Mr E. Stalker
11-13-2007, 06:21 PM
There are some things I think you people should know about Christianity, 9/11, Vietnam, our President, and a whole slew of other things. So I am putting this site on the boards. My little brother called me up last night, and said for me to go here. Some of you might not believe any of it, and will probably ridicule me for putting it on the forum, but I felt like you all should know. If I have put this in the wrong place, then can someone move it please?

My bad, I had the wrong thing in there. Fixed now.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
11-13-2007, 06:47 PM
My dog ate my exit-strategy

Mr E. Stalker
11-13-2007, 07:10 PM
Ha. Did you or are you watching it?

11-18-2007, 03:36 PM
im confused, i went on the site and all it seems to have on it is some annoying guy ranting about Microsoft, Al Gore and share holders. seems he is a bit of a prick to me.

11-18-2007, 04:06 PM
Please tell me you're not stupid enough to swallow up the bullshit that movie feeds you.

Mr E. Stalker
11-18-2007, 05:12 PM
Please tell me you're not stupid enough to swallow up the bullshit the government feeds you.

11-18-2007, 05:53 PM
You are a complete moron.

Everyone, just ignore this imbecile and his ridiculous posts will go away.

11-18-2007, 07:01 PM
ah, it is about the Americans, i thought you were irish Kalmah! why give a shit about what is going on over the pond!

i'm sorry but "your government was put there by the same people as the religious institutions in order to control you" actually, the early church was put there to made ecumenical decisions, it was only later that it became a controlling force.
and all that "religion has convinced people....." part pisses me off too, it uses western (european and american style) christianity as the example of all religion. the whole needs money thing is a very institutional christianity idea,, and not representative of all religion!!! what about monks who live off what they make, and aesthetics who live in extreme neglect of earthly goods such as money.

It also makes all religion sound like mythological bullshit made to control us, with sooooo many facts which they mention in the vid being bullshit. The lack of accuracy itself, i find offensive as someone who has studied ancient through to medieval religion as a career.
It is annoying how they try to make sense of coincidences between religions through logic, though it doesn't work.

another claim: Krishna was born on Dec. 25th and was crucified? This is complete BS since according to Hindu scriptures he was born in July and died after being shot with arrows.
also...Mithra wasn't a virgin birth but born from solid rock.
Also the Horus Myth is rubbish too, Set is not the God of night, but the Opposite, he is the God of the Red sun of the desert Heat, and Osiris is the Sun God, Not Horus.

also the things about "every aspect of Judeo-christian mythology comes from egypt.." and 10 minutes later claims it is from Joseph, then Sargon!!!
and as for Josephus being "a well known forgery"... my entire Degree in Ancient Jewish history should surely have been a failure then, as he is the most used source of history for Judaism at that time.
And after that "Jesus was actually the solar Deity of the Gnostic christian faith"...they miss out that Gnostic Christianity Rose out of the christianity which was already there. So there were beliefs of Jesus as a man before..

i hate these conspiracy theory vids, i don't care if the government does things we don't know about. if you want to live in a country without a government, then so be it. I'd love to see these people survive without the spin doctors and intelligence agencies! I am personally happy not knowing that the government are doing secretly.

on an Amusing final note... I love the Hicks Quote about fundamentalist christianity, he is actually a Theist. Not a christian, but still a theist, and i agree with him on his note there about creationism. Not all religious people are like that! it is important to remember that!

11-18-2007, 09:07 PM
I've seen this before, it's spreading like stupidity across the net~

Parts of it seem to intentionally brainwash you @_@

This seems like a video which exists only to stir up fear and suspicion~

Mr E. Stalker
11-18-2007, 09:19 PM
I'm American too... My Dad was Irish, so I call myself Irish, ya see.

11-18-2007, 09:26 PM
I'm American too... My Dad was Irish, so I call myself Irish, ya see.

so you are half irish like me then! that makes more sense now.

Mr E. Stalker
11-18-2007, 09:28 PM
so you are half irish like me then! that makes more sense now.

Yeah. Mom was Scottish. Although... I can't seem to find the family Tartan on the net. Maybe they just walked around with their junk hanging out. I dunno.

11-18-2007, 09:43 PM
wow, so your Dad is Irish and Mum a scot, but you ended up in the States...that is random! My Dad is English and Mum Irish. But we ended up in England (until i buggered off to Wales, and eventually worldwide)

Mr E. Stalker
11-18-2007, 11:41 PM
I was born here in America, but I prefer to say I'm Irish.

11-19-2007, 09:17 AM
The video is pretty amusing.

11-21-2007, 06:51 PM
one other interesting thing is that on the religion part (the only one which really interested me) it doesn't say anything about Muhammad, doesn't question him as a historical character even though it says all religions are based on the supposed lives of mythical figures.

11-21-2007, 11:57 PM
I've watched Loose Change, Fahrenheit 9/11, I've read books about the real dirt in my own sick country, but this video, is really, really the most powerful of them all. It got me shocked, and leave alone the religious, I can see most of the things mentioned happening here too.

11-22-2007, 01:02 AM
ah, it is about the Americans, i thought you were irish Kalmah! why give a shit about what is going on over the pond!

Because it affects the rest of the world, including your country, and apparently, you and me.

i'm sorry but "your government was put there by the same people as the religious institutions in order to control you" actually, the early church was put there to made ecumenical decisions, it was only later that it became a controlling force.

I agree, but still, the decision that were made throughout history were usually forced into people. An example is in Byzantium, when a religion conference was help regarding Heretics. The final decision was that heretics had to be banned, therefore people in the empire did not have the right to choose what to believe into any longer. Forgive me, my memory is fogy, so I cannot recall dates and names.

and all that "religion has convinced people....." part pisses me off too, it uses western (european and american style) christianity as the example of all religion.

I do not disagree here, but it is generally true that to be a good man regarding your religion, you must follow its rules.
Of course, modern humans cannot follow all the rules made by the religion. An example in Christianity (I do not mean that christianity represents all religion but its the only religion I know well) is abortion.
The thing is, abortion was not said to be wrong by Jesus, or any of his followers, but by religious leaders, humans. The religious leaders then forced this rule in the religion. This is a simple example of human influence within the religion.

the whole needs money thing is a very institutional christianity idea,, and not representative of all religion!!!

I agree, but I believe he was talking about Christianity

what about monks who live off what they make, and aesthetics who live in extreme neglect of earthly goods such as money.

And yet, we can see our religious leaders rich, living is luxury. And this is not the only thing. Look at many churches throughout the world, look at the Vatican itself. Gold and silver, expensive material everywhere. If Church is a non-profitable organization, then why many Churches are luxurious, and why is the Vatican such a rich state, while the teachings state that we should help each other? Why the Church uses money for itself, when people out there are dying?

It also makes all religion sound like mythological bullshit made to control us, with sooooo many facts which they mention in the vid being bullshit. The lack of accuracy itself, i find offensive as someone who has studied ancient through to medieval religion as a career.

I agree with you here.

i don't care if the government does things we don't know about. if you want to live in a country without a government, then so be it. I'd love to see these people survive without the spin doctors and intelligence agencies! I am personally happy not knowing that the government are doing secretly.

My country, is divided in two parts, one of which is illegal, due to the Turkish invasion in 1974 (my country is Cyprus). The chances of the two communities reuniting is decreasing year, by year. Children were killed, women were raped, whole villages are now dead. The United States is the most responsible country for what happened in mine, with the general population not knowing that.
You may understand nothing until you face it yourself, or face the consequences. At least, show some respect, to the people who died because of the government's actions.

11-22-2007, 07:58 AM
EDIT: I made an error and I cannot delete this reply.

11-22-2007, 04:07 PM
not this bullshit AGAIN.
Come on, who is actually stupid enough to even THINK of believing this bollocks?

fucking conspiracies, while most of them are either laughable or pitiful THIS, THIS just breaks the frigging richter. I- look I'm not even going to put in a solid argument here, there is no way I'm going on another rant on this shit.

When conspiracies like these come up, please do humanity a favour and use that brain of yours? This goes for pretty much anyone on the targeted side of this matter.

This post may seem a bit angry and harsh but I've come across these kind of things before and admit I have argued my fingers to oblivion several times before. No offence intended but come on, who believes this stuff? seriously, it's pathetic, it's like that damn holocaust conspiracy. If I actually watched the said program, I'd go mad, no question there. I want what little sanity I have left to stay put.

Stupid gun laws, I want a fucking shotgun.
That's another matter.

11-23-2007, 02:45 AM
I think some conspiraces are true its just people in general dnt see the wood for the trees.

11-23-2007, 03:23 AM
Just remember to read between the lines that are between lines to get the REAL truth!!!

12-09-2007, 08:15 AM
actually !!.. what am i lookin for here !!
is it the right link up there !?!
its just alot of blah blah blah .. about some IT guy work !!
would someone plz tell :)

04-13-2008, 09:00 PM
There are some things I think you people should know about Christianity, 9/11, Vietnam, our President, and a whole slew of other things. So I am putting this site on the boards. My little brother called me up last night, and said for me to go here. Some of you might not believe any of it, and will probably ridicule me for putting it on the forum, but I felt like you all should know. If I have put this in the wrong place, then can someone move it please?

My bad, I had the wrong thing in there. Fixed now.

If the US government "covered" something up I'm sure they would be smart enough to eliminate you and everyone else who comes up with this absurd nonsense.

04-13-2008, 09:41 PM
this was totally the wrong place.

ps dont revive old threads. check the date of the last post