Rydia's Lover 1982
04-15-2002, 11:57 PM
Final Fantasy 10 is not a bad game, but something seems wierd about it. Does it feel like a side scrolling game in 3D? Is there something annoying about the way the plot flows, although I can't figure out exactly what is annoying me? Please give any comments you have.

04-16-2002, 01:38 AM
i dont know shat side scrolling means, but i do know that the plot is weird. its like your doing things in steps kinda. it follows a novel plot, or movie plot. ppl do say its like a long movie. sometimes it doesn't feel like your playing a game.

Rydia's Lover 1982
04-16-2002, 02:12 AM
Side scrolling games are those games in the old days of NES and SNES like the mario games where you are pretty much limited from going left to right (in most cases) across the screen and fight enemies along the way.

I think it's the very restricted degree of control in FF10. I felt I had much more control of events in the other Final Fantasies. I like having an actual world map.

04-16-2002, 02:45 AM
I really like the tose sode scrolling games so you cant get lost a SO.... i like those kinds and the plot is kool its not a big movie it just has to much stops and goes but a final fantasy is suppose to have a fantasy story and there is suppose to be alot of movies so people dont get meesed up with the story

04-16-2002, 05:28 PM
i think it is weird... you are quite limited... but not exactly... take for example when at the begining Wakka tells you to go pray at the temple before you can eat , you really dont have much of a choice but to do so if you want the game to go on... but technically once you have the airship you can do a lot... either way its all going to end up fighting sin so there you dont have a choice if you want to pass the game.

04-17-2002, 05:51 AM
Eurotrance is right about the game ending up where you fight sin , just like anyother rpg or game for that matter all games are set on a already planed Storyline some games offer multi-endings do to how you take your path to the " ultimate goal" and in this case for ffx its to defeat yu-yevon and save spira...as for the game being odd i dunno if odd is the word i think maybe Linear do to the restriction of area in wich you were allowed to roam even with the airship you were still stuck to the area/s programed.

Ive said enough lol .. bottom line ffx was great but it wasnt enough.

Wraith Mercenary
04-17-2002, 07:11 AM
I don't think it was good enough. Innovation is good, but there was only innovation in the gameplay and HOW the story was conveyed. First off, it was kinda annoying having to listen to Tidus speak only to find out that he wasn't telling you much when he finally bring things up to speed at Zanarkand. (Maybe if he talked like a Provate Eye, but he's just a kid!) Second, the plot is too generic... not too complex. "Oh there's a bad guy, he's my father, let's go kill him... Oh and I don't know if I'm a dream of the Fayth or not, I think I'm real..." We've seen better games in the series. FF6 probaly has one of the better plots... Not to mention you could drive your airship whereever you wanted!! (Hmmm... I will drag my video gamers along as if on a leesh! Mwa ha ha!! If I didn't some girlfriend would do it to them anyway... Oh it hurts being evil, and capitalist)

lone wolf
04-19-2002, 02:58 AM
i agree the thing about ffX is it is linear, but i don't think the game is bad for that reason, it is a good game, i think what is affecting you guys, and me, is the idea of no world map, it was really a step in the wrong direction, that was one thing that gamerz really looked forward to and as you made you way around spira, i think it just builds and builds how you want to see the world, and then you are all excited when ~~~~spoiler~~~~~ you see home destroyed and the airship come out of the ground, their, that was when we new we would be flying soon, but it turned out to be a let down do to the fact that you didn't get to fly at all, but you still can decifer different messages around the world to find new locations to imput, but exploration was the fun part :( :( :(

all in all, it was an awsome game, but the world needs a map back to explore


04-20-2002, 05:01 AM
Ya i can agree that ffx was linear but..the plot is suppose to be weird and hard o find out calling ffx weird is a complament and all the talking is suppose to get u in the game so u no wat is happening and a world map is no big problem for me at least every rpg can not have all the good stuff people want they have to make new ideas like the sphere levels:D

04-20-2002, 05:05 AM
I liked it up until the end well it sucked. titus dies what kind of ending is that its gay as hell

04-20-2002, 04:58 PM
well first of all tidus does not die he jumps into some transporter and sends him back 1,000 years ago the one who dies is auron

04-21-2002, 01:56 AM
no because he slaps hands with his father

04-22-2002, 03:10 AM
Tidus does die , fade away, or something like that. I think ffx would definately be better w/ a world map and I don't think they should have put in them red flashing arrow things that guide you to where you have to be.

04-22-2002, 05:35 PM
He does not die if u wait till the end of the cretids it shows him coming up to zanarkand u shouldf waited he does not die he gets warped in 1,000 years into the past he does not die

04-22-2002, 06:08 PM
I think he died but Fantasyfreak might be right. That is the only possible reason the rumors have emerged that Square is in the orks on a sequel based on this game. Plus in some disk that comes with FFX International, it shows Tidus alive and being held captive while all the other members embark on a quest to save him. I still think he is dead, though, and when they show him swimming in the end, it's just that, him swimming in the end. No need to over analyze it.

BTW, who cares if there was no world map! The game was still good.

04-22-2002, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by fantasyfreak
He does not die if u wait till the end of the cretids it shows him coming up to zanarkand u shouldf waited he does not die he gets warped in 1,000 years into the past he does not die

I did wait to the end of the credits. Anyways how do you know he is swimming up to Zanarkand?

04-23-2002, 12:43 AM
I must clear up one major misconception concerning the life/death of Tidus in FFX. My friends, Tidus was only alive a long long long long time ago, as was the entire city of Zanarkand. It was wiped out thousands of years ago. So henceforth, Tidus does NOT die in the end of FFX. Tidus, and Jecht, are both dreams. They exist and partake in reality only becuase the Fayth continue to dream them. As they interacted more and more with real time and real life people, and as they began to impact Spira's fate more, they slowly became more and more real. But in the end, thats all they were....dreams. With Yu Yevon gone...the need for the Fayth to dream has ended. When their dreams end, so does Tidus' and Jecht's existence on Spira. But not their spirits, not their souls. They remain on the farplane with the more recently deceased Braska and Auron..."living" out their eternal lives in harmony and peace. Not as dead...but as ended dreams. He wasnt alive through out the game to begin with folks! How can he die?? DUH.

04-23-2002, 01:49 AM
okay but why did you say he was warped back to zanarkand?

04-23-2002, 01:58 AM
Originally posted by fantasyfreak
I must clear up one major misconception concerning the life/death of Tidus in FFX. My friends, Tidus was only alive a long long long long time ago, as was the entire city of Zanarkand. It was wiped out thousands of years ago. So henceforth, Tidus does NOT die in the end of FFX. Tidus, and Jecht, are both dreams. They exist and partake in reality only becuase the Fayth continue to dream them. As they interacted more and more with real time and real life people, and as they began to impact Spira's fate more, they slowly became more and more real. But in the end, thats all they were....dreams. With Yu Yevon gone...the need for the Fayth to dream has ended. When their dreams end, so does Tidus' and Jecht's existence on Spira. But not their spirits, not their souls. They remain on the farplane with the more recently deceased Braska and Auron..."living" out their eternal lives in harmony and peace. Not as dead...but as ended dreams. He wasnt alive through out the game to begin with folks! How can he die?? DUH.

Dreams can die just like hopes can die and wither away. Anyway, why did you say Tidus was warped back to Zanarkand.

04-23-2002, 10:30 AM
fantasyfreak, you don't fully understand the plot. the zanarkand that tidus lived in only existed as a dream. there was no tidus 1000 years in the past, he only thinks that he is from that time, he, jecht, and all their contemporaries only exist as dreams of the fayth in the present, but the setting of the dream of the fayth is 1000 years ago (kind of like in the Matrix how it's really like the year 3000 or whatever, but all the people in the matrix think it's 2000). However, as the fayth tells tidus, somehow he and jecht became more than just dreams. at the end, tidus is supposed to be coming back to spira.

by the way, the guy who wrote the story said this (in EGM i think) so don't go off on me and say i over analysed the plot. this is how it was supposed to be understood.

04-23-2002, 09:55 PM
I didnt write that reply my older bro wrote that and that and my older was tryin to say that and he does not wat he is talkin about you guys dont understand the plot

04-23-2002, 10:06 PM
sry about that last reply i messed up.Well my older brother steve beat the game and said that tidus and ject were just dreams but i would like to no wat was tidus swimmin up to then all are questions are ansered

Blade 2
04-24-2002, 03:29 AM
The game is basically too linear to be a traditional RPG. It IS like a platform/'side-scrolling' game in that there is a set course for you to go on and the freedom to go to any city whenever you want to is only limited to the end. There is no freedom to roam around the plains and visit previous cities or upcoming cities like there was in FF9. All you really do is beat one area, then go to the next and beat that, which gets annoyingly monotonous.

It would have been a lot better if the creators gave freedom to the gamer to do specific things at the beginning of the game instead of waiting until you get the Airship.

I believe the reason that the game is so linear is because there is no overworld in the game. The addition of an overworld would take up a lot of space on the disk and they would have to cut the story very short. You have to remember, the game has gorgeous graphics and it's own set of vocals with a long story line, so there was no room for the overworld. You could not travel where you wanted to at any given point in the game because of the lack of the overworld.

If they did put an overworld in there, then it would have to be very low definition and I am sure they did not want to put something that would contrast the beauty of the environs. It would be like the original FF2 graphics on a high-quality DVD movie, like Virtua Tennis for the Oddyssey playing you at your fitness center, like a Space Invaders ship flying up into your nose, like....

Well, I'll just stop there.

Rydia's Lover 1982
04-24-2002, 07:25 AM
I think Riot McCabre has it right. I ddin't like how they sacrificed the world map for good graphics/sound. When I first saw that it was going to be completely 3D, I was expecting it to be a little more like Zelda: Ocarina of Time where there would be "world map" areas between levels / dungeons / towns to roam around much like hyrule field. I guess for FFXII (since FFXI is just an online RPG), Square should consider doing that.

Blade 2
04-24-2002, 09:10 PM
Knowing Squaresoft, I believe they will most likely give up the world map feature altogether so they can continue with the stunning visuals that draw gamers to it. Most gamers, believe it or not, will not play a game if it has low quality graphics and a great storyline. That is why a lot of games are overlooked.

07-31-2002, 03:45 AM
FFX was designed to be more like an interactive movie than past Final Fantasy games on purpose. Square made it obvious that they're trying to get away from old traditional Fantasy RPGs in Final Fantasy VII by pulling away from the whole midevil fantasy with castles knights and dragons thing, and for that I am glad. Even in novels that narrow minded ideal was getting annoying that Fantasy means castles, knights, and some stupid weak princess who just needs some guy to save her. In addition, I've also gotten the feeling that Square is trying to push for a change in society itself by sending subtle messages. Such as the "We shouldn't follow Yevon blindly just because it says to do this." In real life we shouldn't follow our own beliefs blindly just because it says so. Then it's more than a coinsidence that Sin has the name 'sin' I've noticed a lot of religious overtones especially in Final Fantasy X and Xenogears (which was made by another SquareSoft team, yet an excelent game [in my opinion the best rpg game ever made]).

Contrary to what some people seem to believe, I think Square is actually stepping in the right direction. A lot of new design implements make people mad, in fact, Square is trying to change it's appeal to the percent of people who if it wern't for Final Fantasy, wouldn't even own a Playstation or Playstation 2 console. I have a friend who only has the system for Squaresoft games, and another friend who says, "Videogames weaken your mind" then also says, "I really should try Final Fantasy" Squaresoft knows they could easily crank out games that attract those who loved Final Fantasy 7. But they're experementing to get other people into videogames. It's just like with anything else, if you don't make changes to something, that thing will eventually fail. The reason for continuing to use the Final Fantasy 'brand' is because it is so well known and so popular that it increases the chances of people buying it. As I mentioned earlier, I believe Xenogears is not only the best Squaresoft game, but the best RPG I've ever played, in fact, many who have played it feel the same way, however there are people who have never even heard of the game, which explains why you see Final Fantasy 7 still on the shelves of gamestores yet to get Xenogears you either have to buy it online or hunt it down in the used games sections of the gaming stores.

Personally I think the use of an overworld map in this game would severly screw up the tone. This game doesn't focus on a group of people who are trying to stop an evil company that is a threat to the world. That's more appropiate for worldy exploration. The game also isn't focused on the theme of love in the world and an evil Sorceres (sp?) from the future trying to take it over and then compress time, that's more appropiate for a worldly exploration. I never played Final Fantasy 9 though because I heard it was crap (at least to those few who loved Final Fantasy 8, like me). Final Fantasy X focuses on the idea of a 'story' note the phrase, 'this is my story' is used often, in a story that is being told, there is no running around the world hoping to find a side quest. Also, for a majority of the game, following the exact layed out path of Yevon was a theme, up until the point when the dark secrets of Yevon were found out, note the dark secrets were found out right about the time when the AirShip was first seen (excluding the salvage operation earlier in the game).

My final words, to comment on appealing to a larger audience; Although this isn't a good arguement to make 'open world' fans angry, there are people who's first rpg they ever beat was Final Fantasy X because of this linear plot. While I don't mind an open map (since I actually read the dialog unlike so many people who get mad when they don't know what to do) It does make the game significantly easier for those people who can't tell North from South and East from West.

Anyway, i havn't beaten FFX because my sphere grid has a case of the Level 3 sphere syndrome, and at the same time, although I'm sure I'm strong enough, i don't want to just go on with the story before getting through the Omega Ruins. Anybody know what enemies might drop some Lv.3 key spheres for me?

07-31-2002, 03:53 AM
Oh yeah in additon, I believe that Square is subtily pointing out that dreams may fade away, but they will always exist. by that ending. Heh, that's what I get for watching music videos at Otakon (an anime convention for those who don't know), they ruined the Final Fantasy X ending for me with that movie sequence. But I believe someone said that Final Fantasy X was written to represent something to each person playing it, maybe different things. Such as sin resembling a typhoon or, sin representing something deeper. It wasn't a bad game design, it was just another attempt to bring the game design out to be respected as an art form instead of the idea that all games are violent things that ruin kids minds. --Gee I write too much

Oh wow, the edit does work...this time...must have been my computer being stupid again...

07-31-2002, 01:31 PM
The fact that there is voices in the game...seem wierd to me ^_^...I mean all the way through the FF's we have had no talking....then all of a sudden there's talking....that seemed wierd to me....
Still love the game though ^_^

07-31-2002, 04:30 PM

To FantasyFreak and OnlySquared.

Double posting is not allowed under any circumstances. We have a reply button that comes in very handy if you have left something out of your previous post.

Next time, please edit you post instead of double posting.

That is all ^_^

07-31-2002, 10:17 PM
Don't you mean the edit button instead of the reply button?

Hmm, my posts have been deleted for reviving old topics before..... :notgood:

08-01-2002, 07:12 AM
I apologize about the double posting, but I tried editing and I got some kind of message that said I didn't have authorization to do that...maybe I clicked the wrong button?

08-01-2002, 03:34 PM
only problem i have with this game is its like a movie almost...and it doesnt have as much freedom as other ff games

08-01-2002, 05:19 PM
Well, not in particular. I do have to agree that it seemed more like a movie and there wasn't much role-playing going on.

The voices and new 3D-graphics were kinda weird, since I wasn't used to them. The music and effects were great though.

08-02-2002, 12:26 AM
err...I didn't really mind the movie likeness of the game. Really the only time not having as much free will might bother me is when there is a reason to get extra unnecessary items and boost your stats (other than being able to brag) I think it really would have been cool if they had made you able to bring your memory card over to a friends house and have a blitz ball game againsed them, then it would definately be more appropiate to have a lot more free will in the game. However I think Square meant to make the game in a more movie like style, for the reasons I pointed out earlier on this topic, the story theme fits well with having less free will, in the past, the only motivation I had for doing side quests was to add to the game story or to see a sequence (FMV or Real Time) that I otherwise would not have seen.