01-05-2002, 12:12 PM
i've been on the game for about 2 months, and i love it! as you can see, my avatar and rank are the shadowknight emblem and the religion they follow. never boring....well, unless you're training bandits that con blue to you for 3 hours....but anyways! if there are any, what do you think of it? what classes/races do you have going? what servers?
me, i have a 7 half elf ranger that i'm currently working on, obsessed w/ fletching (making of bows and arrows, can sell lots and make buko plat).

lvl. 9 dark elf shadowknight, my other big project, but he's harder to play for a beginner since i can go into maybe 4 towns and not be kill on sight. ^_^

7 gnome mage. he was my first, and i want to start playing him some more, but i need lvl. 9 pet spells so i don't die ^_~

01-07-2002, 12:53 PM
I figure this will get more attention in RPGs, and i'm in a moving mood, so moving there now...

01-08-2002, 12:40 AM
I have a lvl 45 enchanter on the Tribunal, and if you have a character 1+, you love the game =P

Well, unless you havent played it, and just feel like going with other people's opinions. Or you dont have the willpower to play Evercrack. Either way, your deprived.

01-08-2002, 12:04 PM
Yes i play EQ ......i have a lvl 25 Dwarf Rogue and a lvl 24 Iksar Warrior on Mithaniel Marr. If anyone ever wants to look me up PM me and ill give you me character names. :P

01-08-2002, 09:09 PM
I had a 22 high elf pally on the nameless, but I got rid of him, made a new one with diff base stats, and transfered all my items plus extra things my level 60 shammy friend (he won the best of the best on the server) gave me, so now I have a 9 pally who is quite twinked out. His names Lathandor, send me a tell anytime you want.

01-10-2002, 12:13 AM
Yep, been hopeless addicted to EQ since April 99' and still playing on the good ole' Bertoxxulous server.

Have a 56 Wood Elf/Dark Elf/Iksar/Erudite/Halfling rogue with his epic, but just recently retired him due to lack of interest.

Currently playing a brand new level 32 twinked to hell Iksar Necromancer and I'm having the time of my life solo'ing like a blue tornado. Fun ^_^.

01-16-2002, 07:48 AM
I played the game till my druid was lvl 52. It is fun until you get to higher levels. At higher levels you almost always have to be in a group to get any exp and or loot. Also exp absolutely crawls past lvl 51 (After about a month of playing off and on I had about 3 yellows into 52) And it gets even worse after that.

Also I hated the fact that many mobs was on 1 week spawns (literally 7 days REAL LIFE Time) Sorry but my idea of a fun game is not sitting in front of your computer for 2 days straight with no sleep in order to get super loot from these type of mobs (and if your a shadow knight or a paladin you just about have to do this if you go for your epic quest weapons) It is also annoying when your trying to get into a group and u can't get into one, then you get to spend your time sitting at the zone waiting on a list to get into a group. The game has several bugs which screw the players over, but yet if you find a bug that HELPS you out they will warn and/or ban you for useing it. So I guess if you enjoy loseing sleep over a game item, waiting in line to play, and putting up with bugs this is the game for you?

Im glad I sold my account and I would have to say Everquest turned me against mmorph (or whatever type they call it) games.

02-06-2002, 04:25 PM
I have been playing awhile on the Tribunal also I have a
56 Mage
20 Warrior
40 Necro
23 Monk
9 Shaman
1 ShadowKnight (mule)
30 Wizard