11-09-2007, 05:37 AM

at this site they will be releasing Mega Man 7 and 8 soundtracks. I already have them due to various file sharing, etc. and am satisfied with the sound quality I have... however I was wondering if you guys thought these cd's would even sound BETTER than what's on the net and if you thought they would be worth getting even as "keepsakes"; Mega Man 7 is one of my favorites of all time. I wasn't that thrilled with 8 but am thinking it may be best to get BOTH and just support this "effort" in the off chance they may even release more of these older titles.

11-09-2007, 05:46 AM
Better quality, probably. Keepsakes? Hardly. Megaman music isn't rare enough to really be considered keepsakes. It'll be interesting to see which version of 8 Capcom releases. But what I'm more interested in is the planned remixes by Capcom for 1-6. I'm not sure if it's all the games, or just a best of mix. Damn, I need a cool Pharaohman remix.

11-09-2007, 05:52 AM
Keepsake = something of sentimental value; it has nothing to do with dollar value or it being rare, this music means a lot to me and I've always wished for FULL soundtracks of it but am not sure if it would be worth the plunge; after shipping, etc these get pricy.

11-09-2007, 05:56 AM
btw, I've already got an email in to them asking about 8. According to their site it says SNES but I think it' just a copy and paste from the 7 description... when they let me know Saturn or PS I'll post it here.

11-09-2007, 06:52 AM
Ah, when you put it that way, I can't disagree with you then. For sentimentality purposes, then I'd agree that it could be a keepsake. For me it isn't, because Megaman music isn't that important, it's just good random listening. Sadly, amongst all my music, I can't say I have anything I'd consider a keepsake. I'd have to go with DVDs instead to compare to this topic. I tend to buy DVDs sometimes just for the sake of having something specific, even if it doesn't get watched.

11-09-2007, 06:53 AM
btw, I've already got an email in to them asking about 8. According to their site it says SNES but I think it' just a copy and paste from the 7 description... when they let me know Saturn or PS I'll post it here.

For the record, I'd be happy with the Saturn version (due to Cutman & Woodman, I'd guess), and the final track could be a 'bonus' track: Tenguman PS version, or something like that. Guess we'll know soon.

11-09-2007, 10:47 PM
It's the PS1 version.