11-14-2007, 12:32 AM
Hey folks. If you know what Daicon III & IV are, that explains why you're reading this. If not, here's some info:

And the videos:

As a fan of music in general, and specifically the music associated with anything that left a big impression on me - which frequently means video games or anime, of course - naturally I have had it in mind for a very long time to amass a sort of unofficial "soundtrack" for these two shorts. I would also take it a step further and produce music-only tracks which are faithful to the timings of the original videos, but in stereo and of acceptable quality. But that exceeds the scope of this post.

The first step in this old goal of mine is to determine what cues were borrowed from what anime, contemporaneous to the two Daicon shorts. Although I am taking it for granted that the music was 100% borrowed, as opposed to having been created solely for the shorts, I feel safe in this assumption for a variety of reasons, and one of the biggest is the simple fact that I recognize a small number of the cues.

"Prologue / Twilight" by ELO, which plays during the bulk of Daicon IV, is easy enough. I have no clue which two cues play during Daicon IV's recap intro. The majority of Daicon III's music is completely unknown to me, though I would never claim to be thoroughly familiar with (possibly obscure) anime from the late 70s and very early 80s. Two of Daicon III's cues are familiar, though. One, played when the lizard jumps out and demands the glass of water, sounds very similar to a track from one of the Lupin III TV series. And the cue which plays immediately after that is straight out of Castle Cagliostro.

Step two, the acquisition of the relevant cues, promises to be, if anything, and even bigger challenge, primarily because of the fact that particularly old anime tends to be rather underrepresented in the soundtrack department, especially if it never really established itself as a classic. But even assuming the best, things aren't easy. The track that may be from a Lupin III TV series has eluded me for years, simply because there just aren't really any Lupin III TV soundtracks out there - at least, nothing comprehensive. Instead, there's a plethora of jazz and other "inspired by"-type CDs.

Anyway, I'm still on step one: Figure out where all these cues came from. This seems to be the best possible spot for people who might possibly have the answers. If anyone recognizes any of the music in the two videos, feel free to speak up. Thanks.

01-30-2008, 06:27 PM
Cool a Daicon fan :)!!!I Don't know which songs are playing in those videos besides the ELO one but there is also the test footage clip which can be found here:
The song playing is also another ELO song called Hold On Tight.
Hope this info helps :P.