04-14-2002, 03:45 PM
This is a question to everyone. If you can change one thing about FF or a specific FF game what would it be?

04-14-2002, 05:08 PM
How about teaming up online and trading items, magics and summons:rolleyes:

04-14-2002, 05:14 PM
names that are easier to pronounce.

04-14-2002, 05:17 PM
Yeah I know what you mean, quezacockle quezabluebottle or whatever his name is:D

Rabid Monkey
04-14-2002, 05:35 PM
I would change FFVIII around so that it didn't suck. For example, make it so enemies DIDN'T go along with your level...made the game WAY too simple...

Make it so it doesn't take 10 hours to get magic out of enemies...

Come up with a better excuse for them not remembering each other that 'The GF's did it!' OR make it so they never actually grew up with each other to begin with...

Make Squall not so...moronic...

Actually hear interesting conversations rather than how much Zell likes hot dogs...

Make the card game worth something more than just a simple side-game with no actual use...

Not have the whole 'salary' way of getting money...was a nice experiment by Square, but rather dumb...

Just stuff like that...

04-14-2002, 06:49 PM
Hmm... I would like to see more Mini-Games in a Final Fantasy game. I would spend hours upon hours playing that Bike and Snowboarding game in FF7 and never get bored from it.

I would also like to see more creative weapons in FF... and maybe a Tonfa ^_^

04-14-2002, 06:58 PM
more and better mini-games and online like d2 where u can trade,duel,and fight bosses as a team

04-14-2002, 07:12 PM
I must say Vir has a good point. The junction system and draw takes to much time, and the sallery level is pretty stupid. Why can't you just get money after a fight like all the other FF games.

04-14-2002, 08:27 PM
8 was a little rather odd. But anyway, to change something...umm...only thing I can think of is-


Keep Aeris alive. Damn you Seph, you have to be a jerk, yet so cool at the same time....

Kool Ranch
04-14-2002, 08:44 PM
No random battles!!! I want it to be like Chrono Cross, where you can actually see the enemies. Also, this is a bit off topic, but I wish they'd make FF Tactics 2. Strategy RPG battles are SO much more fun than regular FF battles.

Bahamut ZERO
04-14-2002, 08:50 PM
If I could change one thing about Final Fantasy games, it would be some of the stupid names we've had for characters. Zidane Tribal. Every time I think of Zidane, I think of the French Footballer. I renamed him, although refused to use my own name (which I usually do.)

Oh, I'd also add in as many side quests as possible, and allow the player to influence the ending with their decisions, perhaps leading to two or three possible endings, such as...

****Spoiler for Final Fantasy VII players.***
> Like had the original ending, plus a second storyline, involving a subquest that'll have Aeris being revived and bring about a totally different ending?

04-14-2002, 10:23 PM
Wow Bahamut ZERO, that was deep.

The tactics 2 Idea is a good one, and having more stuff too. I dont konw how to explain very well, but like having more interaction with people than just the one same line(s) over and over again. More randomness with battles, I want to have an enemy pop out unexpectedly that whoops my ass! I want more summons, more characters, and more jobs. Ok so this would make the game come out 3 extra years later...but wouldnt it be worth it?

04-14-2002, 10:32 PM
I wish they could adapt a strategy battle sort of thingy like in FFT, I don't mean like FFVII's worthless attempt, I mean like FFT.

Rydia's Lover 1982
04-15-2002, 07:12 AM
I agree with Vir. I would put the FANTASY back into Final Fantasy VIII so it's not Final Suck VIII. Maybe I shouldn't be saying anything since I didn't play very much of it because I got bored of it very quickly. When Final Fantasy IX came around, I was addicted to it until the very end - maybe the reason I slacked off so much on my senior year.

04-15-2002, 07:19 AM
Another change that I would kinda like is a battle system similar to Suikoden. You have all 6 characters out in the field, when your turn comes up, you input the data and fight commands for everyone THEN they fight. And maybe Duo attacks... those are always nice.

A point and click world map system would be nice too.

04-15-2002, 02:30 PM
call me stupid but FF9 was missing something like a character from the future or from earth or something like that plus I would really alter the ending from good to realllly bad as in globle warfare from a force of unknown origan and highly advanced weaponry would the Gaian's stand a chance not likely

04-15-2002, 05:41 PM
I like how they are

04-15-2002, 06:12 PM
bring back the old batllesystem and vir summarized everything i wanted to say perfectly:D

Rabid Monkey
04-15-2002, 06:56 PM
Now for my qualms with FFIX...

It was a good game overall and I loved how they made it so each person had their own set of unique abilities and how everyone couldn't get every skill or spell. However, one thing bugs me...

How the HELL is Necron?!! He came out of nowhere! See, square knows all too well that having Kuja as the final boss would have been predictable, but in this case predictable would have worked. However, instead of going with that they decided they needed something more and added in a character that had NOTHING to do with the game up to that point...making it quite dumb... I honestly believe the whole Necron THING is why a lot of people said FFIX is missing something. Its not missing something, it just took a wrong turn right at the end making it lose some of the story, and in turn making to seem as though it was missing something.

So, I would just get rid of Necron and make Kuja get defeated, then fall onto the crystal or something, become all powerful, and then have the party fight him for a second time instead...

EDIT: I plan on adding in my two cents for each FF, just don't have time to do em all at yeah...