11-01-2007, 08:54 AM
I'm looking for a good RPG for ps1 (as in NOT ps2). I've played most of the obvious (to me, at least) titles (FF's, Xeno, Chrono, Lunar, Star Ocean), and I'd like to try and find (with the intent of playing) any particular gems I might have missed for whatever reason. Thanks in advance!

Marshall Lee
11-01-2007, 09:18 AM
Legend of Legaia? Legend of Dragoon? Breath of III or IV? Alundra? the Granstream Saga? Arc the Lad?

11-01-2007, 09:19 AM
The first ones that spring to mind would be Valkyrie Profile ( and Vagrant Story (

Valkyrie Profile is a fairly original title compared to other JRPGs of its time and while it gets repetitive as it goes on, the battle system (a fusion of turn based and real-time combat) and host of interesting (if detached) character-driven mini-stories should keep the momentum going. You might want to avoid it if you don't like overly long cutscenes but if you enjoyed Xenogears I can't see that being a problem.

Vagrant Story is a game by the same team who made Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy XII. The best way to describe it would be a turn-based action game with RPG elements. It has a ridiculously high learning curb and the whole thing is essentially one massive dungeon crawl but the story and characters are fantastic and the battle system, while complex, is actually pretty fun once you get good at it.

There are also a whole host of other JRPGs like Persona II (stay away from the first one), Tales of Destiny II (Eternia) and Suikoden I/II that people rave about, however I haven't played enough of them really comment.

Marshall Lee
11-01-2007, 09:22 AM
Oh I almost forgot about SaGa Frontier! Oh and thanks for mentioning Persona ThroneofOminous, I couldn't think of the name before @_@

J. Peterman
11-01-2007, 09:41 AM
Suikoden I
Suikoden II

Story goes IV > Tactics > V > I > II > III

11-01-2007, 03:21 PM
I didnt know Suikoden had a sequence. That's what i've heard other fans say anyway, interesting.

anyway, yes Suikoden I and II, and Saga Frontier I and II.

Thousand Arms and Grandia are very good too.
I love PS1 RPG's

Trance Moogle
11-01-2007, 08:16 PM
I'm guessing we can put down any type of game so my favorites to play when the playstation was still new were the Spyro, Crash bandicoot, and the Tony Hawk Pro Skater series.

sorry, I didn't notice you said you wanted RPG's, I thought we were in the general gaming section and didn't see the word RPG

11-01-2007, 10:35 PM
Legend of Dragoon is quite enjoyable, even if the scripting isn't the best and there are a few problems with the game's pacing.

I'd reccomend it though, you can get hold of a copy fairly easily on ebay as they become available quite a lot.


I'm guessing we can put down any type of game so my favorites to play when the playstation was still new were the Spyro, Crash bandicoot, and the Tony Hawk Pro Skater series.

I'm looking for a good RPG for ps1

11-01-2007, 11:57 PM
another vote for Valkyrie Profile, although you may be hard pressed to find it for a reasonable price for the psx :(

11-02-2007, 08:55 AM
:D Thanks guys. I knew FFS wouldn't let me down.

Legend of Legaia? Legend of Dragoon? Breath of III or IV? Alundra? the Granstream Saga? Arc the Lad?

You've just scored some serious points--I don't think I've heard of the Granstream Saga. Details plz. As for the others, I've actually got a bid on BoF III and IV on eBay that ends, well, today now. So I should get to play those in the near future. I've played most of the way through LoL, and I liked it, so I might try to get that one eventually. I didn't like LoD much last time I played it (I was in junior high school at the time, wow). I didn't like Alundra either, but I think that was just because I got stuck somewhere. I've heard of Arc the Lad, but I know very little about it, other than it's supposed to be good. Namco makes that one, correct?

The first ones that spring to mind would be Valkyrie Profile and Vagrant Story.

Loved Valkyrie Profile. Never really got to play Vagrant Story, so perhaps I should try and pick that up if I can. Sounds like it's pretty cool, though.

Oh I almost forgot about SaGa Frontier!

Hell, I did forget about SaGa Frontier! I didn't realize there was a second one, though. Does it have the multiple storyline thing going for it, too?

although you may be hard pressed to find it for a reasonable price for the psx

Aw, man. :( I've got friends, though. I think one in particular might have Valkyrie Profile. Something to check in on. Oh, btw, McKay ftw. :D

:D :D :D Thanks a ton guys!

11-04-2007, 09:01 AM
I won a bid on eBay for Vagrant Story. And I've lost like, three on BoF3. Maybe I'll go after SaGa Frontier...

jewess crabcake
11-04-2007, 01:20 PM
Ah, almost forgot Parasite Eve 1&2 and Galerians. Parasite Eve is made by Square.

11-04-2007, 02:35 PM
i love the original wild arms.

11-13-2007, 03:04 AM
There is a new video game store in the town I Live in. They have A lot of PS2 and xbox, but just sitting in there PS2 section was Saga Frontier for PS1, for 14.95. what a fuckin' grab!!!! i've seen it on ebay usually around 50$ or more.

11-15-2007, 06:17 AM
Alundra 1, a 1998 Playstation 1 action rpg. It's similar to Zelda 3 but with extremely hard puzzles. It's almost the same as the Landstalker Genesis action rpg. It's developed by Matrix and published in Usa by Working Designs. It's one of the games I HAVE to beat! I'm excited about it. The story is a little different/darker, which is good. Go to and look for both opening movies for the game which show up before you press start button, watch them. :)

11-15-2007, 08:23 PM
It's a shame that you didn't win the bid for Breath of Fire is still to date one of the best RPGs I've played.

Suikoden I and II are great games. You definitely have to play these. Part II is the best one of the series and a rare gem these days. If you can get a hold of any of these you won't be disappointed...I suggest you look into it first tho Lol. Suikoden Info (

Vagrant Story is good, the only thing I really didn't care for was the weapon system. It was a pain and in the end the reason why I never finished it.

Arc the Lad is somewhat good. I guess it all depends on the person playing. Part 2 is where the real fun I had to play part 1 first.

Parasite Eve games are pretty fun but I suggest the 1st one as it's the one with the most RPG elements. The second one plays more like Resident Evil, but it's still pretty good.

Saga Frontier is s'pose to be good...I never actually played it. I just remember watching one of my friends play it and it looked like a pretty tough game. If I ever saw it somewhere I'd definitely grab it and try it out. The second one I heard wasn't that great tho...and that's what I heard from people who enjoyed part 1.

Legend of Legaia...I played the demo...that's about it. The battle system is great, but since I never played it I can't say much about the storyline. Heard good things about it.

But in the end...if you can get Breath of Fire 3 or Suikoden...I'd trade all those other games just for to get my hands on either on of these (well not all of them).

11-17-2007, 04:51 AM
Everything mentioned so far as well as...

I enjoyed this game.

11-17-2007, 01:23 PM
I can't think of much but the title that stick out to my head is Vanguard Bandits. Fun game! :)

11-17-2007, 03:22 PM
based off beat's post:

I've played Arc the Lad: Twilight of Spirits (don't know what number in the series it is), and I enjoyed it. I think it must've been a bit easy, though? Normally I'm horrible at video games and it takes me ages to beat them, if I do at all. I actually beat this one with little to no problems.

SaGa Frontier: I've mentioned this one in a different thread. SaGa Frontier has a LOT of neat aspects to it. Interesting characters, interesting world, interesting travel, interesting stories, equipment, battle systems. But none of them are done particularly well. Something always makes me want to go back and play it some more, but then I'm always sort of disappointed because it could've been so good.

Its probably worth like $5 now though, so it can't hurt to try it D:

Legend of Legaia: I really like this game. Neat story and battle system. Hearing the name again makes me want to play it some more. The graphics are kind of, meh. 3D I guess, but the really old 3D stuff where they probably would've been better off using 2D sprites. Its worth a play through if you're still looking for a game to try out

11-18-2007, 03:37 AM
I still want to get SaGa and BoFIII. Perhaps after Christmas sometime. I got Mario Strikers Charged and Metroid Prime 3 for my birthday, and I did manage to get Vagrant Story. I'm liking all three of them, too, though I completely suck at Mario Strikers, lawl.

12-02-2007, 01:36 AM
sometimes, if you play a sequel before whatever comes first, it builds up the previous stuff...makes em better. (for me, at least.)

i just played through VK2 silmeria. now im willing to pay whatever price anyone's got for VK1. within some reason, im not a huge nerd who's willing to sell his mom's pottery to spend a thousand bucks on a game. or mario dolls. anyone see that episode of x play? i forget if i added in the mom/pottery/thousand bucks part, but that nerd had alot of mario stuff.

12-09-2007, 02:56 AM
Front Mission 3 for the PS1 but im sure youd also like to have the first 2 along side it

12-09-2007, 05:02 AM
Front Mission for the DS!

Way to totally not read the thread.

12-13-2007, 02:58 AM
Front Mission 3 for the PS1 but im sure youd also like to have the first 2 along side it


Ryusei Baku
12-23-2007, 12:47 AM
Legend of Legaia? Legend of Dragoon? Breath of III or IV? Alundra? the Granstream Saga? Arc the Lad?

Yes, Arc the Lad! Doesn't seem to get mentioned too often sadly >.>
Well, at least the first three are excellent, and with Arena it's incredibly fun.

Though, if you were going to get a PS2 RPG game, I'd strongly recommend the Shin Megami Tensei games, although maybe not Devil Summoner...That one was a bit dissapointing.

12-23-2007, 04:56 AM
He did note in the first post that he isn't looking for a PS2 game.

Although of the PSX SMT games, Persona 2 seemed pretty good from what I played of it. Forget about the first one though.

01-24-2008, 09:49 PM
How about Vandal Hearts?

01-24-2008, 11:05 PM
How about Vandal Hearts?

Vandal Hearts Kicks ass man.

01-25-2008, 06:48 AM
Another necropost? Can a mod please close this thread?

Valerie Valens
01-26-2008, 04:14 PM
One last suggestion : Tales of Eternia (Destiny II US)

01-31-2008, 01:55 AM
You might enjoy The Granstream Saga. That is, if you enjoy crap. Then you'll most likely have great fun with it. If you don't like crap, however, you might not want to try it. But then again, most people don't even try crap. Never have. So they cannot really know if they like it or not. So the real question is: have you ever tried crap? If not - it's might be about time you do.

And The Granstream Saga is a pretty good place to start. If you're absolutely sure do not like crap however, exchange the word "good" for "bad" and everything will be sunshine and flowers or whatever.

Valerie Valens
02-04-2008, 02:36 AM
Get AIDS and die.

execrable gumwrapper
02-08-2008, 08:01 PM
One that hasn't been mentioned yet, Legend of Mana.