10-27-2007, 04:20 AM
I just got my copy right now, and I'm almost done installing it.

Before I bought this game, I read some articles about how this game really gets you addicted to it. I read that there were two parents who were so addicted to WoW that all they did was play, and their kid died. Good lord, now I feel scared and excited to play this game. I'm scared that if I play, I might lose my mind.

But anyways, any tips for this WoW beginner?
Also, I don't think I'll get a subscription. I'll just pay it off with prepaid game cards. Maybe that'll help me save myself from addiction. =/

10-27-2007, 07:36 AM
WoW is only addictive if you fill the need for achievement - it consistently rewards you, giving you a huge feeling of false achievement, which is in turn addictive.

The thing is, there are two types of WoW players - you'll either get to level 30-something, get bored, and never touch it again, or you'll keep playing through to 70 and be hooked for life. Even if you quit for nearly a year at a time, you'll eventually come back.

Also: it's a much, much better game to play with friends. Whether it's irl friends, or simply guild members willing to give you a hand, it makes the game a million times better.

J. Peterman
10-27-2007, 07:42 AM
Do your homework.

10-27-2007, 08:02 AM
Any MMORPG is addicting because like Raidenex says, the false sense of achievement is addicting. In my experience, tho, is that you will get snapped out of it if another MMORPG comes along and tries to suck you into it instead.

The thing is this: the further you get into the game, the more addicted you get into it. The thing here is to take things in moderation and realize that it's just a game. You can call off things for the next day if you feel that you cannot go on.

10-27-2007, 11:13 AM
The reason Ive never touched WoW until now is because I know I can get addicted easily. I was once addicted to another Online MP game, and it really is not that much fun when you look back to it..

10-27-2007, 11:16 AM
WoW is boring.

10-27-2007, 12:49 PM
this video show what will happen to you:


10-29-2007, 10:57 PM
its really boring and it costs money there for a waste of time

10-30-2007, 03:45 AM
That's the one thing that gets me --- it costs money. That's why I won't be able to play it as much as I want. Even if I want to, I can't because I'm usually broke. =/

10-30-2007, 04:22 AM
ref soccer games they pay REALLY well. Also...I HAVE 1000 POSTS

10-30-2007, 08:53 AM
The thing is, there are two types of WoW players - you'll either get to level 30-something, get bored, and never touch it again, or you'll keep playing through to 70 and be hooked for life. Even if you quit for nearly a year at a time, you'll eventually come back.

You forgot the third time - play till 60 (or 70 now I guess and soon 80?), realize that the endgame is more of a time and money sink than gambling in Vegas and quit the game forever.

10-30-2007, 09:05 AM
You forgot the third time - play till 60 (or 70 now I guess and soon 80?), realize that the endgame is more of a time and money sink than gambling in Vegas and quit the game forever.
This is what happened to me, jftr. WoW endgame is a steaming pile of turd.

I tried to start over as a different class but it didn't really float my boat. IMO, WoW is only fun one time 'round.

J. Peterman
10-30-2007, 09:06 AM
I once gambled in Vegas and lost $4.6 billion.

10-30-2007, 09:37 AM
i played wow, never got past lvl50

10-30-2007, 06:30 PM
Seriously, this "addiction" crap is blown so out of proportion, it's not even funny.

10-30-2007, 10:40 PM
i can speak from experience. being addicted to 3 mmo's before WoW. addiction can be fun but it's not like you'll have an intervention or anything or cause your family to break up or anything. that part is blown out of proportion. getting into an mmo is the same as being glued to the latest console game. just that this one doesn't end after 80 hours of playthrough like msot rpg's. :p

anyway. it's fun if your into mmo's and if you've never tried one there's always a free 14 days to try it out for only 2 dollars. either that or a ton of badly translated malaysian mmo's. :p

i have about 5 or 6 months now i think. and so far i have 20 characters, 2 lvl 45's, a lvl 31, a lvl 30, 2 lvl 20's, a few lvl 10/11/12 and a buch of lvl 1's i plan to play with one day in the near future in my attempt to have one character of every RACE and 3 versions of every class. :D i'm almost there. i just need like 7 more to go and i'll have everything. lol

then i will know everything of every class and every spec ever! :p

btw. yes, the game is TONS more fun with at least ONE OTHER PERSON. i got my brother into it and we just quest all day. 2 is the minimum required party for ultimate fun. soloing gets boring fast but is good for when you wanna quest and meditate at the same time like grinding while thinking about the meaning of life. :p

10-30-2007, 11:08 PM
You forgot the third time - play till 60 (or 70 now I guess and soon 80?), realize that the endgame is more of a time and money sink than gambling in Vegas and quit the game forever.

That is true, i forgot that type.

That was me with my first two 60s, actually. It wasn't until I got accepted into an awesome guild (ie, great people, not "OMG 12 RUNS A DAY" awesome) that I realised raiding and organised pvp (and now, especially, arena pvp) can be fun.

10-31-2007, 12:43 AM
i played wow, never got past lvl50
While I was looking for some WoW maps, I saw these advertisements about WoW walkthroughs where you have to order it and pay. They offer strategies to make you level up faster.

It was then I realized that WoW is one heck of a game where everyone(not only Blizzard) can make(or is making) money out of.

I thought it would be just some other mmorpg and Gamefaqs will have a lot of walkthroughs for it. When I looked at their site, I only saw a few. You have to pay for strategies and all that.

Good thing that the maps website I saw was for free. :)

Rabid Monkey
10-31-2007, 04:44 AM
I was all ready to say you'd been lost to WoW because you hadn't posted in a few days, yet here you are.

Never played it and I don't intend to. I STILL play Diablo II, and that came out how many years ago? I don't even want to know what'd happen to me if I got WoW.

J. Peterman
10-31-2007, 04:54 AM
Yui are you related to Abraham Lincoln?

10-31-2007, 04:56 AM
I was all ready to say you'd been lost to WoW because you hadn't posted in a few days, yet here you are.

Never played it and I don't intend to. I STILL play Diablo II, and that came out how many years ago? I don't even want to know what'd happen to me if I got WoW.

Haha. You'd be sucked into it, just like everyone else who played it...?

I have to admit, when I first played WoW, I played for like... hours. I wasted my weekend on WoW. After I logged off, I wanted to play more. But of course, the guilt of not having done my reader-response essay has helped me control myself.

Yui are you related to Abraham Lincoln?
nope =/

10-31-2007, 05:02 AM
btw. i just have to do this.

anyone here not care if you gave me all your gold? :D

just incase anyone here is finally over and done with it all and moving on to "better" things. i'd like the fruits of all your hard work. lol

especially any acc with a lvl 70 because i can use it to run myself through dungeons. i just login with him, then use my other pc and log in with mine, and then i run myself through some dungeon that i don't wanna bother making a party with. :D oh yes. fun. lol

J. Peterman
10-31-2007, 05:03 AM
Yui you look just like a young Abraham Lincoln wife.

That was why I was asking.

Okay I don't know how you look like and just asked for no reason.

Tact you need to stop watching videos where naked anime girls have sex with wild plants that for some reason want to rape people.

10-31-2007, 05:18 AM
I do? =o

J. Peterman
10-31-2007, 05:19 AM
Um sure.

10-31-2007, 08:36 AM
Yui you look just like a young Abraham Lincoln wife.

That was why I was asking.

Okay I don't know how you look like and just asked for no reason.

Tact you need to stop watching videos where naked anime girls have sex with wild plants that for some reason want to rape people.

i tell myself the same thing everyday when i watch them. :p

J. Peterman
10-31-2007, 08:55 AM
Good to see you are at least trying props yo

Neo Xzhan
11-01-2007, 11:38 AM
WoW is only addictive if you fill the need for achievement - it consistently rewards you, giving you a huge feeling of false achievement, which is in turn addictive.

The thing is, there are two types of WoW players - you'll either get to level 30-something, get bored, and never touch it again, or you'll keep playing through to 70 and be hooked for life. Even if you quit for nearly a year at a time, you'll eventually come back.

Also: it's a much, much better game to play with friends. Whether it's irl friends, or simply guild members willing to give you a hand, it makes the game a million times better.

This is not true. When I quit the game for about a year, the first expansion was released. I did have urges to pick the game up and continue, but I never did. I'm now somewhere around one year and 7 months of stopping. I am not excited about the new expasion at all, so I doubt I'll be playing WoW ever again.

11-01-2007, 08:36 PM
This is not true. When I quit the game for about a year, the first expansion was released. I did have urges to pick the game up and continue, but I never did. I'm now somewhere around one year and 7 months of stopping. I am not excited about the new expasion at all, so I doubt I'll be playing WoW ever again.

this is the type of person i'm looking for. can you pm me your acc info!! lol :D

i dont' know if you can find it within your heart..but i mostly want it so me and my sisters and brother can all play questing together like a family. ;_; you'd save me 30 bucks on the real game and all i'd need to do is just buy the 2 month card. pllleaaazee?? ;_; lol

(true story albeit overdramatized :D)

11-01-2007, 08:48 PM
lulz, WoW. I started playing it last December, hit 70 after a few months of playing, and got all into the whole endgame bullshit. My guild was pretty high up on the server (4th? 5th? Something like that) and treated the game like it was such serious fucking business and took the fun out of everything, which started some arguments, which eventually broke the guild up, all because a bunch of 25-year-old virgins couldn't have any fun in a video game. Went to a new guild, could barely clear Karazhan, and I just started putzing around on my alt instead. Then I quit. :/ I'm tempted to play it again for the sake of my alt, and I might once I get a job, but I have better things to do with my life right now.

I know I'll be reactivating my account once the expansion comes out, but that won't be for a while. I enjoy leveling, but I hate endgame. Such a waste of time, money, and for some people, emotions.

11-02-2007, 11:07 AM
lulz, WoW. I started playing it last December, hit 70 after a few months of playing, and got all into the whole endgame bullshit. My guild was pretty high up on the server (4th? 5th? Something like that) and treated the game like it was such serious fucking business and took the fun out of everything, which started some arguments, which eventually broke the guild up, all because a bunch of 25-year-old virgins couldn't have any fun in a video game. Went to a new guild, could barely clear Karazhan, and I just started putzing around on my alt instead. Then I quit. :/ I'm tempted to play it again for the sake of my alt, and I might once I get a job, but I have better things to do with my life right now.

I know I'll be reactivating my account once the expansion comes out, but that won't be for a while. I enjoy leveling, but I hate endgame. Such a waste of time, money, and for some people, emotions.

I have to agree with you that some people take endgame waaay too seriously. I'm lucky enough not to have reached the level cap yet, but I'm in a terrific guild, and when I reach 70 (or 80, the expansion might be out before I get to 70 =/) I'm positive I'll have fun raiding with these guys.

11-02-2007, 02:48 PM
I did end game quite a bit pre-BC with my guild, and had a blast. There were moments when healers got bitched out by one raid leader, and that took the fun out of it, but I made good friends with some of my guildies and conquering new content with them made it worthwhile. So I'm a bit of a raid junkie now, and can't really play any other MMOs because raiding has always been what was most fun for me, and I don't have the time to dedicate to it anymore.

I played a couple hours on BC when Blizzard sent me a free trial/download, until I got chased around and hit on by someone in the Belf starting lands (this never happened with my night elf before ?_?). My guild reformed a few months ago, and I really wanted to get back together with them, but just didn't have the time or motivation to dedicate myself to them, so I never got around to it.

11-04-2007, 01:03 AM
Any MMORPG is addicting because like Raidenex says, the false sense of achievement is addicting. In my experience, tho, is that you will get snapped out of it if another MMORPG comes along and tries to suck you into it instead.

The thing is this: the further you get into the game, the more addicted you get into it. The thing here is to take things in moderation and realize that it's just a game. You can call off things for the next day if you feel that you cannot go on.

You know, taht's why I preferr games were you have to work hard to achieve anything, but they're really hard to come by.

11-06-2007, 07:37 AM
As the title of this thread suggests, WoW is a heartless whore that will initially suck up all your money, and then, your soul.

So I've heard...

My older brother once knew a guy whom was on a variety of drugs; who had then went cold turkey because his newfound addiction was... You guessed it. WoW.

I didn't believe that was possible because of the physical effects, but apparently, due to him being too busy on that game to do anything else, it happened.

The moral of the story is: Refrain from playing unless you are trying to quit drugs.

On a more serious note, rather than having it as the focus of your life, just treat it as a casual pastime, and realize that all your effort is worthless in the end. I'm well aware it's easier said than done, and as far as this game is concerned, I'm only a practitioner of the former.

As for why I've never been into it, it simply never caught my interest.

11-07-2007, 06:59 AM
As the title of this thread suggests, WoW is a heartless whore that will initially suck up all your money, and then, your soul.

Well, I heard some people play it for free.

The play on illegal, private servers! =O

11-07-2007, 03:58 PM
If $40 once and $12-$15 a month thereafter is sucking away your money, maybe you should find a new job/ask for more allowance. You can hardly see a movie at the theatre for under $10, and if you get snacks there, you're well over $15. Of course, I'd love to play WoW and other MMOs freeof charge, but I hardly think $15/month is that bad, considering you have access to it nearly 24 hours a dy for the entire month.

11-07-2007, 08:09 PM
agreeing with cassie. besides, if it's really that much, just stop buying food. who needs food anyway. pfft. plus if your fat like me, think of it as a diet. the WoW diet. it works! :p

oh great. now it sounds like i'm being sarcastic but cassie is right though. if you do those things often you spend way more "living life" than paying for wow.

11-07-2007, 11:05 PM
Evidently, some of you took a fragment of the introduction of my post, the blown out of proportion analogy between WoW and a whore, a tad too literally.

11-08-2007, 11:45 PM
and now i'm going to take the word "whore" from you last post and demand someone send me one.

11-09-2007, 04:59 AM
tact you need a girlfriend !

J. Peterman
11-09-2007, 05:12 AM

11-09-2007, 04:25 PM
but she's not good enuff no mores!

i need me a irl grrl

11-09-2007, 04:51 PM
i think i might start to play wow again sometime

11-09-2007, 08:34 PM
WoW is boring.

I 2nd that

J. Peterman
11-09-2007, 09:36 PM
tact irl r scared that u want them to be raped by plants


b/c if they like it that means they are perverts

jewess crabcake
11-09-2007, 09:50 PM
irl girlfriends are too much trouble, and whether it's more rewarding then troubling... is debatable.

As far as hentai girlfriends are concerned maybe you can get a nice quiet relationship... but then they ask for your membership fee:P
