04-15-2002, 09:53 PM
It's sounds like I'm the only person in the world who really liked FF VII...Everybody is complaining about the magic system, the G.F, the story, the design, the battle system, and mostly everything else. What's wrong with you people? Don't you like changes? FF VIII was kind of an experiment where Square tried new styles. But if everything was your way there would not be any changes to the series, and that would be DAMN boring I tell you.

Rabid Monkey
04-15-2002, 11:17 PM
Moving to the right section...

Oh, and by the way, I didn't like the game for many reasons that I won't get into now...lets just say the story is lacking for the very least...

04-16-2002, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by Hell_Jau
It's sounds like I'm the only person in the world who really liked FF VII...i take it thats sposed to be viii????

i think ffviii was and still is the best!!!
apart from graphics i dont think ffx will be as good as ffviii!!!
(im in the UK so i still got a long wait for ffx)

04-16-2002, 03:02 PM
i think VIII is the best one. i dunno why its just great. i loved it the first time i turned it on

Bahamut ZERO
04-16-2002, 05:22 PM
Okay, I'll put out the reasons why I think that VIII isn't well appreciated by most people, and I'll let others add accordingly.

The thing is, Final Fantasy VIII had to live up to being the sequel to arguably the best RPG ever made, Final Fantasy VII. We could argue all day about which FF is the best (and I have done), but it was Final Fantasy VII that blasted the stigma of an RPG being a game played just by nerds away.

Example. I was 14 when the game first came out in the UK. I used to spend hours in Science lessons talking to my mates about various secrets, levels, who was better than the other at the game, etc. It was a mainstream game, it exposed the RPG genre to the mainstream, and people were simply blown away as the Playstation hadn't done anything this good at all up to this point. The game re-wrote everyone's perspective of what an RPG was (at least in the UK...)

Final Fantasy VIII had to live up to this. VII had left people's appetites wetted for more of the same. VIII was good, but a pale comparison to VII. And it WAS compared. Ignoring the faults of the game itself, the mainstream people who had started to play the genre of game bought Final Fantasy VIII and could not get into the game. They found it boring, the storyline linear and predictable, and the battle and control system more awkward than VII.

VIII couldn't live up to the hype that VII produced. VIII didn't bring much new to the dance, other than fancier graphics. VIII didn't have as involving subgames as before. As a result, people were less interested and gave up playing it, and slag it off.

I personally liked VIII, although not as much as VII. Things in the game made it boring, as mentioned above. VII has a special place in my heart as I am STILL playing it now. VIII is only dusted off to play the ending if I want to see it.

Angel Aeris
04-16-2002, 06:46 PM
I was positive surprised when I first played FFVIII. True, the junction system was complicated and hard to learn, but the story and the characters... (Plus points especially to Squall, Rinoa, Seifer and Edea) I just loved them all. I didn't think the story was confusing and full of holes, like I've heard complains. It's just good that the game let something to think afterwards too. Besides, if there weren't any questions without an answer, there weren't so many interesting conversitions in here, either.

04-16-2002, 08:20 PM
I thought FF8 was an awesome game, one of the best ever, better than FF9. Its just nowhere near as good as FF7. It can be a lot more frustrating and less fun aswell.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-16-2002, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by Bahamut ZERO
Okay, I'll put out the reasons why I think that VIII isn't well appreciated by most people, and I'll let others add accordingly.

The thing is, Final Fantasy VIII had to live up to being the sequel to arguably the best RPG ever made, Final Fantasy VII. We could argue all day about which FF is the best (and I have done), but it was Final Fantasy VII that blasted the stigma of an RPG being a game played just by nerds away.

Example. I was 14 when the game first came out in the UK. I used to spend hours in Science lessons talking to my mates about various secrets, levels, who was better than the other at the game, etc. It was a mainstream game, it exposed the RPG genre to the mainstream, and people were simply blown away as the Playstation hadn't done anything this good at all up to this point. The game re-wrote everyone's perspective of what an RPG was (at least in the UK...)

Final Fantasy VIII had to live up to this. VII had left people's appetites wetted for more of the same. VIII was good, but a pale comparison to VII. And it WAS compared. Ignoring the faults of the game itself, the mainstream people who had started to play the genre of game bought Final Fantasy VIII and could not get into the game. They found it boring, the storyline linear and predictable, and the battle and control system more awkward than VII.

VIII couldn't live up to the hype that VII produced. VIII didn't bring much new to the dance, other than fancier graphics. VIII didn't have as involving subgames as before. As a result, people were less interested and gave up playing it, and slag it off.

I personally liked VIII, although not as much as VII. Things in the game made it boring, as mentioned above. VII has a special place in my heart as I am STILL playing it now. VIII is only dusted off to play the ending if I want to see it.

I think that was a perfect analyses and I could'nt of put it clearer, well done Bahamut ZERO you know you are soooooooooooo good at writing what the majority is thinking.

Lady Rinoa
04-16-2002, 09:14 PM
I thought VII was great, but VIII was defintely my favorite overall. It was able to introduce me to the RGP circle which a game had never done for me before.

04-16-2002, 10:59 PM
FF8 was awesome... plain and simple ;) I have liked every FF game I've ever played and have no complaints. They are all kick-ass :D .

Green Arrow
04-17-2002, 02:15 AM
FF8 was a kickass game, it is one of my favourites to date. Everyone always had a problem with it coz they analyse it too much and junk like that. Fact of the matter is it was kickass...nuff said.

04-17-2002, 09:20 AM
When I started, I was a little disappointed, cause it was so different then FF9, but once I got into it, it was great, better then FF9

04-17-2002, 05:34 PM
VIII was neat, but definalty not the best in the series. Still a good game though, and gunblades are neat.

Angel Aeris
04-17-2002, 06:24 PM
"FF8 was awesome... plain and simple I have liked every FF game I've ever played and have no complaints. They are all kick-ass ."

I totally agree with you, Ragnakok.
That was shortly said what I was thinking.

I, personally, like every FF I have played, but I don't judge them who don't like FF8, who seem to be here too. Anyone can't push everybody to like it, no matter how much we love Squall and the others by ourselves.

04-18-2002, 12:09 AM
I thought that FFVIII is one of my favorite games ever. The characters are waaaaaaay cool. The story was awesome. It had the nice combination of sci-fi and romance.

Time Compression...that's deep. lol

04-18-2002, 01:47 AM
Hmm...yes, I think that you're right. A lot of people didn't like the game and that's ok. But IMO, FFVIII was one of the best there was. It was a different one, that's for sure, and the new systems and gizmos were awesome! It played out like a real Fantasy. So all of you who weren't satisfied, that's fine by me but I think you don't know what you're missing. ^_^

Safer Sephiroth
04-18-2002, 04:12 PM
I liked FF8 I thought it was one of the best ones I've ever played.

proBuM 8 8
04-19-2002, 02:17 AM
i loved this game! i thought the storyline/characters were cool, even tho i know a lotta people who said that both of those sucked :notgood:

04-20-2002, 03:32 AM
I didn't really like ffviii. I think the magic system was horrible and you relied on your gf's way too much. The characters and storyline are good though. Overall, I think it was okay but just not as good as the other ffs.

04-20-2002, 09:46 AM
FF8 wasn't too bad compared with MQ *shudders* BUT.........it wasn't the best. FF6 was better than it, so if an old game beat it, then how can it be the best. I'm, of course referring to gaming mags that rated FF6 94% and FF8 86%. But, Square came back as they usually do, with FF9 *sighs relief*

04-20-2002, 03:20 PM
FF8 is the best ff game possible so far I luv that game I don't care what u say about the story line it is awsome and the junctioning system was awsome I thought is was really cool so I don't care what u say ff8 will be the best in my books forever.

Rydia's Lover 1982
04-23-2002, 09:11 PM
I played it through the first SeeD exam, and I didn't go any further since my first impression was "Final Reality VIII" with perfectly realistic characters, hot dogs, gas stations, parking lots, etc (everything in real life just with magic added). By the time I was going to get my self to get into it again, FF9 came out, which I thought was one of the best video games ever. Well, this summer I've decided to make it a goal to put my self through it so I can have a real debate for it.

04-23-2002, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by DarkManX
FF8 was a kickass game, it is one of my favourites to date. Everyone always had a problem with it coz they analyse it too much and junk like that. Fact of the matter is it was kickass...nuff said.

perfectly said.

04-24-2002, 12:32 AM
FFVII AND FFVIII are my favs... I think ff8's music was a highlite, junctioning magic made the game to easy and some of the abilities that the GF's made it way to easy, I.E. you could change items into STR UP, VIT UP, DEF UP, etc. so you could max out there stats and make it way too easy, I did like the character development though..

04-24-2002, 06:09 AM
FF8 is my fav FF game. Everything in it was ruley,but the story kinda sucked... :rolleyes:

04-24-2002, 07:15 AM
Please don't yell at me for posting this... but I don't like FF8. I won't senselessly bash it like most people, but instead I'll explain why I didn't like it and, perhaps, shed some light on why many people "bash" it.

FF8 and It's Ineptitudes

I remember summers ago, wading through the marshes outside the Chocobo stable, and then getting beaten to a bloody pulp by the Midgar Zolom because I was a measly level 20. I recall many fond memories like my arogant march through the marshes from FF7, and that's what makes it a great game; it keeps on giving, even after the game ends. And that same principal is what also makes FF8 a bad game - it keeps on detracting, even after the game ends.

I caught the FF7 wave in late 1998/early 1999, which put me a steady 12 or so months behind the rest of you. I didn't know what an RPG was, and having never played or witnessed one in action, I had no interest in ever finding out. Until I went to my friend's house, and he was playing FF7 - after that fateful experience, the doorway was open and my love began to expand. My idleness fed my desire, and the insatiable mass began to expand within my vitals as the summer wore on. Unfortunately, my experience halted after my deliverance of my blade unto the head of Sephiroth in the Northern Crater. But I knew it wouldn't end there - for FF was reccurring.

And so I waited - waited for FF8, which would mark the return of all that was righteous in my mind, and all that was holy. Pre-ordering my copy well ahead of time, I sat in quiet anticipation. And it arrived - I banked down the roadways and navigated through the asphalt jungle until I had finally claimed my prize. Upon my triumphant return home, I inserted the jewel into my Playstation machine; the journey had begun!

Unfortunately that was as much fun that was to be had with FF8, because the unruly storyline, ridiculous characters, ludicrous magic system, and piss-poor GF reliance served well to discourage continual playing. However, I persevered, and learned much - for instance, I learned that there was a witch to be killed and a government to dethrone.

Unfortunately I'm given no reason why I should kill this witch, except that she adheres to the predictable - "I want to rule the universe" mindset. An old nemesis returns to wreak havoc on my party, and the only weapon in my arsenal is a thirty minute video clip of a monster emerging from a portal to do the same amount of damage as FF7's physical attacks did - except FF7 did it in 1/60th the time. Bitter and distrusting, I trudged on against the maelstrom until the confrontation with the witch herself - for this sorceress would die by my hand; she was to pay the penalty for Square's ridiculous mistake of a game that I was forced to endure for the sake of completion!

And she collapsed to her knees, but not before revealing a displeasing new "twist" - she was being controlled all along, by ANOTHER WITCH! Wow! And the game continues until the "climactic" battle with Ultemecia (a very original name indeed Square. I applaud you), who sought "Time Compression" for no reason. Yes, you heard right - no reason.

The next thing I knew I was at the foot of her throne ready to wipe out Ultemicia knowing only this - Squall and Rinoa are no longer virgins, Seifer is a dickhead, there was a THIRD sorceress (who I killed, and who also had absolutely no story importance), the seizures I went into were actually irrelevant flashbacks explaining yet ANOTHER love story, and oh yeah Ultemicia can't speak correct English.

Along the way I had made bitter rivals (I think I was supposed to hate Seifer or something), developed loving friendships (although I'd spend more time attacking my own party members than the enemies), and learned of a "Lunar Cry" that ended up being a ridiculous waste of five game time minutes. Oh, and did I mention the airship that I only used for the final 10 minutes of the game?

Dissapointingly, the final boss did little to challenge me - in fact, her "final form" spent more time preaching to me about life than actually attacking. I came to kill, not to practice philosophy. After this bitter and pointless duel, the game treats me to yet another FMV (I felt like the audience, not the player) illustrating a party. Yay.

Story aside, let's speak of the battle system. Wait, there was no battle system - the only thing done in the game was select a GF and then go downstairs, get some water, go to the bathroom, come back, and STILL SEE THAT THE DAMN SUMMON WASN'T DONE YET! Drawing magic and junctioning made it so you spent literally hours wasting time picking up magic you never used because everytime you did it would decrease your maximum HP or your strength or whatever - much worse than a decrease in MP.

Characters were ludicrous. Squall had two women falling over themselves to get to him and all he could say was "Whatever." Most of the time is taken up by a hyperactive hypoglycemic teenage girl affectionately named "Sefie" by her mentally defecient cowboy boyfriend. Rinoa's horrible retardation and her lust towards the very man who is slicing her up with a gunblade made me physically sick - how unrealistic.

Weaponry was a joke - GUNBLADE?! My lord Square. And you thought theif knifes were stupid. And why the modifications? Why can't we just buy weapons like all the other games? Screw finding freaking magazines to learn Limit Breaks and get new Weapons!

The music was okay. I feel that it could have been better though. This is, however, a place where FF8 ISN'T the worst at - FF9's music left much to be desired. But after FF7, FF8 was a real disappointment. FF9's shoddy music really didn't matter - my grandmother puking into a bag would be a harder act to follow than this atrocity.

I hope this helped you guys understand why some of us don't like FF8. If you guys get enjoyment out of if, then that's good for you. Tastes vary between people, and I'm not saying you're wrong and I'm right - everybody has their own opinion. I respect yours, and I hope you respect mine. Thank you.


08-03-2002, 06:16 AM
That doesn't sound like your "not senslessly bashing" it. You sounded like all the rest. Perhaps if you were to pay more attention to dialog than battling you would have noticed that there was a reason to kill this 'witch' If some person with magical powers poped up somewhere and tried to take over the universe, don't you think that the countries on this planet would at least try to stop them? Come on

Then time compression, it was a repeated point that with time compressed, nobody else could live. Not everything has to have a logical reason. Think of it this way, don't you think you could ever be pushed into such an emotional state that you come to hate everything and just want to destroy everything even if it's pointless? There's no logic in destroying everything, it won't accomplish anything, but it makes for an evil character if you want to destroy what exists for no reason. If the story was mean't to be logical only, it wouldn't have been based on love. And as I said in another topic similar to this, the game case says specifically that it is based on love, what did you expect a lot of the flashbacks and plot development to revolve around? Hate?

Appearantly you don't take time to read dialog either that or you have crappy reading skills, why do you think it's there? Just to add to the gameplay time?

If you only used the airship for 10 minutes then you obviously didn't take time for any of the avalable side quests on disc 3.

If your summons take so long that you can do all that and come back and find that the summon is not done, then you obviously didn't train your GFs very well, There is a compatability rating depending on the GFs and how much your characters use them/don't use them. Also, you didn't have to rely on your GFs, if you hate the GF battle style then why didn't you junction magic and fight yourself, In fact you can't fight all battles with GFs, so don't say that there was no battle system.

The only reason you think the characters are ludicrous is because your brain is too damn small to comprehend the depth that certain characters were meant to have. I believe all the characters acted in a good balance of realism between emphasizing it for visual appearance.

Then there's the issue about magic, you probably spend as much time drawing magic as you would running around to level up in a game where leveling up was more important, and if your worried about a decrease in stats for using magic, then get a lot of magic, I hardly expect that just because you use 1 spell that your suddenly going to not be able to beat an enemy, especially if you learn how to manage a balance between physical attacks, magic and GFs without overusing them. In GFs you also had to take into account multiple junctions (if you did that) because if you use one GF too much more than the others, the compatability of that character with the others goes down by 1 point I think per GF attack.

I should also point out that the weapon known as gunblade was used in other productions not even made by square, perhaps it's something you'd be better accepting about if you wern't so thickheaded. The weapon upgrades certainly seem more realistic than just buying another weapon, I mean, chances are your not going to use your weaker weapon ever again, so why not get rid of the buy then sell steps and just have an upgrade feature. You didn't even have to find the magazeens, once you got the items needed to make the weapon, it automatically appeared, and I found that most magazeens were easily found, many were in the path that you would have to take to even get through the game.

Personally I think the best Final Fantasy game music wise is FFX, Neither 7 or 8 were all that great, but I think the Liberi...err I forget it's the opening FMV song was great and so was Faye Wongs, "Eyes on Me" Played in that scene in the ship (I can't remember how to spell it, it's been a while).

Anyway, my point is, the reason you have trouble with this game is because one, you have problems with having to take into consideration more active variables in battles (such as using magic decreases your stats), you can't relate to the characters (the game was more meant for those who were similar to a certain character in the game), and you have a problem with a plot more based on a toned romantic story.

BTW, I don't think Square wanted the player to actually hate Seifer, because even Squall seems to sympathise with him when he says, "He probably thinks he can't go back."

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
08-03-2002, 03:11 PM
I've now come to appreciate FF8, and i've found out why.

FF8, for me is more of a Summer game, because most of the time in FF8 its sunny and quite happy.

While FF7 is more of a Winter game, and is the weather in the game is quite dull (excluding Costa Del Sol).

So I think it depends on the weather.

08-24-2002, 12:24 AM
Ya know what you are not alone my friend. I am a very avid admirer of FF8 and it IS my favorite game of all time. I can probably answer some of the questions you face...

FF8 was infact very different from the much of the series. Square experimented with a new take on it and many say that it failed. Well ya know what?! After the huge success of FFVII many many ppl were expecting FF8 to be FF7 in a different shell. Since they made alot of things different from FF7, the "FF7 cult" (a name I give out to the fans who worship FF7 as like a god) was extremely dissapointed.

Another reason for FF8's complaints was due to the mass amount of hype. Whenever you really hype a game up like FF8 was, it will always fall below ppls expectations.

All in all, just because FF8 was a different from FF7, many ppl regarded the game as crap.

Good job OnlySquared for pointing out how much an arrogant little idiot PTM is.....

08-24-2002, 12:49 AM
i dont think anybody can say any game was the best ever only that for them a particular game was the best you can not say that :P(its not a fact it is a opinion but i would say for me ff7 (yes im in the cult i guess) was the best for me not to say ff8 wasnt good it was good overall i think for me secret of mana (extremly old school game) is the best ever for me personaly it was the only game for me to beat ff7 flame me if you wish or something i dont care :P just know that it is a opinion not a fact!