Jeff Hardy
04-15-2002, 01:15 PM
I just beat FF9 the other night and let me say it had probably THE BEST ending in a video game I have ever seen. It really brings a tear to your eye when Garnet sees that Zidane is still alive and she runs and embraces him, next to the ending of FF8 this had to be the best. I think FF9 had one of the best story lines EVER in a game! PLAY THIS GAME its the best!

04-15-2002, 02:11 PM
I've said it and I'll say it again do you know how I get my entertainment it's by wrecking inoccent couples relationships thats why I've drawn out my own plot with a bunch of W*W* snipers one on the castle and another on the chaple but theres alot more ways this could happen what with all the crap they got how about a nice average climat temp. of 10000 degrees:D I just like doing this not just to FF9 but alot of games with happy endings thats why they better pray that no one makes a fan fict about that(oops there is one already damnit) o but it was a good ending though could of used some more (how should I put this) violence terrorists run in with AK-47's and C4 then Counter-Terrorists come in with Colt-M4A1's wow what an arsenal I wouldn't know how the characters in ff9 would react they only use gunpowder for fireworks and cannons and these guyz they are packing the most up to date weaponry uhoh there goes alexandria but wait the W*W*ESF arrives are they there to help or are they just a third party that has some same intentions as the terrorists or are they there to help(not likely what with me as the leader:D ) I could just see them wondering how can an airship fly so fast
W*W* Soldier: should we tell them about the jet engins?
but in general without the W*W*ESF and CT's and T's I think the ending is good

04-15-2002, 07:18 PM
Hey there Jeff!

Well, there's been a thread here for people to express whether or not the liked the ending, and I thin it was (or... IS) almost a landslide win for those who said the ending was good.

I've gotta agree with you. That ending made the game completely worth the 72+ hours I poured into it, so much so that I went back the next day and beat it again, just to watch it over again. It was such a touching ending, it choked me up, too! I just sat there, thinking, "I can't believe it's over!" But it sure made me feel great. :)

The ending makes the game worth beating over and over and over and over and over again! :D (if you look at my avatar, you can see how much I loved it...)

See ya round!

04-15-2002, 08:16 PM
I thought it went on to long. My mate who was there too got impatient towards the end.... "if hes alive in gonna fuhken nuts !!"

Bahamut ZERO
04-15-2002, 08:51 PM
I was emotionally moved by the ending, and it made the effort of getting through the game worthwhile. I got to admit that I didn't enjoy the game as much as VII, but I made it to the end, saw the ending and am content. Thumbs up to it, although it would've been nice if you'd have made the text bit go faster...

Jeff Hardy
04-15-2002, 11:05 PM
Thank you Korohime for agreeing wow thats awesome that you went back and played it again, I said it before and I'll say it again, the ONLY bad thing about Final Fantasy games is that.....THEY END!

04-15-2002, 11:52 PM
I agreee with you all the way. Although I havn't FULLY completed FFIX yet, I'm almost there. Yet I've already seen the ending. And I must agree, it truly is awesome.

You have great taste, my friend.

Jeff Hardy
04-16-2002, 01:27 AM
Hey don't worry I hear ya Garnet Lover, PS Garnet is totally fine man you got great taste haha!

Rydia's Lover 1982
04-16-2002, 05:35 AM
I completely agree, that ending was so awesome. It was the first video game ending that brought me tears. That game sucked me in from "Zidane: Sure is dark" and didn't let me go until "The End."

Definitely a great game to come out during my senior year of HS last year. The next day at school I was pretty depressed that Final Fantasy IX was over - I wanted to be able to play more. I went back home and beat Necron again the next day just to see the ending.

04-16-2002, 11:14 AM
you should mark *SPOILER* before writing the ending to FF9 man. That's for sure. Well, the ending isn't THE best i've seen, but it's close.

Angel Aeris
04-16-2002, 09:21 PM
The text went slow that you might have a little time to think about the words. I think it's only good thing.

I cried and laughed in the ending for many reasons. First, I cried when Zidane and Garnet said good bye to each other. Then, I cried when Kuja died. Then, I started laughing when I realised I was crying for Kuja, who I was hoping to die all the time. Then I cried when I thought Zidane was dead.
*too much writing... You can guess why I laughed and cried in here*

And finally, I cried and laughed cause I realised the game is over... I just wanted to return to the very beginning... So, I just pressed reset. :D

04-17-2002, 05:38 PM
Yeah, me too. Although when I saw Marcus come out onto the stage with his face hidden under a cloak, it was so obvious what was going to happen that I almost considered turning off my PSX. But, when the obvious happened, I didn't care about it in the slightest; I was just happy to see Zidane reunited with Garnet. I mean, those two are MEANT for each other. I was really satisfied with the ending, especially when I saw Garnet cry in Zidane's arms; it was much more enjoyable than FFVIII's ridiculously meta-physical and over-sloperly romantic ending. And, more than anything for me perhaps, I LOVE that song! (Plus I got to see Garnet wear that sexy dress again...o oo)


Garnet: "How did you survive?"
Zidane: "I didn't have a choice. I had to live.
I wanted to come home to you.
So,.. I sang your song."
Garnet: "Our song."

04-25-2002, 03:51 AM
well i havent seen the end but i think it would be really cool.

zidane tribal
04-26-2002, 04:47 PM
hmmmmm i think that no no no..... i know that this game was the best I have ever played.....ive said this a million times in almost every i'll keep this short.....FF9 was soooooo DIVINE!!!!!

04-26-2002, 05:23 PM
I thought that the ending to FF9 was amazing. It was subtle enough to not be sloppy, like in 8. I'm just glad it was happy. I bought FF9 the day it came out in the US, but I couldn't get into it at first and ended up not going through it til after I beat 10 and had nothing better to do (since I've played them all over and over).

I beat it, and a couple hours later beat Necron again to see the ending again. Ya ya I knew Zidane was gonna be in the cloak, but that's not the point =p.

When he says "Bring my beloved Dagger to me!" and the FMV of Garnet looking over the edge, and seeing him, then running through the crowd, and at the end finding him...and then they finally kiss.

Ok ok I'm gonna have to go beat it again now.

04-26-2002, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by Mystery_Man
Ok ok I'm gonna have to go beat it again now.

YES!!! Someone else is as corrupted by FF9's ending as me! Woohoohooo!!! :D

Just a quick question... you think they kissed? :confused:

04-27-2002, 06:35 PM
Probably. After all, Zidane spent most of the game waiting for a kiss from the princess, so it's only to be expected that they probably did get passionate after the end of the game. Still, I just wonder what their kids are going to look like? I mean, with a tail and a horn on their head? But, I'm afraid I digress....

Quote: "The theatre ship should arrive any minute. It's been so long; I can't wait to see everyone again. But,.... it'll never be the same. I have to let go of the past. I have to move on,... just like he taught me." Garnet, FFIX.

Quote; "Lecture me again when you are on the verge of death!" Garland, FFIX.

Quote: "Ugh,.. I'm going to die anyway; I won't have to be alone anymore. But, I'm not going to die alone, because you're all coming with me!!" Kuja, FFIX.

Quote: "Heh, this is turning into quite a show!" Amarant, FFIX.

04-28-2002, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by Enkidoh
Probably. After all, Zidane spent most of the game waiting for a kiss from the princess, so it's only to be expected that they probably did get passionate after the end of the game. Still, I just wonder what their kids are going to look like? I mean, with a tail and a horn on their head? But, I'm afraid I digress....

Well, I meant, I don't think they kissed in the game. It sure looked like they were about to.... but I don't think we ever saw them kiss.

I'm sure they did get passionate at the end of the game, too. That's a given. :)

04-29-2002, 12:25 AM
The ending to FF9 was very good. I don't think its the best ever, but I'd have to say it was well done, nice to see it everytime.

04-29-2002, 04:30 PM
Even if its not best ever, its really close. I was disappionted with the end of 7, game was great though, I though 8 was a little too sappy for even me, 9 was a happy medium and everyone loves a happy ending. 10 was sad and that's cool and all, but I like a happy ending over a sad one.

I'll have to say though that FF9 will take its place among the ones I play again and again, which is most of them lol. If I want to see the story for 8 again I just gameshark it though cause that game is too much of a pain in the ass to play fair just to see the story.

zidane tribal
05-02-2002, 04:16 PM
no they never kissed in the glad they didnt was great to see Garnet's rush to see him, and over emotional with tears running down her face.... anyways, where the hell was Zidane for that time off??? remember it said like 4 or 5 months later or something like that, where was he?? he couldnt of been saving you know who for all the adds to the suspense i guess.....BEST GAME EVER!!!!! i will have my grandchildren's grandchildren play it!!!!:D :D :D

05-02-2002, 05:29 PM
Actually, it's unsure just how later the ending is(my guess is about five to seven years). After all, Vivi has had six kids, Garnet has grown her hair long again and Alexandria has been rebuilt, so it would have to be a fairly long period of time between Kuja's demise and the final scene. What I want to know is; did everyone else know that Zidane was going to return, and so the play was really a happy surprise for Garnet, or did he show up at the last minute, taking everyone by surprise? (My money's on the former - everyone seemed like they knew he was going to be there; after all, why else did Steiner smirk when he opened the door for Garnet?)

Quote: "All life bears death from birth. Life fears death, but lives only to die. It starts with anxiety. Anxiety leads to fear. Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate,... leads to suffering. The only cure for this fear is total destruction. Now, it it is time to end this world." Necron, FFIX.

Quote: "Come back after you kill big bad guy. I prepare big meal for everyone." Quina, FFIX.

Quote: "How are you about that Garnet? He'll follow you to the end of the world!" Zidane, FFIX.

Quote: "Oh come on! You really think I'm THAT naive?" Garnet, FFIX.

zidane tribal
05-08-2002, 04:54 PM
yea good point...... its just what the hell was he doing for the time off you know??? lol..... i bet everyone knew it but Garnet.... i love endings to ff, they always make you think and want more... man i always have dreams of Garnet....i friggan love her man!!! lol.... kinda sounds like something about mary lol.....:D

05-08-2002, 05:53 PM
Same here Zidane. I have a picture of her on my wall, staring down at me with those deep sexy eyes and that cheeky smile,... oooh, foul temptress!! But seriously, she really is something else. But, I'm afraid I'm getting off topic here, so anyway, did anyone else think they should have had an extra FMV after the credits, like FFVII and VIII, maybe showing Gaia several hundred years in the future? It just didn't fit in with the other PSX FFs without that extra scene.


Garnet: "How did you survive?"
Zidane: "I didn't have a choice. I had to live.
I wanted to come home to you.
So,... I sang your song."
Garnet: "Our song."

05-08-2002, 08:26 PM
Hehehe... well, I'm kinda the huge Zidane fan here. I think he's a sweetheart. I have a few posters of both him and Dagger framed and up in my apartment. Heehee... :D

That's an interesting question about whether or not the other knew Zidane was there. I think they probably did. Maybe Tantalus told Steiner and Beatrix that Zidane had come back. Steiner had actually admitted that Zidane and Dagger were right for each other. So not only were they willing to let Dagger go, they probably knew she needed to be with him to really be happy again.

And as for the length of time, I imagine it wasn't all that long after, maybe a year... long enough for them to rebuild Alexandria castle, at least. Burmecia hadn't been rebuilt yet... but they were always technologically behind.

My hair grows at an insane pace. I could definitely grow that length in a year's time. Heh. ;)

As for Vivi... well, mages weren't born, they were created. Vivi knew that, and could have created his sons all in that time. "What to do when I felt lonely... I guess we just have to figure out the answer for ourselves." That might have been his answer.

Okay, that's all for now! :cool:

zidane tribal
05-10-2002, 04:44 PM
hmmmm some great insight!!!! yea i agree.... it never shows Vivi's wifey either, so he must have just created him...... maybe???? but yea, it prolly was about a year....i dont know why Zidane would wait a whole year to be with Garnet...:confused: ...oh well lol...:D

Angel Aeris
05-10-2002, 08:34 PM
This just came to my mind few minutes ago. Did anybody notice, that in the play, when Marcus and Cornelia decide to run away together, Marcus sayes 'No cloud, no squall can't come hinder us.' I thought it sounded somehow weird for a very first time, but first I couldn't put my finger on it... Then I realised... Well, Cloud and Squall, if you understand... I'm quite sure it's a sneaky trick that Square squeezed in as an inside joke. :D

05-12-2002, 12:43 PM
Angel> Yep, that was Square being silly. FF9 had references to every other Final Fantasy somewhere in the game. There's actually a thread about that going on elsewhere. Check it out! :)

More thoughts on the ending:

Why would Zidane wait a year? He didn't have the airships to take him back, and this time, he was basically on his own.

Maybe he needed time to come to terms with who he was, come to terms with Kuja's death and his own existence, and put his emotions about Kuja to rest.

There were probably a lot of reasons Zid took that long to come back. Basically, I think it's becasue he had to journey on his own. Journeys take time. Remember his story about Ipsen? "It took him a long time to get home, but eventually he did." I don't think it was because he was waiting; I think he was trying to get home the whole time.

Any other thoughts? :)

05-13-2002, 04:48 PM
Or maybe he was badly injured, and took a long time to recover from nis injuries? Remember FFVIII, and how Laguna and co were badly injured at the Lunatic Pandora excavation site, and how it took him over a year of re-cooperating at both the Shumi Village and Winhill before he recovered? So, maybe he was being looked after at Madain Sari by the moogles or the Black Mage Village, and just took time to recover.

Today's Classic FF Quote:

"Starkle, starkle, little twink. Now it's time that you guys sink!!!" Gilgamesh, trying to taunt your party with a twisted revision of 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star', FFV.

zidane tribal
05-14-2002, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by kurohime
Angel> Yep, that was Square being silly. FF9 had references to every other Final Fantasy somewhere in the game. There's actually a thread about that going on elsewhere. Check it out! :)

More thoughts on the ending:

Why would Zidane wait a year? He didn't have the airships to take him back, and this time, he was basically on his own.

Maybe he needed time to come to terms with who he was, come to terms with Kuja's death and his own existence, and put his emotions about Kuja to rest.

There were probably a lot of reasons Zid took that long to come back. Basically, I think it's becasue he had to journey on his own. Journeys take time. Remember his story about Ipsen? "It took him a long time to get home, but eventually he did." I don't think it was because he was waiting; I think he was trying to get home the whole time.

Any other thoughts? :) yea i can agree with you there....:D

05-17-2002, 09:24 AM
I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier! Here's another place Zidane would be for that time. Remember what he said to Freya and Steiner:

"You guys have more important things to worry about: Alexandria and Burmecia."

What was he saying here? I think he was talking about the need to rebuild the shattered lives of towns and villages, and people who had lost everything. And when I thought of that, I realized one thing: Zidane has his OWN people, his own town, that he might have wanted to help rebuild.

I think he went back to the Black Mage Village, to be with the other Genomes for a while. Those Genomes had just lost everything, and if you went back to BMV before going to Memoria, you might remember talking to everyone there and realizing how confused they were. Those Genomes are Zidane's people; who better to help them learn about the new world? And what better way for him to come to terms about who he was than to spend time with Mikoto and his "family"?

Dagger would understand that he needed to be there, and he would probably feel that he needed to help. "You dont' need a reason to help people."

Anyway, those more thoughts about the ending. :) I rambled. Sorry. ;)

05-18-2002, 03:50 PM
(Smacks head with Mythril Staff)

Now, why didn't I think of that? That's a very good point Kurohime. The thing is, eventually all the Black Mages would die out (excluding Vivi's kids), so, it's pretty obvious that the Genomes would inherit the village. Maybe they'll then call it 'New Bran Bal' or 'New Terra', or something like that.

Today's Classic FF Quote:

"Heh, I guess my technique is getting a little rusty!" Edgar, after his pick-up lines failed on Terra, FFVI.

05-18-2002, 04:37 PM
Hmmm.. Hey, if there was no more mist, how did the black mages have kids? I mean, Vivi doesn't seem to have a wife or anything1 And did anyone else feel a bit agitated at the sheer lack of extra ending? It's pretty pathetic for the effort needed too get it! I luv Zidane, so i forgive Square! *lol* :D

05-31-2002, 12:45 AM
Originally posted by zidane tribal
hmmmm some great insight!!!! yea i agree.... it never shows Vivi's wifey either, so he must have just created him...... maybe???? but yea, it prolly was about a year....i dont know why Zidane would wait a whole year to be with Garnet...:confused: ...oh well lol...:D well he must of run into Dachande at the BMV and Dachande let him and all the saiyan like gnomes live did you see the scar on Zidanes forhead:D I think I saw one:

05-31-2002, 02:58 AM
I beat the game a few months ago. After the ending all I wanted was to talk to somesone about it! My only Final Fantasy buddy was my brother and he went off to the USAF last year...:(
To bad I wasen't on this forum yet!
Anyway I went on to FFx and liked the ending okay, it was great and all, but I was over it in an hour or so. I was still going over the residual effects of the FF9 ending 3 days after I had beaten it!! It was that good. So know that I'm done with 10 I'm starting 9 all over again just so that I can feel the way I did the first time I saw the ending!!
(by the way I think it was sweet that they never kissed in the game! Hugs are the best!!)

06-06-2002, 12:14 AM
a few words W*W* sniper in bell tower

Angel Aeris
06-06-2002, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by RedRaven
I beat the game a few months ago. After the ending all I wanted was to talk to somesone about it! My only Final Fantasy buddy was my brother and he went off to the USAF last year...:(
To bad I wasen't on this forum yet!
Anyway I went on to FFx and liked the ending okay, it was great and all, but I was over it in an hour or so. I was still going over the residual effects of the FF9 ending 3 days after I had beaten it!! It was that good. So know that I'm done with 10 I'm starting 9 all over again just so that I can feel the way I did the first time I saw the ending!!
(by the way I think it was sweet that they never kissed in the game! Hugs are the best!!)

I only felt talking about it too. I spoke with all my friends but they were all like 'eh... that's... nice. So that guy was alive after all? Good for you.' and I don't think they understood a word what I was talking about. They can't even understand why I always cry because of 'it's only a stupid video game... how can you think video games that deeply?'

I'm glad I found this forum... here are so many who understand. *hugs everyone*

08-18-2002, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by Jeff Hardy
I just beat FF9 the other night and let me say it had probably THE BEST ending in a video game I have ever seen. It really brings a tear to your eye when Garnet sees that Zidane is still alive and she runs and embraces him, next to the ending of FF8 this had to be the best. I think FF9 had one of the best story lines EVER in a game! PLAY THIS GAME its the best!

If you pay attention the whol FF9 ending is a metaphor.....especially when Garnet loses her is her leaving her past and running toward her future....and her throwing off her crown it is saying that I am not Queen Garnet but I am Dagger

08-18-2002, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by kurohime
Hey there Jeff!

Well, there's been a thread here for people to express whether or not the liked the ending, and I thin it was (or... IS) almost a landslide win for those who said the ending was good.

I've gotta agree with you. That ending made the game completely worth the 72+ hours I poured into it, so much so that I went back the next day and beat it again, just to watch it over again. It was such a touching ending, it choked me up, too! I just sat there, thinking, "I can't believe it's over!" But it sure made me feel great. :)

The ending makes the game worth beating over and over and over and over and over again! :D (if you look at my avatar, you can see how much I loved it...)

See ya round!
If you pay attention the whol FF9 ending is a metaphor.....especially when Garnet loses her is her leaving her past and running toward her future....and her throwing off her crown it is saying that I am not Queen Garnet but I am Dagger

08-18-2002, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by Koenma
I agreee with you all the way. Although I havn't FULLY completed FFIX yet, I'm almost there. Yet I've already seen the ending. And I must agree, it truly is awesome.

You have great taste, my friend.
If you pay attention the whol FF9 ending is a metaphor.....especially when Garnet loses her is her leaving her past and running toward her future....and her throwing off her crown it is saying that I am not Queen Garnet but I am Dagger

08-18-2002, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by Rydia's Lover 1982
I completely agree, that ending was so awesome. It was the first video game ending that brought me tears. That game sucked me in from "Zidane: Sure is dark" and didn't let me go until "The End."

Definitely a great game to come out during my senior year of HS last year. The next day at school I was pretty depressed that Final Fantasy IX was over - I wanted to be able to play more. I went back home and beat Necron again the next day just to see the ending.

If you pay attention the whol FF9 ending is a metaphor.....especially when Garnet loses her is her leaving her past and running toward her future....and her throwing off her crown it is saying that I am not Queen Garnet but I am Dagger

08-18-2002, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by kurohime

YES!!! Someone else is as corrupted by FF9's ending as me! Woohoohooo!!! :D

Just a quick question... you think they kissed? :confused:
If you pay attention the whol FF9 ending is a metaphor.....especially when Garnet loses her is her leaving her past and running toward her future....and her throwing off her crown it is saying that I am not Queen Garnet but I am Dagger

08-19-2002, 05:10 AM
lol dude, why did you post the same crap over and over again?

I've always thought Vivi was a different sort of black mage -- he was created before Kuja was even heard of (remember, Vivi lived with Quan for several years before the game even started). He also understood real life and apparently was never under someone else's control.

After playing the game through again, however, I began wondering something. Although you see Vivi's children all over the place in the ending, you never actually see Vivi himself. Did he... "stop moving"? That would suck.

I thought the ending was wonderful. I've always wondered why whoever writes the FF game storylines didn't do the storyline for FF: The Spirits Within. Imagine FF9 on the big screen: damn would I see that movie!

People who don't play Final Fantasy don't understand. I've talked with by brother about FF9 and its ending and he just says that Final Fantasy is silly and the story really isn't that good. Its just like good books: people don't understand unless you get them to read them.

I'm actually glad they did not put a little scene at the end of the credits. The storyline was resolved, and it lets you think about where things went from there. They could have shown a scene where Dagger and Zidane were getting married or something, but it really wouldn't have added much to the story.

BTW, the ending is not just a metaphor for Dagger giving up her past. It has meaning for all the characters. Vivi has created new life, his own children: he has realized perhaps not the meaning of his existance but more the joy of it. Freya's despair ends when she is reunited with Fratley. Quina, well, Quina is Quina :). Eiko is finally not alone anymore. Steiner gets Beatrix to stay with him, and guard the castle together (and we know they're doing more stuff together too ;) ). Zidane has helped save the world, and finally the reward for his dedication to service is his reunion with the one he loves. Dagger not only leaves her past behind and affirms herself as a person, but proves her love and dedication to Zidane by giving up both the powerful crown of Alexandria and the jewel that summons the judge of the Eidolons, Alexander!

And about the line, "No Cloud, no Squall shall hinder us" -- I'm about to make a post that has something to do with why Square included that line. Check for it ;).

Man, after reviewing that ending again it just makes me want to see it all over again! Good thing I have it on my computer, hehehe.


08-19-2002, 07:31 AM
Originally posted by Armadillo
lol dude, why did you post the same crap over and over again?

I've always thought Vivi was a different sort of black mage -- he was created before Kuja was even heard of (remember, Vivi lived with Quan for several years before the game even started). He also understood real life and apparently was never under someone else's control.

After playing the game through again, however, I began wondering something. Although you see Vivi's children all over the place in the ending, you never actually see Vivi himself. Did he... "stop moving"? That would suck.

I thought the ending was wonderful. I've always wondered why whoever writes the FF game storylines didn't do the storyline for FF: The Spirits Within. Imagine FF9 on the big screen: damn would I see that movie!

People who don't play Final Fantasy don't understand. I've talked with by brother about FF9 and its ending and he just says that Final Fantasy is silly and the story really isn't that good. Its just like good books: people don't understand unless you get them to read them.

I'm actually glad they did not put a little scene at the end of the credits. The storyline was resolved, and it lets you think about where things went from there. They could have shown a scene where Dagger and Zidane were getting married or something, but it really wouldn't have added much to the story.

BTW, the ending is not just a metaphor for Dagger giving up her past. It has meaning for all the characters. Vivi has created new life, his own children: he has realized perhaps not the meaning of his existance but more the joy of it. Freya's despair ends when she is reunited with Fratley. Quina, well, Quina is Quina :). Eiko is finally not alone anymore. Steiner gets Beatrix to stay with him, and guard the castle together (and we know they're doing more stuff together too ;) ). Zidane has helped save the world, and finally the reward for his dedication to service is his reunion with the one he loves. Dagger not only leaves her past behind and affirms herself as a person, but proves her love and dedication to Zidane by giving up both the powerful crown of Alexandria and the jewel that summons the judge of the Eidolons, Alexander!

And about the line, "No Cloud, no Squall shall hinder us" -- I'm about to make a post that has something to do with why Square included that line. Check for it ;).

Man, after reviewing that ending again it just makes me want to see it all over again! Good thing I have it on my computer, hehehe.


The ending is mainly about Garnet, if you have read the interview with the story writer on AOL you would know this. The story writer says and I quote. "The ending to me was Dagger giving up her past by leaving the necklace behind and running toward her future. Her throwing off her crown is a sign that she does not want to be known as Queen Garnet but as Dagger. The ending movie is about Her and Zidane reuniting, not about everyone coming together to live happily ever after." ( end quote ) Yes Vivi "stopped". If you pay attention when Quina bumps into "little" Vivi Quina says " Hey Vivi!" and "little Vivi" says I am not Vivi...Daddy is gone." And then all the little Vivi's run out. The VERY ending movie has nothing to do wiht Freya or Beatrix, or Steiner, etc. It is about Garnet abd Zidane.

08-19-2002, 04:35 PM
I don't know where you're getting your facts from, my friend. I've read interviews with Uematsu, Itou, Minaba, and Aoki, and none of them have said that about the ending. Actually, several interviews have said that Vivi is the "core" of the story.

Also, Quina never bumps into Vivi's son, Puck does. And when they do, Vivi's son never says anything even remotely relating to "Daddy's gone."

Vivi's Son: So, this is Alexandria...

Puck ran into Vivi's son and Vivi's son dropped the tickets.

Vivi's Son: Pick up the pace, will ya!?

Puck: I don't believe it! Vivi!

Vivi's Son: Vivi? How do you know that name!?

Puck: What are you talking about? It's me, Puck! How could you forget

Vivi's Son: Puck...? You know, Puck! Th-The Prince of Burmecia!?

Puck: Oh, come on! What's wrong with you? If you're not Vivi, then who
are you!?

Vivi's Son: I'm... Vivi's son!

Puck: Yeeeeow!

There are bunch of Black Mages that looks like Vivi.

Puck: Look at all the Vivis!


Yes, the ending cinematic is soley about Dagger and Zidane, but that is only part of the ending -- the climax. The story is resolved before the ending cinematic.

08-21-2002, 07:44 PM
FF-9 was, I think, the second best ending in the FF series. The best, I think, was FF-7.

09-06-2002, 05:15 PM
I thought the ending to FF9 was phenomenal. My one complaint about just about every other FF ending is how poorly resolved they were. There were a lot of questions left about every character that I felt it was bad storytelling to leave unanswered. FF9 took care of this beautifully, however. Conflicts were given a resolution, however, they also didn't make the mistake of letting us know too much. One of the few videogames that made me cry.

On a side note, Jackel, I'm surprised you say FF7 was your favorite ending of all time, because I don't think I've ever been more disapointed by an ending in my life. Strange how endings leave different effects on different people, isn't it? PM me sometime and we can have a discussion about it. :p

09-06-2002, 06:56 PM
I'm glad people are a lot more open-minded on this forum than they are over at FF Online. There, they've got it into their heads that Vivi died at the end of FFIX, and quote a TINY bit of circumstancial evidence to support the fact. I tried posting a thread about it, and I got flammed out of that thread. I also posted the same thread on these forums, and luckily everyone agreed with me. It should still be there, so just search for it if you're interested.)

Anyway, apparently in the Japanese version, there were several Japanese kanji characters used for the word 'I', to donote the person saying it. One of these, was 'boku', which only Vivi was seen to say in the game. Then, in the ending scene, during that long monologue, the word 'boku' once again appeared, leading people to believe that that monologue was really a letter written on Vivi's deathbed. The fact that this isn't apparent in the English language version throws doubt on this theory. Still, anything's possible.

Oh, and for the record, six of Vivi's kids bump into Puck outside the Tavern, however, in the final scene during Garnet's reunion with Zidane, when the camera pans across the audience, you cna actually count SEVEN Vivis, not six! So, is that extra one the REAL Vivi, or just another one of his kids? Hmm, interesting.

09-06-2002, 10:07 PM
Originally posted by Armadillo
I don't know where you're getting your facts from, my friend. I've read interviews with Uematsu, Itou, Minaba, and Aoki, and none of them have said that about the ending. Actually, several interviews have said that Vivi is the "core" of the story.

Also, Quina never bumps into Vivi's son, Puck does. And when they do, Vivi's son never says anything even remotely relating to "Daddy's gone."

Vivi's Son: So, this is Alexandria...

Puck ran into Vivi's son and Vivi's son dropped the tickets.

Vivi's Son: Pick up the pace, will ya!?

Puck: I don't believe it! Vivi!

Vivi's Son: Vivi? How do you know that name!?

Puck: What are you talking about? It's me, Puck! How could you forget

Vivi's Son: Puck...? You know, Puck! Th-The Prince of Burmecia!?

Puck: Oh, come on! What's wrong with you? If you're not Vivi, then who
are you!?

Vivi's Son: I'm... Vivi's son!

Puck: Yeeeeow!

There are bunch of Black Mages that looks like Vivi.

Puck: Look at all the Vivis!


Yes, the ending cinematic is soley about Dagger and Zidane, but that is only part of the ending -- the climax. The story is resolved before the ending cinematic.

Vivi is gone...because when it shows Puck and the Vivi's you can count them.....there are six....and at the ending when it shows them in the audiance there are still Vivi is gone

09-15-2002, 12:05 AM
I think that the ending was great for what it was, but a bit short. I wanted to see more of the other characters (especially Vivi :p ) But the whole Garnet and Zidane reunion brought some tears, yes.

09-27-2002, 09:12 PM
it made me cry... i couldn't believe it when i though zidane was dead... he is the best character i have ever controlled... i guess cus he reminds me of me.

10-03-2002, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by Piper
I think that the ending was great for what it was, but a bit short.

Hehehe, did you know you're the first person I've heard say that about FF9's ending? Usually people say it's... er.... really long. Almost half an hour, actually. Well, including credits. (I love watching the FMVs during the credits...) :D I was playing FF9 with my fiancee once and showed him the ending. He was stunned silent. Then I wanted to see the ending of Pararsite Eve. He said, "After watching FF9... Parasite Eve is SO gonna disappoint you!" :D

Anyway, I definitely thought FF9's ending was fantastic, romantic... and brilliant. Just makes the game feel like it was totally worth it. It did that for me, anyway. :) And yes, I thought Zidane was never going to come back, either....

So I was cheering when he actually did!

"Our song..." *lovesick sigh* Wow.

10-23-2002, 07:44 PM
I had my brother play it,

When he got to memoria (the last level) He quit for quite a while. when he came back to play he didn't remember half of it. in the end to make things worse most of FMV's were skipping geez,it sucked anyway, in the end he siad he didn't like it was suprised
( If you ask me I think he really liked it cuz he played so much and was stunned all the time)

The Wandering Knight
11-09-2002, 11:09 PM
Not only the ending, but the whole game was cool...yeah the ending is one of the graetest endings I ever seen...maybe not the best, but it's great...I finished the game three times and I'm about to play it again (recently playing FFT)...the only game I ever finished more than once was the great FF7:Dyeah that's the greates( but that's out of the topic:p)well...i wouldn't be playing FF9 if it wasn't great too:D

Originally posted by Jeff Hardy
I said it before and I'll say it again, the ONLY bad thing about Final Fantasy games is that.....THEY END!

11-14-2002, 05:59 PM
Oh, and for the record, six of Vivi's kids bump into Puck outside the Tavern, however, in the final scene during Garnet's reunion with Zidane, when the camera pans across the audience, you cna actually count SEVEN Vivis, not six! So, is that extra one the REAL Vivi, or just another one of his kids? Hmm, interesting.

I'm unsure if people have realised this, but I'm sorry to say that was a huge mistake on my part. I've recently been using a program called 'PsxMC' to take still pictures from PSX games, so I've been scrutinising closely the above scene , and found that there are indeed only six Vivi's shown in the final scene, not seven as I previously thought (I previously scanned that scene from a video recording I'd made of FFIX's ending, so the 'Still' function on my VCR obviously did not give a very clear picture, therefore giving the illusion of seven Vivis, not six. Once again, I'm sorry for the mix-up.

But that stil leaves us with the question: did Vivi die, or did he survive? Although I still believe he survived, whether he really did or not is anyone's guess.

11-14-2002, 08:14 PM
Yeah, the ending was pretty good but it's definitely not the best. It did a good job of summing up the story while providing great graphics alongside. Yep, that's all I have to say -_-

12-08-2002, 12:51 AM
ffix is a very good ending. i like it better then almost any other ff except for maybe the international version ending of ffx.

03-08-2003, 04:33 AM
The first thing I thought was that it was lonnnnnng. The second thing I thought was "Wow!" Not only did they psyche me out about Zidane, but I finally got to hear "Melodies of Life" as well as the Final Fantasy Anthem, which I consider my reward for beating any Final Fantasy game. I found some of the things the characters were saying to be very reminiscent of Final Fantasy V's ending. And going back to the play was a nice touch.

Vorn: Devourer of Worlds
03-10-2003, 04:00 AM
Man, I'm surprised that I haven't posted here yet. I've beaten the game, like, three or four times.

Anyhoo, I would say that FF9's ending kicked mad ass, even though it was completely predictable. And Melodies of Life wrapped up the entire game into one song, if you think about the lyrics enough. Man, I should beat that game again someday.

But that stil leaves us with the question: did Vivi die, or did he survive? Although I still believe he survived, whether he really did or not is anyone's guess.

I would like to think that Vivi is alive at the end, he practically made the game. It seemed like his kids were mighty surprised and shocked that anyone knew him, so that kind of made me think that he was dead. I can't see any reason for him not to come see the play, though. Maybe 'cuz he'd already seen it before, I dunno.

03-10-2003, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by Vorn: Devourer of Worlds
Anyhoo, I would say that FF9's ending kicked mad ass, even though it was completely predictable. And Melodies of Life wrapped up the entire game into one song, if you think about the lyrics enough. Man, I should beat that game again someday.Hehe, that's so true. I always thought Melodies of Life was a theme song that played more of a role in the game than any other music from Final Fantasy, even Eyes on Me or Suteki Da Ne. :) Really powerful song, I've always thought, even if you don't think about it in terms of FF9, and more in terms of what the song means in reality. Meh, just one of the reasons I love that song so much.

Enki: I still do wonder if Vivi died. Most of the mages were only made to live that year or so. Vivi had actually only been alive for about 9 months (even though his spirit was that of a 9-year-old) in the game. Now whether or not Vivi was that prototype mage who was supposedly created to live longer than the other black mages is another topic, I suppose. The fact is, we don't see A LOT of the other characters at the end of the game, either. Like Mikoto and the Genomes. Maybe it's just that Vivi didn't go back to Alexandria at the end of the game. *shrugs*

Although, what I'd really believe is that if Vivi WAS supposed to be alive, they would have showed him. He was, after all, the true spirit of FF9. I think he would have wanted to see his friends again, too.

As for his sons being surprised at the fact people knew his name... well, think of it this way. You're walking down the street and run into someone you dont' know. He calls you by your parent's name. Wouldn't you want to know where that person heard that name, too? I would have!! I'd be like... " :eye: Who are you and how do you know my parents?" ;)

03-16-2003, 09:23 AM
(Oops. Never mind. I found the answer to my question on my own and it was exactly as I thought. So nothing to see here. Move along.)