10-29-2007, 07:10 PM
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PC games on Sony PS3 using Game Streams: bad for Xbox 360
October 27th, 2007 by Daniel

So if you got new game releases like FIFA 08 and BioShock on your PC, you may soon be able to play these PC games on your Sony PS3 thanks to �Game Streams�.

According to a new �free-to-join website� called Streammy Game, you will be able to play PC games on your PlayStation 3 via IPTV channels called Game Streams and if this happens it could revolutionise the gaming industry.

The CEO behind this venture is called Richard Faria, the members of Streammy Game will get a free plug-in that converts games into the IPTV channels and will let the gamers play remotely by sending it over a home network.

This is then received by a second PC or laptop which then plays the game, now the first thing I thought was �LAG� but they are claiming there will be none.

If this works and indeed there is no lag, I would have to agree this could not only revolutionise the gaming industry but could help the Sony PS3 win against the Xbox 360.

Q4 of 2007 will see a Linux version released that enables PC games to be played on the PlayStation 3 and it does not stop there, as they also claim the games can be played on other devices like mobile phones, media devices, set top boxes and DVD players.

This is going to be amazing.

10-29-2007, 07:29 PM
er, this isn't the PS3 playing the games. at all.

it's the PS3 acting as a bridge from your computer to your TV. it makes your tv your "monitor" for the computer.

if you have a slow computer you won't be able to play fast games for example. nothing that fancy or special imho unless I am missing something.

J. Peterman
10-29-2007, 07:52 PM

10-29-2007, 07:55 PM
Yeah. If you have a pc that sucks, your new games are still not going to play very well. Plus, pc games with a joypad? Doesn't sound like much fun to me. D: I can't imagine it not being clunky and awkward for an awful lot of games.

The whole thing sounds a bit pointless.

J. Peterman
10-29-2007, 07:56 PM
ucanalwaysuseusbkeyboardithinknotsurebutmanidon'td ancewiththemoon

10-29-2007, 08:05 PM
So let me get this straight. We are supposed to be excited because you will be able to have your PC run PC games and use a PS3 to make then appear on your TV screen, when presumably if you have a PC good enough to do this anyway you could just play them on your PC.

What a lot of nonsense. This is going nowhere and it most certainly will not have any kind of negative impact on the Xbox 360. If anything it will have a negative impact on PS3 when people realize that it is more exciting to play PC games through a PS3 than to play any actual PS3 games.

10-29-2007, 08:09 PM
I'm just amazed at how haphazardly the guy throws around the word "revolutionise" in regard to something that's so utterly retarded.

10-29-2007, 09:07 PM
Btw, you can connect your PC on a TV anyway. (I know you can but never looked into it).

This is pointless!

10-29-2007, 10:32 PM
100% agree.

10-29-2007, 10:59 PM
YAY i like eating brownies

10-29-2007, 11:10 PM
I just find this story recockulous because they make it sound so revolutionary, while at the same time, assuming all of the gaming pros are going to fall for it by underestimating them. Read all of the replies at the end of the article. They make the writer look like the biggest dumbass.

10-29-2007, 11:30 PM
In real PC games on PS3 news:

The fact that the PS3 runs linux is a huge boon for the PS3, because one of these days, some enterprising homebrewer is going to crack the kernel restrictions (that only allow linux to use one cell, lol) and give PS3 Linux access to all the cell processors, and more importantly, the graphics chip.

Once that happens, you can chuck WINE on your PS3, and bobs your uncle, PC games on your PS3. Sure, it's just like playing it on another computer, but I can always use another WoW machine around the house.

The guy in the original article, however, is dumb, and his company will go bankrupt.

Btw, you can connect your PC on a TV anyway. (I know you can but never looked into it).

This is pointless!

Agreed. Considering that my main monitor for this computer IS my TV.

Mr E. Stalker
10-29-2007, 11:34 PM

10-30-2007, 01:09 AM

You like that one, huh?

10-30-2007, 01:50 AM
RECOCKULOUS indeed. The what they're proposing is no different from a Pentium or 486 PC doing a VNC or remote desktop to the host PC that is actually doing the dirty work.

Chucking WINE on the PS3 is not possible, since it's just a middleware library for x86 Linux. Bochs would be more realistic since it emulates the entire PC, but then it isn't fast and doesn't emulate 3D VGA hardware or audio sources that are compatible with modern games.