Dr Kain
10-21-2007, 03:41 AM
Hi, I'm new here, and I'm sort of new to the Final Fantasy universe. I played VII and VIII back when they first came out, but after the 4th disc to VIII (and the excrutiating final battle) back then, I totally said, "Screw this" to every game afterwards until XII came out last year. XII was down right excellent but even then, I could care less about the others until I picked up the original for the PSP the day it came out back in June. After that, I hunted down the remaining 10 games I needed, and spent the summer playing them all (except XI, which I am too scared to play). As such, I am curious as to what each of you rank each game from best to worst. Here is my list:

1. XII
2. VI
3. VII or IX (am not sure which I like more)
5. IV
6. II
7. I
9. X
10. III
11. V

jewess crabcake
10-21-2007, 04:01 AM
V worst, now I know your drunk. VII and IX equal utter nonsense. XII as best, noway in hell. X and VIII ranked so low, your personal opinions suck.

10-21-2007, 04:54 AM
1.) VIII
2.) VI
3.) IX
4.) VII
5.) XII
6.) I
7.) III
8.) V
9.) XI
10.) X
11.) IV
12.) II

My opinion on the job games has changed, so they are higher than you would have predicted if you have been following my career here at Shrine.

My memories of XI are rather fond. I know it isn't the greatest MMO going, but I had a blast.

Dr Kain
10-21-2007, 05:25 AM
V worst, now I know your drunk. VII and IX equal utter nonsense. XII as best, noway in hell. X and VIII ranked so low, your personal opinions suck.

I found V to be lame and boring with a rediculous final boss. I did not care for any of the characters and wish they would all just die.

XII is the best as it is the only game I have ever played for more than 70 hours, let alone 116. There were no more random battles, you could see everything on the field, fight in whatever area you wanted to (Giza Plains and Zanghals were awesome), and the Judges were down right amazing. Everything about that game was brilliant except for the way the Espers played. They sucked. Very awesome designs (and Mateus is hot), but piss poorly done.

What is wrong with VII and IX being equal? IX had a very satisfying story that made sense and had great depth to the characters. Plus Kuja and Garland were awesome and both had kick ass themes. VII is just as fun, but the plot is quite incoherent and the ending is very lackluster. And then they had to continue on by making a movie that had an even more plot that was both pointless and made no sense at all. Granted, the movie was visually stunning, and the music is wonderful, but other than having the final fight with Sephiroth, the movie was meh.

X is ranked low due to the piss poor character designs. I won't even say what I think about Wakka and Tidus. The story took 20 hours to get interesting (it was not until you found out the truth about the Yevon that it got good), and most of the characters were unlikable (I really only cared for Lulu and Rikku). Oh, and Blitzball is the worst idea ever.

As for VIII, the only reason it is low is because of the crappy love story and the final boss battle. A battle that takes close to 2 hours is beyond rediculous.

Knegative, my issue with XI is that it is an MMO. I just don't like the idea of having to rely on other real people to help me through the game, especially when that person can just screw you over if they so choose to do so. That is the reason I have never touched any MMO.

10-21-2007, 06:40 AM
Just as in life itself, I have no problem relying on others and having them rely on me. Sometimes people do drop the ball or deliberately screw you over--that's life. I think MMOs are certainly an interesting sub-genre(?) worth exploring.

If they aren't your thing, though, they aren't your thing, and that's cool.

10-21-2007, 09:14 AM
As such thread topics are purely subjective, this is, as they say, entirely my own opinion. I don't expect others to share my choices, but I do at least wish people to respect them, even if they may not agree with it.

Anyway, after much consideration, without further delay (in order of preference):

2. FFXI: Online
4. FF Tactics (PSX original, I haven't played the PSP remake)
7. FFI
11. FFV
12. FFII
13. FF Tactics Advance
14. FFX
15. FF Mystic Quest
16. FFX-2
17. FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus (yes, I know it's a spin-off, but most FF fans include it as canon. Me, I despise it, and are including it here, as it makes the repulsive FFX-2 look good by comparison)

As I said, this is purely my own opinion.

10-21-2007, 10:11 AM
I'll just list the ones I've played so far:

2: FFX
5: FFX-2

jewess crabcake
10-21-2007, 01:20 PM
I found V to be lame and boring with a rediculous final boss. I did not care for any of the characters and wish they would all just die.

XII is the best as it is the only game I have ever played for more than 70 hours, let alone 116. There were no more random battles, you could see everything on the field, fight in whatever area you wanted to (Giza Plains and Zanghals were awesome), and the Judges were down right amazing. Everything about that game was brilliant except for the way the Espers played. They sucked. Very awesome designs (and Mateus is hot), but piss poorly done.

What is wrong with VII and IX being equal? IX had a very satisfying story that made sense and had great depth to the characters. Plus Kuja and Garland were awesome and both had kick ass themes. VII is just as fun, but the plot is quite incoherent and the ending is very lackluster. And then they had to continue on by making a movie that had an even more plot that was both pointless and made no sense at all. Granted, the movie was visually stunning, and the music is wonderful, but other than having the final fight with Sephiroth, the movie was meh.

X is ranked low due to the piss poor character designs. I won't even say what I think about Wakka and Tidus. The story took 20 hours to get interesting (it was not until you found out the truth about the Yevon that it got good), and most of the characters were unlikable (I really only cared for Lulu and Rikku). Oh, and Blitzball is the worst idea ever.

As for VIII, the only reason it is low is because of the crappy love story and the final boss battle. A battle that takes close to 2 hours is beyond rediculous.

Knegative, my issue with XI is that it is an MMO. I just don't like the idea of having to rely on other real people to help me through the game, especially when that person can just screw you over if they so choose to do so. That is the reason I have never touched any MMO.

V had the best battle system before the debut of FFX-2. The characters were as good as any of it's predecessors. And the finl boss was ok he wasn't awesome but the end wrapped up nicely.

XII, was just long winded. It would be good if all that long tedious work were fun, but repeatedly back-tracking was not fun. The story was omfg yawn-fest, and somewhat of a rip-off of star wars. Don't get me started on how you can attack a level 34 dinosaur by accident and die within 2 hrs of the start of the game. and there is alway one uber pwner in each map.

Regardless of how you feel about what game VII and IX will ever be equal, IX's story telling, graphics, battle system, blow VII out of the water. I don't think anyone agrees with you with that.

X was the first FF to jump out at you with emotion, When FF jumped out of the text and you could feel the emotion and the tension. The story was well executed very well, the character design was cliche but very clear.

The only reason VIII was good was the predominantly strong love story. Without the love story, it's the story of a jerk, who doesn't change and has no drive to complete the task of saving anything.

Dr Kain
10-21-2007, 01:44 PM
See, I had no problem with XII's backtracking due to having so much fun with it. The game was pure genious. As for being a Star Wars rip off, who cares, they pulled it off wonderfully. Many things copy something, but it is how you make it stand out on its own that counts. SW is pretty much just a sci-fi verison of LotR, and Lucas even stated that many years ago.

The reason I end up loving VII a lot is Sephiroth, and because it was the first RPG I ever played. I always remember getting my butt whooped in some cave (can't remember where exactly anymore) by a boss and one of my friends at school asked me, "What level are you at?" and my response was, "What do you mean by level?"

However, you have still not told me your favorites are.

10-21-2007, 10:39 PM
Hi, I'm new here,



1. FF6
2. FFTactics
3. FF4
4. FF7

and the rest have there up and downs, pros and cons.

10-22-2007, 12:39 AM
In order:


FFX just pips FFIX for me due to its breadth of character development. FFIX had good development, but I often think a couple of characters, for instance Quina or Amarant, were a little neglected. However, both had an interesting cast of characters and very good, coherent plots, as well as unbroken (albeit occasionally restrictive) gameplay. Importantly, neither of those two have any major glaring flaws of the kind that both fans and detractors of the games can agree on, which is why they stand as the best two, for me at least.

XII comes next for sheer quantity and lifespan. There is so much to do in that game it defies belief. The plot is solid and interesting, there are no glaring holes, and the characters (bar one or two exceptions) develop well and all have a reason to travel together.

Granted, there are quite a few annoying/abusable gameplay issues, such as the LP issue, but these aside, it's a solid effort.

X-2 comes fourth for me. I thoroughly enjoyed some parts of it, the battle system was (and remains) the most fun and complete system Square has ever produced, and I liked the non-linearity of the plot. However, there are three reasons why I will never consider X-2 to be as complete a game as X or IX.

Firstly, some of the optional stuff (and indeed some compulsory tasks) was either very pedestrian, repetitive, or virtually required a guide to enable you to complete them successfully. Secondly, the length of the main plot was not sufficient for a Final Fantasy game. I would guess the average playthrough to be around 30 to 40 hours, if you do a medium amount of optional stuff. Those who do everything in sight will naturally accumulate more hours than this, but those who do the bare minimum will end up with about 20. Finally, the level of difficulty for the storyline bosses was pathetic.

VI I do not remember much of, having last played it seriously about four years ago. However, it comes ahead of VII and VIII by default. I do recall some glaring gameplay flaws in VI, some of which are dreadfully abusable, which is why it ranks fairly lowly on my list. As I recall, I did like that you had such a wide choice of characters and could use any four without restriction or having to use a designated 'leader'.

VII is let down primarily by the plot holes and poor scripting. Although I think it is grossly over-criticised on this forum, it is nonetheless one of the weaker efforts in the series. It comes ahead of VIII for me though, mainly because the gameplay isn't anywhere near as broken and the character development is a lot more broad than in VIII, where you basically have two characters who develop (one of which does so horrendously) and four supporting characters who get little to no attention and generally don't have great reasons to be around. VIII's aforementioned broken gameplay is its biggest flaw. When you can get 3000 HP at Level 8 something is badly wrong.

10-23-2007, 01:50 AM
why the fuck is 8 on the bottom

Dr Kain
10-23-2007, 05:44 AM
Because VIII is probably his least favorite.

Wow, you guys are worst than the people at GameFAGs. I think I'm going to exit this board and never come back. In another topic one poster said everyone here is mature, but the way everyone treats each other makes me think most here are in the first grade.

Hex Omega
10-23-2007, 07:51 AM
What is wrong with VII and IX being equal? IX had a very satisfying story that made sense and had great depth to the characters. Plus Kuja and Garland were awesome and both had kick ass themes. VII is just as fun, but the plot is quite incoherent and the ending is very lackluster. And then they had to continue on by making a movie that had an even more plot that was both pointless and made no sense at all. Granted, the movie was visually stunning, and the music is wonderful, but other than having the final fight with Sephiroth, the movie was meh.

Wait, you put the games on equal footing, yet you praised FFIX, and condemmed FFVII in the same paragraph.....????

As for VIII, the only reason it is low is because of the crappy love story and the final boss battle. A battle that takes close to 2 hours is beyond rediculous.

Um, what? That battle takes 20 minutes, max, if you're anywhere near competent.

Also, it's spelt 'ridiculous'.

Wow, you guys are worst than the people at GameFAGs. I think I'm going to exit this board and never come back. In another topic one poster said everyone here is mature, but the way everyone treats each other makes me think most here are in the first grade.

You know, ranting and crying when people happen to disagree with you doesn't cast you in a very good light.

10-23-2007, 08:13 AM
Also, it's spelt 'ridicolous'.
No it isn't.

My opinions on these games have changed somewhat since the last time someone made a thread like this and will more then likely change once again in the future but for now this is what I've come up with:

1. Final Fantasy Tactics
2. Final Fantasy VI
3. Final Fantasy IV
4. Final Fantasy IX
5. Final Fantasy III
6. Final Fantasy XII
7. Final Fantasy VII
8. Final Fantasy X
9. Final Fantasy V
10. Final Fantasy VIII
11. Final Fantasy X-2
12. Final Fantasy I
13. Final Fantasy II

This is only out of the games I've played enough of to form an opinion on, incidentally. Thus why I didn't bother with XI, Tactics Advance and a variety of other spin offs I'll probably never bother to play. I might edit this later and go into more detail but I'm not sure I can be bothered.

EDIT: Changed my mind on FFXII.

Hex Omega
10-23-2007, 08:33 AM
its early in the morning, k.

10-23-2007, 01:26 PM
why the fuck is 8 on the bottom

I gave valid reasons in my post. If you wish to debate them, go ahead.

10-23-2007, 01:42 PM
Also, it's spelt 'ridicolous'.

No it isn't.

hahahaha best exchange ever.

Also, agreeing on 8 being the worst of them all. No seriously, Renzokuken? More like god mode.

10-23-2007, 03:54 PM
1.) VIII
2.) VI

Knegative, I'd really like to debate with you your decision to put those two at the top of your list. They're probably the worst offenders for broken gameplay in the series. VIII's plot and characters are pretty poor too, and unless VI had some phenomenal character development in the last 1/32nd of the game that I didn't manage to complete, I don't believe it was that brilliant either.

10-23-2007, 04:01 PM
The title of the thread is "Rank each game from your best to worst." If we were going to discuss actual gaming merits--as opposed to favorites--it becomes a whole 'nother ball game.

10-23-2007, 04:10 PM
The title of the thread is "Rank each game from your best to worst." If we were going to discuss actual gaming merits--as opposed to favorites--it becomes a whole 'nother ball game.

Fair enough. I got the impression it was more of a debate thread, personally.

But if not a debate on the subject, I'd still like to know why you like VIII and VI.

10-23-2007, 04:24 PM
Okay, maybe it isn't completely different. Here is my entry in the "best RPG ever played" thread that I'll let stand for my preference of VI:

(checks to see if Prak is going to swoop in to turn this back into a 'these aren't RPGs' thread).

I have to go with Final Fantasy VI. It has a large, well balanced cast of characters. The game is equivalent to an ensemble cast movie and requires a delicate balancing of the backstories of all the characters with the limited time they are allowed for each. I think they did it magnificently. These characters were not formed on the day you start a new game, they have engaging and worthwile backstories that make you love or hate each and every one of them (save Gogo and Umaro, but you get the idea).

Each character has a reason for resisting the empire and, therefore, joining the party. The graphics are the best in any sprite-based game I have ever seen and the environments are large, detailed, and engrossing.

The contrast between the World of Balance, and the World of Ruin is beautiful. I actually feel sad to see the world be ripped apart and feel desperate and desolate when you have to begin all over again. You have to reunite the last sparks of the hope in the world and make one last hail-mary assault.

The music is instantly memorable and ranges from ecstatic (Johnny C Bad) to tranquil (Kids Run Through the City) to everywhere else on the emotional spectrum. It isn't my personal favorite, but it is the best I've played. Xenogears comes close, so very close, but ultimately falls short, IMO.

VIII, on the other hand, I am willing to admit has some serious storytelling and gameplay issues. I'm an emo kid, what can I say. I'm a sucker for Squall and Rinoa, 'even if you became the enemy of the world, I'd still be your knight,' and all that jazz :p

10-23-2007, 04:42 PM
Well VI is the one where my knowledge is lacking a little. I have a few criticisms of it, but I'll take the word of someone who knows more than I do. Though when that person sticks FFVIII at the top of their list it's not so easy. ;)

10-23-2007, 04:51 PM
Out of the ones I've played:

V *
VI *

(*- Couldn't decide so I'll count those two as equals).

10-23-2007, 05:11 PM
Wow, you guys are worst than the people at GameFAGs. I think I'm going to exit this board and never come back. In another topic one poster said everyone here is mature, but the way everyone treats each other makes me think most here are in the first grade.

See Ya Faggot!

10-23-2007, 05:42 PM
Well VI is the one where my knowledge is lacking a little. I have a few criticisms of it, but I'll take the word of someone who knows more than I do. Though when that person sticks FFVIII at the top of their list it's not so easy. ;)

Haha, fair enough :) I've played VI more times than I count (without thinking very hard, and just to use a cliched statement :p). In the long run--across my video gaming life--I can easily see VI retaking the top spot. This emo phase can't last forever, and VI has meant so much to me across many different phases of my life.

Trance Moogle
10-23-2007, 07:49 PM
Well, from what i've played here is my list:

1. Final Fantasy IX
2. Final Fantasy V
3. Tie between Final Fantasy IV and VI
4. Final Fantasy VIII
5. Final Fantasy XII
6. Tie between Final Fantasy I and III
7. Final Fantasy VII
8. Final Fantasy II

Dr Kain
10-23-2007, 11:00 PM
Wait, you put the games on equal footing, yet you praised FFIX, and condemmed FFVII in the same paragraph.....????

Because I thought he was praising VII like most people do.

Um, what? That battle takes 20 minutes, max, if you're anywhere near competent.

Okay, tell that to Quistis, Zell, and Rinoa who were stuck fighting her with no GFs and lost all of their magic until part 4 when I finally died and Squall came in (as my last character left) who killed her in 2 LBs.

Also, it's spelt 'ridiculous'

I didn't know this was English Class. My bad. Next time I'll be more careful to take the time needed to spelt (:-D) my wards write.

You know, ranting and crying when people happen to disagree with you doesn't cast you in a very good light.

Disagreeing is one thing, but flaming people for their own opinion is another, especially when it seems to be half of the users in this topic.

11-15-2007, 05:57 AM
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

Since it's not listed can we all agree it's the worst game ever to carry the title?

11-16-2007, 11:41 AM
Hmm, FF Legend isn't named on here, any of them.

11-16-2007, 12:53 PM
This is my own personal list:

1. Final Fantasy IX
2. Final Fantasy VI
3. Can't decide between Final Fantasy IV and X
4. Final Fantasy XII
5. Final Fantasy V
6. Final Fantasy III
7. Final Fantasy VII
8. Final Fantasy II

11-24-2007, 06:58 PM
2. FFX
7. FFV

11-25-2007, 05:43 AM
Because my little sister is playing WiiSports and I've no desire to join her...

1. X-2
2. IX
3. VI
4. Tactics
5. V
6. I
7. IV
8. X
9. VII
10. VIII

I haven't played II, III, XI, or XII, so naturally, I can't "rank" them.

My opinions on VII and VIII are well-known; if you wish to discuss VIII with me, check out the VIII forum's "stand/fall" thread. As for the top of the list, X-2's gameplay is simply miles ahead of all the others, the dressphere system being particularly genius. IX just edges VI out in my book; I probably wouldn't argue much if you disagreed there. Tactics and V's job systems are brilliant, too.

12-03-2008, 09:49 PM
Is there a problem in reviving such and old thread? I hope not. >:

2. IV (DS remake - can't stand the original version, even though it is the FF I played the most)
3. XII
4. VII
5. IX
6. X
7. VI

Never really played I or II, never played XI or X-2 at all, played III and V for just a few hours. Out of the rank, the only one I didn't finish is IX ):

12-03-2008, 09:57 PM
1.) VIII
2.) VI
3.) IX
4.) VII
5.) XII
6.) I
7.) III
8.) V
9.) XI
10.) X
11.) IV
12.) II

My opinion on the job games has changed, so they are higher than you would have predicted if you have been following my career here at Shrine.

My memories of XI are rather fond. I know it isn't the greatest MMO going, but I had a blast.

OMG, Embarassing :o

1.) VI
2.) IX
3.) I
Something Something Something
9.) X
10.) II

That's better~:-*

12-03-2008, 10:48 PM
1- VI
2- XII
3- IV
4- IX
6- VII
7- X-2
8- V
9- X
10- III
11- I
12- II

12-04-2008, 07:50 PM
I guess reviving this is OK, seeing as something constructive was posted and it gave us the opportunity for some nostalgic looking back at our previous opinions.

My views are basically the same as before, though I'm tending more towards FFIX as the best of the ones I've played now.

fastidious percolator
12-04-2008, 08:49 PM
My favourites always alter a little bit here and there annually. :p

1.) IX
2.) VI
3.) V
4.) X
5.) VII
6.) III
7.) VIII
8.) XII
9.) IV
10.) I
11.) X-2
12.) II

12-06-2008, 05:06 PM
1. IX
2. X
3. VII
4. XII
5. III

For my top five. I can't be bothered to them all.

Knight From Beyond
12-13-2008, 06:23 AM
1. V
2. IX
3. VI
4. IV
5. II
6. VII
7. X
9. XII

Haven't played FFIII or FFXI so they're obviously not there.

12-14-2008, 05:13 AM
2. X
3. X-2
4. VII
5. XII
6. VI
7. IX

Lady Elven Archer
12-20-2008, 05:34 PM
Well, here's my list:

1. FFX

01-02-2009, 07:25 AM
It's funny me and my brother have this disscussion regularly. Being six years younger I tend to put the newer games toward the top. Anyway.

FFTactics (PSX original)
Tactics the remake for the Advance(My god was that awful)

VII and VIII aren't bad, I just play them less than the others.

01-22-2009, 02:15 AM
1) VIII - Gameplay experience I enjoyed the most.
2) X - I found it to be the most well-rounded.
3) IV - I think this had my favorite cast altogether, and admittedly I enjoyed the (comical) scenes where someone would sacrifice himself.
4) X-2 - Say what you want, but its overall feel and approach were refreshing to me.

It's murky after these.