her.

*When you fight her after Rosso dies, she's completly beserk.

*The Entrance to Deepground is an elevator shaft. Since the lift is out of action, Vincent has to: use a long series of ladders (a la FFVIII)/Free fall.

*Argento is fought again as you fall (a timed boss fight) and once defeated, Vincent uses her body to cushon the impact.

*Azul acctually gets nailed to the central piller when vincent impails him with the cannon. He then pulls him self off and tries to charge you and knock you off the lift with him

*Robin Atkin Downes would voice Genesis with the same Accent that he used as Byron in Babylon 5, instead of the Antonio Banderas accent that he uses in the game

*The additional storyline from Online Mode is Modified for Single player and included as a reward for beating Extra Hard Mode

Ayone got any ideas of their own?

Sounds more like fan fiction than criticism. They should try to improve whats already there before adding more. I guess making vincent more reactive and reflexive with his surroundings more like devil may cry. Improve some of the game play graphics.

for the more creative stuff...

Make yuffie less of an fucking moron care bear and more like the ignorant punk from ffvii who was actually amusing and rude.

Make Lucretia less of a hopeless woman. Give her a bit of spine. God this game made her look pathethic.

Hamauzu's music is lovely and all but a small handful of arrangements from the original game would be worth ten of the melody less tracks from the ost. (Vincents theme is gorgeous on piano,would've made a great title screen track).

Also a bit more reference to whats come before it would be nice. Not to the bigger stuff Advent Children touched on (and badly) but to more of the smaller points in FFVII like Before Crisis.

And including that slver tsviet would be nice.

11-21-2007, 07:07 AM
No i completly agree, the graphics, AIs and so-on ought to be improved upon. Those sort-of goes without saying. FFX & XII were the only FF games with decent graphics. Apart from those concerns, i don't think the story was fleshed out enough.

LOL! I completely forgot about Yuffie - Goes to show how useful she was in DoC. I completely agree with you about her and Lucrecia.

A level reminiscent of the Police station scene from Terminator (possibly).

Levels set in Junon and the underwater reactor

And prehaps some ambiguity as to whether Vincent or Hojo was Sephiroth's father. Maybe have Lucrecia and Vincent get together the night before he found out about her research.

I don't care that Ultimania said that it was Hojo - unless its one of the Games/films i ignore it.

Oh and remove Cait Sith's playability or make him better than almost useless

And as for fanfiction - well thats all it will be, unless SE decide to put me incharge of a PS3 remake of the game. Heh! if i do decide to write this as a fanfic, i might borrow some of your Ideas - BUT YOU GET FULL CREDIT FOR THEM.

11-24-2007, 06:18 PM
Excuse my interruption, but is this some "better" DoC version that`s about to be released? If so I`d like to know when.

11-24-2007, 06:47 PM
No, it's just what seph1r0th400 thinks DoC should have had.

11-26-2007, 12:56 AM
Damn Straight! Nomura-sama f**ked up by not having me on the game-team.

01-24-2008, 11:42 PM
At least someone agrees that Genesis sounds like Antonio Banderas. What a joke...

03-30-2008, 07:21 AM
We have it easy compared to the Japanese DoC lol!!!

03-30-2008, 10:02 AM
And prehaps some ambiguity as to whether Vincent or Hojo was Sephiroth's father. Maybe have Lucrecia and Vincent get together the night before he found out about her research.

I don't care that Ultimania said that it was Hojo - unless its one of the Games/films i ignore it.

If you read the original Final Fantasy 7's dialog it states that although Vincent was going to be with Lucrecia she couldn't stand it knowing she was responsable for his father's death, she chose Hojo, Hojo shoots Vincent, She experements on Vincent to make him what he is now rather than being dead, She has a reaction to JENOVA cells which make her see what her son Sephiroth does in the future, attempts suicide a few times before sealing herself in a mako crystal. I do not know if she had tried to take her own life both before and after Sephiroth was born or just one of them, either way her son Sephiroth was pritty much normal and raised by Shinra to be a top SOLDIER until he went insane.

04-06-2008, 06:24 PM
We have it easy compared to the Japanese DoC lol!!!

Are you serious? I wish Square would have left the online mode in the American version so at least the game would have had some replay value (besides the EX-Missions).

execrable gumwrapper
04-06-2008, 07:36 PM
Pardon my arrogance, but isn't a Director's Cut the version the director originally wanted? This thread and your idea should have been named: Dirge of Cerberus - Fan-Based Opinions to Lower the Suck Value

04-06-2008, 10:07 PM

04-07-2008, 02:16 AM
if i do decide to write this as a fanfic, i might borrow some of your Ideas - BUT YOU GET FULL CREDIT FOR THEM.


I don't really think the game sucked, but it could have been better.

Darth Revan
04-07-2008, 03:27 AM
Oh great... a fanboy with delusions of grandeur thinking he can do better... well, go off and get the money you need to make it, then release it so we can all tear it apart....

Here's 5 cents to get started...

fuckin fanboys...

04-07-2008, 06:38 PM
I think that it needed to be more epic, I got really bored playing DoC.

04-07-2008, 10:38 PM
I think that it needed to be more epic, I got really bored playing DoC.

That would imply that the game was "epic" in the least bit to begin with. Since it wasn't even close, you would have to say something along the lines of, "I think that it needed to suck less".

05-12-2008, 08:09 PM
It would be director's cut if i was the director...

And Metal 2...where in the original FFVII did it say anything about Lucrecia and the death of grimoire valentine? in fact Grimoire didnt even exist as a character back then. Infact most of youre spoilers didnt happen in FFVII but were shown in DoC 8-9 years later. All that was shown was Lucretia going to Hojo and Hojo shooting Vincent.

05-15-2008, 07:08 AM
to make the game better hmm... more story(flashbacks, forshadow),better graphics, gameplay(replay value), charactor development... well a little more indepth. Longer Rossa vs Cloud Fight scene, maybe a FMV flashback of Hojo's first death, and reference to Sephiroth, Angeal, Genesis.
More Story

execrable gumwrapper
05-15-2008, 07:32 AM
Pardon my arrogance, but isn't a Director's Cut the version the director originally wanted? This thread and your idea should have been named: Dirge of Cerberus - Fan-Based Opinions to Lower the Suck Value

05-15-2008, 07:40 AM
Thanx for reposting your opinion...

now back on subject

execrable gumwrapper
05-15-2008, 07:50 AM
Pardon my arrogance, but isn't a Director's Cut the version the director originally wanted? This thread and your idea should have been named: Dirge of Cerberus - Fan-Based Opinions to Lower the Suck Value