PXG 360
10-28-2007, 09:56 AM
Hello. I'm new (sort of, I made an account a while ago, but I haven't really posted at all).

I noticed how GH is missing most of the Mega Man X series. Well, I have the OSTs to all them. I will gladly post them on the site, that is, if I knew how.

Yeah, I know, I sound like a total noob, and pretty dumb too. But I honestly can't find the "submit" button, or anything that allows me to post my stuff. Can someone help?

Thanks a lot

*Please don't flame or be jerks. I'd appreciate it*

10-29-2007, 01:55 AM
It�s simple you have to upload the tracks to a server like rapidshare, send space, etc. and then post the link, that's all

Simon B
10-29-2007, 02:42 PM
i apologize for the double post :p

Simon B
10-29-2007, 02:43 PM
...I sound like a total noob...
more info about HOW to upload : Thread 28230

i personaly use "mega-upload" http://www.megaupload.com/
1) choose your file
2) name it
3) click to "accept the conditions"
4) click the "send" button
5) after finished upload, "mega-upload" give you a link, (this is the link of the updated file)

good luck!

10-29-2007, 02:56 PM
Don't use megaupload. Your files will be deleted within a few hours of uploading.

Simon B
10-29-2007, 03:26 PM
lol :-D

10-29-2007, 09:02 PM
Hey, folks! =)
I am already waiting for the uploaded Soundtrack being available soon. Did you learn how to arrange such OSTs? Wanna get to know the exact link.
So that I know all those games by heart, I can recommend most of the soundtracks of the Mega Man X saga.
X4-X8 are awesome tracks, even though I don't like the music in X4, it's a way to dramatic but judge on your own. Apparently you guys are still busy with uploading the media, ain't ya? ;)

10-30-2007, 02:40 AM
let me know when u upload i have been looking for the osts to megaman x and i am trying to find the one with tenguman i love that one

10-30-2007, 10:57 AM
Tenguman is associated with the Mega Man 8 game (PSX).
There are 2 links I got for you to download this very short compressed soundtrack:


If you are looking for other great soundtracks of other console systesm like NES, SNES, PSX, Game Boy (Color/Advance), PC Engine, Sega Drive etc, then I can proudly present www.zophar.net.
Go to the right panel and click onto Game Music. This is one of the best pages in the whole Net! ;)

If you need the other Mega Man Game Soundtrack: "Mega Man & Bass" aka "Mega Man 9", then you'll find it on zophar.net as well under SNES game music. :)

10-30-2007, 05:41 PM
thanks hyperprotein

10-31-2007, 12:35 AM
No problem. ;)
By the way, we could reduce the whole board here if we spread www.zophar.net

I can understand you all want mp3 files at once, but winamp is the easiest way to go, additionally all the Nintendo soundtracks are modulated in a VERY tiny format, which means great quality with only 500kb for Mega Man X� for example. :)
Then we don't need all the large space to waste if we can have a short click onto the link I just gave ya. :)

01-25-2008, 05:28 PM
No problem. ;)
By the way, we could reduce the whole board here if we spread www.zophar.net

I can understand you all want mp3 files at once, but winamp is the easiest way to go, additionally all the Nintendo soundtracks are modulated in a VERY tiny format, which means great quality with only 500kb for Mega Man X� for example. :)
Then we don't need all the large space to waste if we can have a short click onto the link I just gave ya. :)

hey hyperprotein its crystalgoku my laptop broke and i lost my password so i downloaded the file and it isnt in a format of music i have any advice on how to change a psf file to mp3