Neo Xzhan
04-16-2002, 10:07 AM
I was just thinking of what Zack's history would looked like, cuz Cloud thought up a whole bunch just by listening to Zack and made it his own story. So here goes.

Zack was a childhood friend of Tifa's and Cloud but as it said in the game Cloud didn't feel like he fitted in. So Zack was close with Tifa before she realy got to know Cloud.

Then Cloud made a promise to join Soldier and become a hero to save Tifa when she was in danger. But since that could have been Zack's story that wasn't true. So why did Zack join Soldier??
For his own persnal reasons or did he made the same promise as Cloud did. So it was Zack who wanted to be like Sephiroth but he wasn't created by Hojo but he was infused with Mako.

So Zack joined Soldier and evetually became 1st in rank. And his big idol was Sephiroth. Zack would eventually turn against Shin-ra becouse he know's what the Shinra-ra is doing is wrong.

Tifa still remebers Zack but is afraid to tell Cloud because of the consequences. Cloud lived up to be Zack, but when you fall in to the life stream you are able to regain your past.

Eventually Zack made it as 1st rank in Soldier. But since Cloud rebelled against the Shin-ra and Soldier so would Zack have. But it costs Zack' his life. In Gongaga you can meet Zack's parents. What if Cloud went there and told them Zack was dead? Would they hold Cloud responsible or are they happy Cloud told them so the know what happend to Zack.

But what if Zack had survived. Would Cloud meet him someday? And then will the fight along side against the Shin-ra. Or will they have a personal feud. I think that if Cloud would tell the story to Zack of what he has done, Zack would attack him but he would not kill him. In his rage he leaves but Cloud follows him telling about his parent who are still looking for him. Zack would calm down and follow Cloud to Gongaga. Zack is most thankfull for Cloud and makes his appology to Cloud for attack him whilst Cloud is sorry about hte fact that he used his past for his life, but they both agree that it is because of the mako.

From here thery will fight alonside and eventually they will face Sephiroth who still has a distant memory about Zack. He awakens a part of Zack's memory and uses his anger to let him enrage towards Cloud and in his rage he kills Cloud. Meteor crashes into Midgar and destroys the planet whilst Sephiroth is reborn as a god. In the last flashes of Zack's life he realises what he has done but it is to late, before he can scratch his ear he implodes with the planet.

Majin Freeza
04-16-2002, 11:35 AM
It's obvious that you haven't seen the flashback in Shinra's mansion if you return in the 2nd disk. Here it's explained a lot about Zack and young Cloud

Tifa and Zack weren't childhood friends, Tifa remembers Zack because he was the 1st rank soldier with Sephiroth 5 years ago.

04-16-2002, 03:31 PM
Zack was probably Aeris' first bf. She says he was SOLDIER 1st Class and there wudnt be much point in saying that if it wasnt Zack. Also that is why Aeris likes Cloud, because he emulates Zack. Just a theory.

04-16-2002, 06:35 PM

I was just thinking of what Zack's history would looked like, cuz Cloud thought up a whole bunch just by listening to Zack and made it his own story. So here goes.

No he didn't. Actually, there was a combined effect - Cloud not only emulated Zack by choice, but by force. When injected with JENOVA and infused with Mako, he reacted violently and became a human vegetable. In his mess, he knew not who he was or what he was doing, so when his friend Zack helped him to escape the Shinra mansion and was killed doing it, he copied his memory into him. They were intermingled in two Mako pods, so they could have been sharing many things (by scientific force, most likely). Cloud didn't just decide "hell I'm gonna pretend I'm Zack." He was, in a sense, "infused" with not only JENOVA but Zack too.

Zack was a childhood friend of Tifa's and Cloud but as it said in the game Cloud didn't feel like he fitted in. So Zack was close with Tifa before she realy got to know Cloud.

Zack was not a childhood friend of Tifa and Cloud. He grew up in Gogonga village, which is quite far away from Nibelheim. Cloud met Zack when in Midgar training for SOLDIER (Cloud failed, but Zack passed) and Tifa met Zack (although they didn't really introduce themselves; they probably didn't care to) when he accompanied Sephiroth to Mako reactor number 1 in Nibelheim. True, Cloud felt like he didn't fit in, but it wasn't because of Zack. Zack and Tifa shared absolutely nothing together except for the Nibelheim incident five years ago.

Then Cloud made a promise to join Soldier and become a hero to save Tifa when she was in danger. But since that could have been Zack's story that wasn't true. So why did Zack join Soldier??
For his own persnal reasons or did he made the same promise as Cloud did. So it was Zack who wanted to be like Sephiroth but he wasn't created by Hojo but he was infused with Mako.

That wasn't Zack's story man. That was Cloud's story. Zack never visited Nibelheim prior to the incident five years ago. Cloud felt like he didn't fit in, and he desperately wanted Tifa's attention, so he decided to join SOLDIER. In her childlike simplicity, Tifa made Cloud promise to protect her if she was ever in danger. We know this for certain because Tifa not only does not know Zack or speak of him in anyway during the game at all, but she also remembers that it was CLOUD at the water tower that night. Zack joined SOLDIER for reasons never given in the game, and rather or not he idolized Sephiroth is unknown. He was not subjected to Mako or JENOVA, but made it through on his phyiscal power alone - he as extremely powerful for a human, and potentially the next Sephiroth because he didn't rely on JENOVA or Mako like other SOLDIERs. When he was hurt, he and Cloud were THEN infused with Mako and JENOVA in the pods beneath Shinra mansion. Cloud reacted positively (and quite violently), whereas Zack had no reaction whatsoever. Read the manuals in the Library. This is why Zack was able to orchestrate their escape.

So Zack joined Soldier and evetually became 1st in rank. And his big idol was Sephiroth. Zack would eventually turn against Shin-ra becouse he know's what the Shinra-ra is doing is wrong.

Incorrect again. Zack did join SOLDIER and he did gain first class, but he did not turn against Sephiroth becuase he "knew that the Shinra were wrong." He engaged Sephiroth in battle becuase Sephiroth was doing wrong - he was killing innocents and burning Nibelheim. He never turned against Shinra. Ever.

Tifa still remebers Zack but is afraid to tell Cloud because of the consequences. Cloud lived up to be Zack, but when you fall in to the life stream you are able to regain your past.

Tifa probably remembers Zack as the SOLDIER accompanying Sephiroth, but nothing more. She's afraid to tell Cloud not that she remembers Zack, but that the person he claims to be five years ago was in fact Zack. She fears his outbursts. She may also fear that her own memory is somewhat diluted, becuase she sufferred a near fatal chest wound. In either case, she just thought it best to ignore. When you fall into the Lifestream you aren't able to "regain your past." Rather, Tifa and Cloud merged into his conciousness (which is eerily similar to Zack and Cloud merging into Cloud's conciousness), and Tifa is able to help him sort things out. Lifestream acted as the catalyst, not the reactant. The equation would be like this:

"Reactant + Reactant + Catalyst = Product"
"Tifa + Cloud + Lifestream = Fixing Cloud's mental state"

Eventually Zack made it as 1st rank in Soldier. But since Cloud rebelled against the Shin-ra and Soldier so would Zack have. But it costs Zack' his life. In Gongaga you can meet Zack's parents. What if Cloud went there and told them Zack was dead? Would they hold Cloud responsible or are they happy Cloud told them so the know what happend to Zack.

Zack doesn't purpoesly rebell against Shinra. He escapes Gast's lab and as a result is assumed to be rebelling by the Shinra. Although wishing to remain loyal to his company (he never expresses any loathing towards Shinra), he is forced to fight the MP's who come to finish him off. In his haste to help Cloud up, he catches a bullet in the chest which knocks him down. Cloud is assumed brain dead and left to die while the MP's finish off Zack. And just because Cloud rebelled against Shinra doesn't mean that, had they not attacked Zack, Zack would have to. They are DIFFERENT people.

But what if Zack had survived. Would Cloud meet him someday? And then will the fight along side against the Shin-ra. Or will they have a personal feud. I think that if Cloud would tell the story to Zack of what he has done, Zack would attack him but he would not kill him. In his rage he leaves but Cloud follows him telling about his parent who are still looking for him. Zack would calm down and follow Cloud to Gongaga. Zack is most thankfull for Cloud and makes his appology to Cloud for attack him whilst Cloud is sorry about hte fact that he used his past for his life, but they both agree that it is because of the mako.

Zack didn't survive. He's dead. We saw the MP's kill him. They probably then brought him back to HQ where his death was confirmed and where the MP's got a nice bonus for their kill.

From here thery will fight alonside and eventually they will face Sephiroth who still has a distant memory about Zack. He awakens a part of Zack's memory and uses his anger to let him enrage towards Cloud and in his rage he kills Cloud. Meteor crashes into Midgar and destroys the planet whilst Sephiroth is reborn as a god. In the last flashes of Zack's life he realises what he has done but it is to late, before he can scratch his ear he implodes with the planet.

Zack's DEAD man. GONE! Finito! Adios! BYE BYE! And besides, assuming he DID survive (which he DIDN'T), chances are he wouldn't be controllable by Sephiroth (or JENOVA) because he had no reaction to JENOVA cells. Not only that, but even if he DID react (which he WOULDN'T), who's to say that he couldn't fight off the demons like Cloud did? So your little theory about them fighting each other has three insanely powrful points against it.

I suggest you look more into the game before posting things of this magnitude. Leave it for me, the Theory KING! Mwa hahaha.... (God I need to take some Vallium).


Neo Xzhan
04-18-2002, 07:41 AM
I did went into the Shin-ra mansion i just forgot to mention it.

04-18-2002, 07:23 PM
If you went into Shinra Mansion, why the Hell did you bother posting all that nonsense? Every single point you made has been proven false one way or another, and the things you made up (like your weird little two paragraphs of fanfiction at the end) are horribly unfeasible.


04-22-2002, 11:30 PM
::lets out a long sigh:: PTM you are now my idol. I really need to play the game again (been about 2-3 years scince I really played it for the meaning). I dont even remember Zack being killed but I believe it happened seeing that you my Idol PTM have just proven all these points, my god ::bows to PTM:: Jesus took me long enough to read ur post but it was damn well worth it! ::starts up his PS2 and pops in FFVII::

02-15-2004, 04:26 PM
True True!!

02-15-2004, 06:38 PM
Zack did tell his side of the story to cloud, they both got injected with Jenova Cells, and received mako therapy, but Zack did not react to it. Cloud on the other hand was the opposite, Cloud mixed Zack's life with his life. Tifa has nothing to do with it. Well all three Zack, Cloud, and Tifa would of died if Cloud didn't throw Sefirosu (Sephiroth) into the lifestream.