04-14-2002, 07:50 PM
What do you peaple prefer the the high powered airships like Ragnorak and highwind or the old airships with propellers. Which airships do you like?

Rabid Monkey
04-14-2002, 08:19 PM
Personally I thought the Big Whale was pretty impressive when I first used it...

04-14-2002, 08:22 PM
Between these FF's, I liked:

7-The highwind, of course

8-Flying Balamb Garden...why can't all colleges fly?

9- The Tantalus airship, of course. Most awesome!

All we have is cars that polute...whata jip.

04-15-2002, 10:30 AM
The highwind was the best imo, Ragnarok is also cool, but a tad bit futuristic although it is Esthar technology after all. The Falcon from FF6 is too small and nothing like the blackjack which is bigger inside thus better xD
The highwind still rules though in the end ^_^;;;

04-15-2002, 12:45 PM
the highwind is my favorite i like older ships good for killing people at night without being heard

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-15-2002, 06:51 PM
I would like to have the looks of the Highwind, but have the speed of the airships in Final Fantasy VI.

Rydia's Lover 1982
04-17-2002, 06:08 PM
I definitely liked the way the Invincible looked.

04-17-2002, 07:41 PM
invincable has protoss written all over it watch the StarCraft intro but damn I like that ship plus it's weapon is impressive

04-17-2002, 07:55 PM
I prefer the old school airships, but the highwind is still the coolest. The theme was the best, daaa-da-da-daaa da-da-daaa-da-daaaa.... :D

04-21-2002, 07:32 AM
I have only played FF7 and 8 since those are the only ones on PC, the Highwind was definitely likeable.

Neo Xzhan
04-21-2002, 11:06 PM
I liked the Highwind of FF7 the best especially in the final FMV sequence when it transforms into somekind of jet. And the Highwind tune is simply the best.

04-22-2002, 11:09 AM
I like the Highwind cause it's quick. Unlike the Ragnorok that is slow.

04-22-2002, 03:20 PM
Highwind rocks, but I think that Hilda Guarde 3 looks coolest, especially in the FMVs. The airship in 10 was cool too, all high tech and stuff, much better than Ragnarok from 8 too.

04-23-2002, 02:24 AM
Ragnarock was the best! Who wouldnt want to fly in a mechanical looking Dragon and has claws for grips and plasma guns on it making things look like swiss cheese when it connects with the target O_O.

04-23-2002, 04:54 AM
The Highwind was the best hands down, very cool, not confusing, nice design, very fast and effective..

04-23-2002, 12:30 PM
I luv the Ragnorak cos it seems to go soooo fast and the music for it is ruley ^_^.

Neo Xzhan
04-23-2002, 12:33 PM
The only good thing about the Ragnorok is that it can land anywhere. That makes it a disadvantage cuz if the Highwind could land anywhere u could easily get the KOTR summon.

04-23-2002, 04:20 PM
I thought ragnarok was pretty cool:D

04-23-2002, 04:23 PM
I didn't like the ragnarok. My favorite was the blackjack in FFVI. I loved it's music, and the inside was sweet.

04-23-2002, 04:50 PM
Id forgotten about the Blackjack !!! the inside was aweomse, but u didnt have to do a lot of walkin to get about in it....

04-23-2002, 07:25 PM
To me, it's a toss between the Hilda Garde 3 and Invincible from FFIX, and the Enterprise from FFIV (rememeber that?). The good thing about the Enterprise, was that it had a hovercraft attached to it, which was a damn sight faster than walking, and could even go across shallow water! If there was somewhere you had to go out of range of the Enterprise, all you had to do was land, and then sit back on board the hovercraft and enjoy the scenery wizzing by. The Hilda Garde 3 is cool too; it's fast, and I love anything powered by steam. However, I think the Invincible wins hands down. After all, how can you possibly fault an airship that is powered by the souls of the people slayed by it's light?

Quote: "The room was terrible. Also that thing crying 'kupo, kupo' in the corner kept me awake all night. Throw it out ASAP, or I'm never coming back." Lani's comments in the guestbook in the Lindblum Hotel, FFIX.

Quote: "You make me sick. Next time you want to play the hero, don't even bother calling me." Amarant, FFIX.

Quote: "C'mon princess, let's ditch 'Sir Rustalot' here and get out of here!" Zidane, FFIX.

Quote: "Burmecia, Cleyra, Lindblum, and now Alexandria. Kuja has vanquished all four nations. Just what is he trying to accomplish?" Freya, FFIX.

Divine Strike
04-30-2002, 04:57 AM
I like the older looking ships

My favorite were the Highwind and the Invincible.
My reason for liking the Highwind: You don't need one

My reason for liking the Invincible: It could land anywhere and Its weapon is badass, when I first saw it Obliterate alexander, I was thinking in my head, "damn, just damn" I mean there was just no other way to describe it.

05-01-2002, 08:10 PM
I love the Ragnarok, Highwind was ok too. My fav of all was the Falcon from FF6.

05-02-2002, 07:41 PM
well i liked the invincible.

Angel Aeris
05-02-2002, 08:11 PM
Personally, I thought the cargo ship in FF9 (After they leave from Dali) looked pretty. It's one of my fav FMVs. I would have wanted to ride in it more longer.

But other than that, I liked Highwind and Falcon. They both really gave me a feeling 'now I'm really going to save the world.' Ragnakok's theme music always gets me to a good mood though. Same for the Hilda Garde 3. But I didn't get the same feeling in them I got in Highwind and Falcon. For some reason, I didn't really like Invicible.

05-06-2002, 04:19 AM
Final FantasyIX airship is the Best and the biggest. FFIX airship was almost bigger then the town I live in.

I might go on EBay and try to find me one (LOL)

the one
05-07-2002, 06:08 PM
well i thought the highwind in ff7 was the best ship in any ff game also ragnarok but i do REALLY like the old ships and medeevil type stuff so it a bit of a mix